Update: Svetlana Pleides has been in the custody of Botany Bay authorities for almost two weeks. She has made a deposition on the events of Shadow, and her dealings with Dr. Wirefly, and had a copy forwarded to my office.
I contacted her lawyer. His name was Haller. I called him from my ship.
"Hello Mr. Haller. I am Major Siamendes of the Special Investigations Unit of the Union of Allied Planets Military. I believe you are representing Svetlana Pleides."
"What is my client accused of, Major?"
I got straight to the point. "I believe she has made a deposition in the matter of Doctor Wirefly. I am authorized to offer her a deal in exchange for her testimony against William Faith."
"Am I needed now, then?" he asked, "I can hop a transport and be there in a jif."
"There will have to be an allocution of the facts, of course. Is your client available?"
"I'm just a court-appointed lawyer," he explained, "I need to contact my client."
"Of course. Perhaps we can meet for the preliminaries. Where are you located?"
"My office," he replied, "next to the Chillout Theatre."
Botany Bay Colony.
"Very good," I said. "I am on approach."
July 17 - Botany Bay
A warm breeze. The sound of the surf.
As was my usual practice, I landed my shuttle outside of the colony and walked into the settlement.
An Alliance soldier on shore leave had recently gotten himself into trouble here by shooting a deputy. I didn't need any resulting distractions, so I avoided the landing pad altogether.

"Mr. Haller?" I asked.
"Yes, Major?"
"Pleased to meet you," I said.
"And you."
We shook hands.
"I trust you have been treating my client according to local law?" he began.
Naturally, I ignored the question.
"Shall we review your client's deposition?" I asked instead.
"Please." He rummaged through his folders. "Is there a more comfortable place? This rental office is, um, lacking."
Indeed it was. Sparse and undecorated. Furniture yet to arrive.
"We could meet aboard my ship," I offered graciously. "It is in orbit."
We took my shuttle.
"Welcome aboard the 'Relentless'," I said hospitably.
Mr. Haller looked around quietly. We stood in the aft airlock, cargo bays on each side.
"This way please," I invited.
I guided Mr. Haller to the lounge pod I had attached for short range journeys to locations where I did not plan to spend any length of time on shore. It was ideal for this kind of meeting.
"Please make yourself comfortable."
"Very nice ship you have," he said politely.
"Thank you."
We settled on chairs in opposite corners along the same wall.

We were now passed the point of what I thought. However, it was best if Mr. Haller read Svetlana's words for himself.
"Do you have a copy of her deposition handy?" I asked.
"Not fully. The data transmission is garbled and slow. It is coming through."
His briefcase was fully automated. The latest in clerical tech. A paralegal in a box.
I nodded. "Of course. Even in these advanced times we are still subject to life's little obstacles."
"The laws of physics can't be changed," he agreed. "Here we go." Mr. Haller studied the readout. "Clearly a case of being in the wrong place, Major," he began.
"Oh?" I asked.
"My client asserts she had no knowledge of the intended plans for her," he stated emphatically.
Reading rapidly, he was likely referring to the first part of the deposition, where Svetlana detailed how she was hired by Wirefly for the phony training mission that resulted in Sentry's arrest.
I skipped ahead to the critical statement. "I am more concerned with ...'I shoot him 3 times with 45 caliber frangibles.. and I left that 9 they pull from my shoulder at MacLaren.'"
Mr. Haller continued reading.
I thumbed through my copy of the transcript counting pages.
"It's self-defense," he declared, "They tried to kill her. Perhaps a bit aggressive on her part, I admit."

Mr. Haller received a telecall, "Please hold, Major."
"Of course," I replied, "Take your time."
He talked softly into his hand.
"Would you like coffee brought in?" I offered.
"Please," he replied. "This is hard," he admitted, "being brought in on a case so late. My client insists it is reciprocity. I agree."
I smiled warmly, "Not to worry. It happens to us all."
My own wrist receiver buzzed softly. The ship proximity alert.
"Excuse me a moment," I asked.
"Welcome Tillery," I began standing at the airlock, "Just in time for coffee. Svetlana's lawyer is already here."
"Hello, Pepper," replied Tillery, "I heard."
"We are reviewing the deposition," I explained and I led him to the lounge. "Please go in. I will join you shortly."
The men greeted each other. I did not join them but remained in the passageway.
The port airlock sealed my guests into the lounge. With the monitors off, they could talk privately. Always negotiate in good faith.
I went to the starboard gallery to prepare coffee. No need to bother the replicant crew.

