"The Princess of Swords represents the earthy part of Air, the fixation of the volatile. She brings about the materialization of Idea. She represents the influence of Heaven upon Earth...."
"...She is firm and aggressive, with great practical wisdom and subtlety in material things. She shews great cleverness and dexterity in the management of practical affairs, especially where they are of a controversial nature. She is very adroit in the settlement of controversies." - The Book of Thoth
There is a wind that blows from the south. A hot, dry wind that pushes ahead of itself clouds of sand and dust. It presses forward relentlessly, reshaping the desert and slowly fashioning the rocks, before exhausting itself and dissolving in the Great Eastern Desert Basin.
Situated where they are on the edge of this system the settlements of Al Raqis and Splintered Rock are spared the worst of this punishment. The chain of mountains flanking the Wadi Emet are our salvation.
There are days however when the wind will not be denied. On those days, sandstorms descend upon Al Raqis bringing all sensible business to a standstill.
But on gentler days - such as today - it trickles into the settlements. A spray of sand spreading a thin carpet upon the flagstones, catching the prints of one's boots as one crosses the square, only to brush them away with the next breath.
I was making my way across the plaza from the public vaporator and harvester, when I happened upon Consulari Jai Raghilda, representative of the Zenobian government on Al Raqis. The lower part of her face wrapped to protect her from the elements. Recognizable by her height and characteristic crimson cloak.
"Consulari Raghilda," I greeted her pleasantly.

"Major, Greetings." She removed her face covering to talk.
"You are looking well," I added cheerfully.
"Thank you," she replied, "Good thoughts, clean living. LOTS of moisturizer."
"Indeed," I acknowledged, "the air here is remarkably dry."
"Like living mummification," she agreed.
"Did you have time to discuss any security concerns?" I asked.
Her time was short, and the Consulari was concerned that she could be called away at any moment. So we launched into the agenda with deliberate speed.
"Mercedes showed up on the security monitor just now," she began. "Well, since yesterday..."
"Really," I asked, "Here in Al Raqis?"
"Yes," she replied, "And she has a ship parked in Eavesdown..."
I considered this information.
"...and she has been seen in Hale," added the Consulari.
"Perhaps Umbrella is again expanding its business..." I suggested. It was a legitimate corporation after all.
"Who knows?" she replied.
"I believe Dr. Qui is still in residence here," I remarked.
"Yes, as is Mirra and Trish," she confirmed, "Mirra Zanzibar from the Bihar Museum, and TrishShar Xaris, an occasional prospector here...."
"I met Ms. Zanzibar just the other day," I interjected.
"...Lynx has his own residence here in the under village."
I smiled, "Oh splendid. I must see him while I am in town."
"Ah, nice. I had tea with Mirra and Trish. They showed me some cards they are trying to track down."
"Cards?" I asked.

"Evidently the first tarot deck."
We were interrupted by a passerby, before I could comment.
"Greetings," he began, "Can you tell me how one might get to highpoint?"
The Consulari replied politely, "Go to the landing bay up the stairs here to your left. There is a shuttle every two minutes."
"Thank you," replied the stranger, "Good day."
I smiled pleasantly until he was on his way, then I asked my question, "Tarot, you say?"
"Yes, 16th century." answered the Consulari, "I don't think that is a local matter."
"The Visconti Sforza deck?"
"That's the one. Two actually," she replied. "Have you see the door they delivered?"
"No, I have not seen the artifact... well, since it arrived." The Bai was working on its restoration the day I visited Bihar.
"It is up in the Keep," explained the Consulari.

"A few things you should know," she continued, "we hired a native girl to service our vaporator..."
"...and someone has been talking with HAL."
"I will have personnel arriving over the next few weeks," I informed her.
"Oh, who?" she asked.
"Security personnel in anticipation of the formal meeting with the Magistrate."
"I see," she replied, "Okay. Should we set up bunks in one of the residences?"
"That would be helpful," I admitted.
"I will talk to Zeno about it," she announced.
I nodded. She was referring to the Zenobian Manager of Estates and Properties, another Trade Association alumni.
"Not too many disturbances lately," observed the Consulari.
She continued, "I was concerned about someone talking with HAL. I will talk to Qui about moving him."
She referred to the Artificial Intelligence I spoke with in Alliance Lab 81. A copy was located here in her office on Al Raqis.
"Do we know who?" I asked.
"I don't," she replied, "Qui might. I only know because he dropped me a wave."
"I would like to meet our doctor," I admitted.
"Maybe it is safe to move HAL back to Zenobia," suggested the Consulari.
I nodded. Things had settled down at home. The partisan politics that characterized Zenobian domestic politics was currently at an ebb.
"I will suggest Qui contact the offworld warden, Rose," she added.

"How would you like the security forces represented?" I asked, "We will be committing troops from the Zenobian Division of the UAP as well as Aegis personnel."
"Goodness," she exclaimed, "how many?"
"As many as you believe necessary," I gave her a half smile, "after all you are the politician here...."
Jai Raghilda shook her head, "Still not used to thinking of myself as a politician. Have you contacted Colonel Collins or the Chief Magistrate?
"I hope to be meeting with each of them soon," I replied, "And you and I can meet again soon, at your convenience, to discuss treaty initiatives with the USD."
"I don't know his schedule," she remarked, "You should wave him and find out his schedule. You might want to speak with Manda. She had a long discussion with the Colonel about comparative internal matters."
"Excellent," I said, "I will be here a few weeks."
"OOH," she said suddenly, "almost forgot. I accidentally parachuted into their secured compound."
I was surprised, "You do get around...."
"I am proud to say I am an expert skydiver," she boasted, "I use my EVA safety tether for pinpoint accuracy. If I can get within 96 meters, I can hit the target exactly."
"Were they concerned with having a visitor....er, drop in on them?" I asked.
"Mostly just indignant," she replied.
I nodded. I'll bet.
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