"I sall goe until a hare
Wi sorrow and such mickle care
I sall goe in the devil's name
An while I come home again." - The Fabled Hare
"Hello," I began, "Welcome to Al Raqis."
The stranger smiled innocently enough, "You have a flying machine."
I had been servicing my shuttle craft on the small landing pads close to the Zenobian compound, when the stranger had approached. She was a surprising sight. Very tall with large ears mounted on the top of her head. She had yellow facial fur and a rounded muzzle. Hypnotic eyes. A long bushy tail, and paws rather than feet completed the image.

The stranger inhaled deeply as if catching my scent as she looked me over with reddish pink eyes.
"Is this your first trip to the Mu Draconis system?" I asked, probing in my own way.
"Yes..nice..very nice," she replied. She opened her coat to reveal a number of pouches of raw spice.
"What have you there?" I asked, "Do you harvest spice?"
The stranger looked around to see if anyone was watching and she casually reached into her coat.
I tensed slightly in case she produced a weapon. She was a very large being, clearly out weighing me. A bladed weapon with such a form would cleave me in two. A gun shot at this range would kill me. If she proved to be some sort of assassin, I would have to be quick and drop from the landing pad, taking my chances with the fall and the desert below.
Instead, the stranger produced a small pouch of raw spice and offered it to me.
"May I give you some water for this?" I said in return.
She accepted the payment without a word.
"It is important to keep yourself hydrated here," I advised. I opened my canteen and took a sip of water. Already thirsty from the talk.
After a moment, I passed her my water bottle.
The stranger just grinned, her strangely hypnotic eyes never wandering, "Thank you..but I prefer my drinks a little darker. We can talk about that later though."
"Darker?" I asked, "Ah careful, alcohol will dry you out."

"So," she asked, licking her lips, "tell me about yourself. I was watching from a distance. You seem like an important person."
"Oh, I wouldn't say important," I said dismissively, "I am acting security consultant for one of the Great Houses here. I travel a great deal. And yourself?" I asked in return, "What is your trade?"
"Heh," she replied, "I was on Necronom for a bit. Things didn't go as planned. I ended up here."
"I have been there," I remarked. First, to investigate the source of the obsidian trade and then later to meet Mercedes Celestalis. It was a dangerous environment.
The stranger winced as the setting sun hit her, "The UV is brutal here. Might we go inside?"
"Yes, of course," I answered, "Come this way.
I led the way to the Manor House. It housed meeting rooms and offices of the Consulari and her staff. There was a private hanger on the roof.
"Please make yourself comfortable," I said as I removed my mask and goggles. "Would you like some wine?"

Before I could reply, I heard a voice from behind me.
We were joined by a slender woman wearing a sari. She looked vaguely familiar.
"Ah! Hello," I said.
"Am I interrupting you?" asked the newcomer.
"Not at all... please join us," I invited her, "We were just getting out of the heat."
"Even at night, the heat is oppressive here," commented the newcomer.
"Yes," I agreed. I introduced myself to them both, "I'm Major Siamendes."
"Pleased to make your acquaintance. I am Mirra Zanzibar from the Bihar Museum."
The stranger grinned, looking over Ms. Zanzibar and again inhaling deeply, "Mmm..nice..I see you both have kept yourself from darker influences."
"We've passed each other before," remarked Ms. Zanzibar.
"Oh! I believe we have met," I said with sudden recognition, "Such a long time ago. Yes, in the church in the Northern Provinces of Zenobia. I didn't recognize you at first.... I remember your skin to be blue."
"A ceremonial skin paint," explained Ms. Zanzibar.
I nodded finally understanding.

