He must be off work by now.

I stopped to have a word or two to another officer working at her desk, then made my way to street level.
I smiled, "Hi Ceasar."
"Still in uniform," he observed.
"Almost always," I replied cheerfully. "I'm in town to wrap up a case," I explained, "Are you on duty?"
"No. I'm off."
"Oh, wonderful." I glanced up at the building, "So this is the Hall of Justice?"

"I can take a break. I'd like to see your office."
"Okay," he agreed, "It's off shift so not many people in town."
We entered the courthouse. Located on the city's central square, it was a modern construction. Sturdy marble columns flanked the wide entrance. Flags flapped proudly in the breeze.
"I'm sorry I had to rush out of town the last time," I apologized as we crossed the lobby. It still bothered me and I wanted to say something.
Ceasar grinned, "Don't worry about it."
We made our way to the elevator and descended one level.
"This way to the office. Over here."
He led me passed a row of desks to a good sized office situated behind a glass partition. Computer and file cabinets. A healthy amount of space. It gave the impression of practicality and efficiency. There were no personal decorations to speak of as yet.
"I'm still making it mine," he explained.
I smiled, "It's very nice."

"Yes... yes I am." I admitted.
"I know a good place," he assured me, "It's just down the street."
"Trattoria di Testarossa," announced Ceasar as we walked through the door. "Have a seat."
I looked around the restaurant. Bright. Cheerful. Informal. Light pine furniture and a vine leaf pattern on the floor. It was very pleasing. I'll bet this place was the darling of the lunch crowd.
As a matter of habit, we chose a table in the middle of the room. Between us, we had full view of the entire establishment and all possible entry points.
"Can you talk about the case?" asked Ceasar.
"In general terms," I replied, "A simple revenge killing. The suspect has agreed to an offer in exchange for testimony on someone really bad."
"The Faith case?" he ventured.
"The suspect is a survivor of Shadow," I confirmed.
"It's a miracle there's many of those."
"Yes," I agreed, "this person was on the station when it was targeted..."
Ceasar ordered a sake. "Anything for you?"
"Red wine please."
"Gods. They're lucky then."
Our drinks arrived promptly. I have no illusions. The uniform helps.
"It is my hope," I began, "that someday, after we see Faith behind bars... that we can hold truth and reconciliation hearings about what happened on Shadow...."
"Assuming people are interested in either," remarked Ceasar dryly.
"...give people a chance to speak out and start healing."

Soft warm bread. A hint of garlic butter.
My pizza was thin and crispy. Baked over a wood fire. Fresh mushrooms, sweet onion, and thin layer of tomato sauce and imported cheeses.
Ceasar's sushi was a pallet of colour. Spring like greens. Snow white rice wrapped in coal black seaweed. Bright orange and pale rose toppings.
Everything we ordered and a few extra side dishes. Little treats from the kitchen.
"Big servings here," I remarked.
"Did any of the crimes take place here?" asked Ceasar.
"Not that I am aware of so far, but there is something that you can help with."
"Sure," he replied.
"Three names were logged on the Colchester computer. A group of men had visited before we did. Can you run them through the police database?" I asked.
"Not a problem."
"Let me write them down." I wrote out the names on a page torn from my notebook and passed it to Ceasar.
He took the paper and looked it over. "I recognize one of them."
"Oh? Perfect." So quick.
"Addison. Gypsy trader," he elaborated, "I know he was on Persephone for a while, but haven't heard much since."
I nodded, "Good." A thin lead, but a lead nevertheless.
"The others look familiar," he continued, "I'll see what's on our database, though you know I only have the planetary base here."
"No idea if they were hired or following a lead of their own on a salvage."
"I think Addison does a lot on his own," he added.
I took another bite of my pizza. "This food is amazing."

"I didn't tell you," I began somewhat hesitantly, "I've sort of adopted .... a son." I tilted my head as I spoke. The words sounded so odd. "Not a son as such," I tried to clarify, "but I'm his legal guardian."
Ceasar sat in stunned silence. His face looked torn between total shock and laughing out loud.
I pressed on. "His name is Lynx. He is in his teens." I found myself poking my food a bit as I spoke. "I'm not around much for him...." I added. A flash of guilt.
Ceasar had one word. "Wow."
I smiled weakly, "Yeah...wow."
"How did you get to be his legal guardian?" he asked.
"He was shot in the back while on Persephone.... I had met him months before and we had kept in touch."
"Where is he now?"
"On Al Raqis. He is working for the Government of Zenobia there under the watchful eye of the Consulari. He should be safe there. I will introduce you."
"If I get a chance to get there," he began, "unless you had other ideas."
"I will bring him by," I promised, "He knows Tillery Woodhen as well. Lynx would love to see Tillery again I am sure."
"He knows Woodhen?" asked Ceasar. "For a teenager, he seems to have good connections."
"He has few memories," I said, "We are trying to find his real family. His mannerisms suggest he is from the Core."
"You haven't put out anything formal, have you?"
"No," I answered, "only discrete inquiries.. and nothing has panned out."
"Think he's connected with the whole Faith issue?"
"No. He has met Faith."
"Oh boy," said Ceasar.

"Pretty good. You worried about the wrong people finding him?"
"A bit," I replied, "That is why I have kept my inquiries low key."
"You... might want to see about moving him from Al Raqis. At least for a while."
"Oh? Why is that?"
"Been a while since you watched the news, hasn't it?" he asked.
"You mean that murder on the wire."
"There was a bomb threat as well," he added, "On a shuttle. Happened today."
I shook my head, "A volatile place..."
"Very." Ceasar put down his sake cup.
"Well, this was delightful," I said as I adjusted my empty plate.
"What are your plans for the rest of the evening?" he asked.
"Back to the office then sleep," I confessed. Not very exciting. "What did you have in mind?"
Ceasar smiled shyly. "Well, did I ever give you a full tour of my place?"
"No, not yet. I suppose the office can wait," I smiled warmly in return.
Ceasar signaled for the check.
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