"Thank you for your patience, Major," said Mr. Haller.
I smiled, "My pleasure."
I carried in the coffee set and placed it on the low table.
"Can we put this on hold until my client is made available?" asked the lawyer, "It's patently unjust to try and continue without her."
"Let's review what we have so far," I insisted, "Coffee?"
"Please," he replied, "I think I had better have it black."
I poured coffee for my guests.
Tillery took a cup, but looked like he was trying to wish it into scotch.
"According to her deposition," I began, "Ms. Pleides admits to killing Dr. Wirefly..."
"Yes," agreed Mr. Haller, "After being quite manipulated, I must point out."
I continued undeterred. "The UAP is interested in her testimony against William Faith...in particular in his actions taken against Shadow."
"She was clearly duped," answered the lawyer, "She has no connection to Faith."
"She survived the assault on Shadow," I countered, "She was witness to the war crimes there."
"So did Mr. Woodhen here," added the lawyer, "It was a rough trap."
"She was in orbit, Pepper," interjected Tillery.
"Just as the space station itself was targeted," I pointed out. A war crime.

"She won't be extradited from Botany Bay," warned Tillery.
"Yes," insisted the lawyer, "and it is most unusual for us to proceed, I must reiterate, without my client present. I cannot make agreements for her."
I smiled patiently, "Well, first the delicate matter of extradition: As you may or may not know there has already been an incident of an Alliance soldier shooting an officer of the law on Botany Bay. Further, your own client was involved in a recent 'slave uprising'. How long do you think the administration in Botany Bay will tolerant UAP criminals gathering there before they come to us?"
"They don't consider Svet a criminal," corrected Tillery, "at least not in that way."
I shrugged, "Besides... what I am offering is a second chance for your client. You do see that?"
"I just talked with people there," he continued, "They're looking at the soldiers as the enemy."
Mr. Haller added to the discussion. "Sounds as if we have a possible diplomacy case here."
He was not wrong. This case could still get very messy if the local government was determined to get involved.
"I would hope that you consider my offer and advise your client accordingly. Immunity from prosecution and witness protection. A new identity, a new life.... please discuss it with her."
"I will," answered the lawyer, "And Major, while politics is not what I practice, out in this part of space the law is, I know, rather fluid. I'll see what I can do for you."
"Of course," I replied, "I am only here to discuss this one offer for this one case." I smiled, "Do you have any questions for me?"
"No, Major," replied Mr. Haller, "I think it's clear now. I will act speedily."
"Excellent." I rose from my seat. "Will you be travelling back to the surface of Botany Bay with Tillery?"
I looked at them both.

"Splendid," I replied.
"I have a matter to discuss with him," he added and looked hard at Tillery.
"And a reminder that we will need a full allocution from your client on the incident for this offer to be valid. Let me walk you to your shuttle."
"Tillery..." began the lawyer.
"Yes?" he replied.
"...you looked distracted."
Back in the aft airlock, Tillery had more he wanted to say.
"Just argued with the leader of Botany Bay about this," he began.
"Oh?" I replied.
"I think you've made an enemy of that moon with how you first interviewed Svet," he said pointedly.
I brushed the matter aside. "Of course. They see purple and they think we are the problem."
"The soldier who shot a deputy didn't help much," he added.
"And he should be extradited to face court marshal," I emphasized, "But guess what? No treaty!"

I laughed, "Then they can go on collecting our garbage until they realize in the end the extradition treaty benefits them, not us. No treaty just keeps our prisons empty."
"You still handled the first interview with Svet badly, Pepper. Very unlike you."
Tillery gave me a look.
"And how should I treat murderers Tillery?" I challenged.
"When they have information about genocidal maniacs? Probably a bit carefully. Which was worse, one corrupt judge or a whole world?"
I smiled in reply, "And that is why we are willing to give her immunity." Then, remembering there was a lawyer present, I added quickly, "...under the conditions we have discussed, of course."
Mr. Haller nodded.
Tillery's face remained hard. He was not happy.
"Thank you for your time gentlemen," I concluded.
Tillery wasn't finished. "Just so you know, Pepper. I'm not thrilled with Svet either."
"Thank you Tillery for saying that," I answered sincerely.
Mr. Haller was equitable. "You all have your jobs to do. The times don't make it easier."
"It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Haller," I said.
"And you, Major Siamendes. I am anxious to have this wrapped up as well."
"Splendid," I replied, "Then you will excuse me," I said to them both, "Have a pleasant flight."
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