"Well, it is fortuitous to meet you here..." I began.
"I am a guest of the Embassy, museum work," she explained.
"...I need to arrange to have some antiquities authenticated. May I get either of you a drink?" I added.
"Are the antiquities here or Zenobia?" asked Ms. Zanzibar.
"They are in secure holding," I replied.
"I would appreciate some water if there is any spare. Glasse or ordinaire is fine," she said answering my question.
"Certainly. And for you....?" I asked the stranger, "I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."
The stranger stared directly into my eyes, "They call me 'Jup'. Heh..silly name isn't it?"
"Jup," I repeated, "Not silly at all..... I am called Pepper. Would you like a drink Jup?"
Mirra Zanzibar sipped the purified water, "Thank you, Major."
"You are welcome Ms. Zanzibar."
Jup licked the two bumps under her upper lip, "Yes, yes I would...It's been soo long..."
I frowned slightly. "If you are a blood drinker, the hospital is next door."
Ms. Zanzibar blinked.
Jup straighten up. "What..what would give you that idea?..I've just been so..thirsty lately."
I addressed the rabbit.
"Crimson nectar," I repeated, "Drink a little darker?... your strangely hypnotic eyes... I make my living by deduction. I am with the Special Investigations Unit with the Alliance Military."
A heartbeat.
"I can offer you wine," I added.

I poured a glass of red wine for Jup and set it on the table near her. "I am indeed," I replied.
"A military woman," remarked Jup, "It must be rough being in such a male oriented field. That can be soo brutal."
"I am acting security consultant for House Zenobia," I explained.
"Intriguing," replied the authenticator.
I addressed Jup's comment, "It's not that bad in our system. There are quite a number of women in our services." I continued, "I am hoping to contact a number of organizations while here."
"I did not know you were attached to the embassy," remarked Ms. Zanzibar, "The Bai would have contacted you about the door we delivered."
"I only just today arrived," I said, "I am also hoping to contact the Navigator's Guild while in the Mu Draconis system."
Easier said than done, as it turned out.
The rabbit sipped her wine, "Mm..lovely. A ..very good year."
"I'm glad you like it Jup," I said with a smile.
She stared into my eyes, "I never was disciplined enough to enlist. More of a night owl. A club goer."
"I went to a club once," added Ms. Zanzibar politely.
"I had an older brother in the military," I explained, "Seemed natural to follow. Ms. Zanzibar, are you staying here at the embassy?"
"Yes," she replied, "in the neighboring compound."
I nodded. The older Zenobian embassy buildings are now guest houses.
"And Jup," I asked, "are you staying on world?"
Jup took another sip of her red wine, "You will see me about. I don't sleep much anymore."
Mirra Zanzibar continued, "The Bai also came by and an eccentric professor is in residence also."
"Professor?" I asked, "Dr. Qui perhaps?"
"Dr. Qui Serendipity," she confirmed, "that was the name."
I smiled, "Ah excellent. I will have to introduce myself."
"The professor...." she said cautiously, "....has a random stream of consciousness."
I raised an eyebrow.
She elaborated, "I had difficulty discerning what subject he was referring to."

"I am no expert on spice, I am afraid," I admitted.
"The desert spice is a universal geriatric, and can extend life at great expense," said Ms. Zanzibar with some authority, "But at any dosage higher than the minimum is a lifetime commitment."
Jup leaned in closer, "Really?..At what cost?"
I suddenly noticed I was feeling rather tired. I hadn't realized the lateness of the hour.
"Oh, you will both have to excuse me," I said and I placed my glass on the low table.
"You just arrived," answered Ms. Zanzibar, "no doubt still feeling the effects of space lag."
"Indeed." I was travel weary. It must have shown.
"I mostly keep the evening and night hours here," added Ms. Zanzibar, "easier to deal with the heat."
Jup grinned, "As do I."
Mirra Zanzibar continued, "We will speak again and we can discuss what you need authenticated."
"Yes please," I replied, "And Jup, help yourself to more wine." I stood up. "Good night to you both."
"Namaste," said Ms. Zanzibar.
As I left the Manor House, they resumed their conversation. I could hear them as I passed by the window.
Jup's voice, "So..tell me more of this spice addiction."
"The desert spice has a transformational effect," replied Mirra Zanzibar, "And thus over a certain minimum there is fatal withdrawal, usually rapid aging, but mostly cellular deterioration...."
I would have liked to stay. The topic was timely, bearing relevance to the process Audrey Aurotharius had endured at the hands of her father.
But as I walked in the night air I realized how profoundly tired I felt. And when I did finally lie down on my bed, I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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