"Man is condemned to be free. Condemned because he did not create himself, yet is nevertheless at liberty, and from the moment he is thrown into this world he is responsible for everything he does." Jean-Paul Sartre
"I have what you requested," began Svetlana Pleides, "although I do not see what use it will be."
We stood outside the courthouse, not far from where I had met Ceasar just one day before.
"Thank you," I said, "There are a few small steps left in the process..."
"So... my office, UAP tower or here at the courthouse?" asked Tillery.
"We can meet here," I replied, although really there were few options. The process had now taken over.

As we entered the building, Svetlana started to look a bit nervous, glancing around and holding her daughter, Anastasia, tightly. The baby began to whine.
"Uh, is there place I can... I can change her?" she asked.
"Certainly," I replied.
"Well, um, not here," said Tillery, "There's no place to change her here."
"Table... workbench...," pleaded Svetlana.
"Oh Tillery," I said, "we can find a spot...even here on the bench."
I indicated a bench at the rear of one courtroom. The law serves the people after all, and this little person needed changing.
Svetlana sat down, lay her daughter out in her lap, and began unfastening the clothes to access the diaper. Anastasia seemed happier already.
As Svetlana dug into the smaller of her two bags for a fresh diaper, she said, "In the bag...you find my suit... and my gun."
"Thank you," I replied politely.
The baby's tummy began to growl.
Svetlana murmured, "Just attend to one end..."
"Shall we head upstairs where it is more comfortable?" I suggested.
"Would be a good idea," Tillery agreed.
"Da," echoed Svetlana, "Can one of you get this? the duffle?"
"I've got it," offered Tillery.
I moved in and collected the bag. "I have it," I said. It was kind of Tillery to offer but this bag contained the murder weapon.
We made our way to the elevator and from there to the second floor. I carried the duffle bag. Svetlana cradled Ana as she walked.
"Ladies first," said Tillery.
"Please take a seat."
Svetlana plopped herself down into the chair, still holding her sleeping daughter to her breast. I sat opposite her. Tillery sat at right angle to us both.

She interrupted, "And I get immunity for everything I say today, right?"
"Yes exactly," I confirmed, "You will not be charged for any and all actions connected to the death of Dr. Wirefly."
She continued, "And if I discuss other matters today.. you cannot prosecute for that either.."
"Other matters?" I asked.
Tillery looked at Svetlana.
She explained, "I don't know what you will ask or what will come up.. I just need to make sure that anything that gets discussed today is past. I don't get in any more trouble."
I clarified, "You have been granted what is called transactional immunity - also known as 'blanket' or 'total' immunity - which completely protects you from future prosecution for crimes related to your testimony."
"Okay, that is for record. I assume the recorders are on."
"Yes," I replied. They were on long before this moment.
Svetlana Pleides nodded.

Svetlana sighed, "Well, I had a business doing small package transport. Ran into him at Trafalgar really.. I think. He did not recognize me. I look right into his eyes and he had no clue who I was."
The baby began to relax and was quiet now. She began to rub her little eyes as her eyelids got heavy.
I listened to Svetlana.
She continued, "I copy his info. He was having something delivered to his office, I am not even knowing what. Sent him a wave. It was picture of my belly, no face.. nothing to tie to me.. with note saying we should talk. I was what ? five months along at the time?"
I nodded.
"uh... what else what else..." she said to herself.
"The note," I prompted, "handwritten?"
"Was wave," she explained, "typed, electronical.. but secure worm.. you know, self erases."
Again I nodded.
"Should be no trace of the message content or picture file," she added, "Well.. except for this..."
She passed me a data crystal.
"And then what happened?" I asked, "how did he respond?"
"He set up late night meeting at his office on Gateway. He send me coordinates."
I plugged the crystal into my wrist pad to view the image.

"Just meet him in his office," he replied, "at such and such a time, he would discuss."
That answered how she knew how to find Wirefly.
"Okay," I said, "So tell me what happened when you arrived at Gateway."
"It was dark, empty. like everyone gone home or to bed. ATC was in auto, so docking was no problem. I set down in hanger deck. I went to his office.
Mebbe looked around for a bit, nobody was there.. but him..."
I listened quietly. That fit the time frame as recorded in the automated airlock time log.
"So..." She looked down at her sleeping daughter, "I go in, he asks me what I want?"
"He still didn't recognize you," I asked.
"Nyet. He hired me to get killed. He was throwing my life and any future I would have.. away... and he just..... He didn't recognize me. So.. I shot him. Three shots, two in chest, one in head. He fall backward, out of wheelchair. Yeah, I shot cripple in wheel chair. He tried to kill me first and use a friend to do it. At least, I do myself to his face!"

She continued, "And I gave him back the bullet Cody put in me...and left."
"In your deposition, you mentioned the caliber and type of shell that you used."
"Da," she replied, "I shoot him with 45 caliber frangibles.. not a whimpy 9 millimeter like he had used on me."
"And did he happen to say anything else? before the end?"
"Uh.... 'Arrgg?' I think. He had a surprised look on his face, but then most people do with bullet in skull."
I ignored the last remark. "What was the order of the shots?" I asked clinically, "chest or head first?"
"Two in chest, one in head..two in chest first. He fall backward.. then I shoot him in head."
"Okay," I said. "After you placed the 9 mm bullet on the desk then what happened?"

"Did you happen to notice what Dr. Wirefly was working on at his desk?" I asked. My last question did not relate to her crime but rather the crimes of the man she had killed. She was, after all, the last person to see him alive.
Svetlana thought for a moment, then shook her head, "I was kind of pre-occupied with my own thing..."
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