The person on the other end of the comm took a deep breath and began, "Heard through the rumor mill you were looking for me, Pepper."
"Hello Brooke. I heard what happened at your wedding...I am so sorry..."
Sorry didn't approach the anguish I felt for her. My friend had been widowed on her wedding day. The man she had loved since the Academy had been murdered before her eyes by her new husband. That she could function at all was a miracle.
"I should have known better. Alliance just can't be trusted out here." She then stopped. "You were always trustworthy though. I heard they're holding my crewman. What do I need to do to get him back?"
I could do little or nothing but I wasn't about to tell her that over the comm. "Let's meet Brooke."
"Alright?" she said, "Where?"
"Paradiso," I replied.
"I'd like to bring my first mate along. Agreed?"
"Of course," I said, "If you feel we can speak comfortably that way...."
Brooke let out a little sigh. "I trust him. When shall we meet?"
I suggested a time.
Brooke bit her lip. "We're on our way."
Dec. 10 - Paradiso
The ground was dry and dusty. I headed for the tavern. We hadn't agreed on where exactly to meet. We hadn't needed to. The tavern was the obvious choice.
Brooke looked up as as I got closer. "Over here," she said waving.
A smallish man with her eyed the area warily. It was Dex. He must be her First Mate now. The last time I saw him, on MacLaren's Drift, he answered to Brazen. I could see no one else in the vicinity.
As I approached my eyes grew wide upon seeing Brooke's belly.
Brooke nodded towards me, "So..." she said giving her a little smile. "You have something to talk about?" She then blushed a bit. "Yes .... I'm pregnant..." she added with a sigh.
"Oh Brooke..." I didn't know what to say. How much worse could things get for her?

"Tee has other things on his mind," she said with a little smile. "Mind telling me what might be on his mind?"
I paused, looking over the premises. "If you don't mind I will not sit with my back to the door."
Brooke stood up. "Still intelligent. How about the couch?" she said motioning towards the chair.
Dex remained at his post, listening to us talk, but keeping an eye on the street. I settled on to the couch against the back wall. I now had a clear view of the door too.
Brooke just watched me. "So ... what's the Alliance up to these days, besides putting people on trial for things that they didn't do."
I sighed. Her sarcasm I would take. I was ready for that.
"Tell me what happened," I said.
"Sentry was taken by the Alliance. I saw the news report, they're blaming him for the attack at the Core." She touched her belly, "And if you want to know how this happened, you've really forgotten our talks at the Academy."
We watched as a stranger wander into the bar and looked around.
"Sentry is a bartender...that makes no sense." I spoke honestly. "Why would they arrest him?"
"You're the one with the contacts," said Brooke, "You tell me."
"...unless it has something to do with obsidian smuggling being used to finance terrorist activity in the Core," I added.
She then shook her head. "Either way, Pepper. We both know he didn't do it. And I want him back."
Dex raised an eyebrow when I mentioned obsidian.
The stranger at the bar muttered to himself "Where can I get a stiff, but solid drink?"shaking his head to loosen tension from last bounty hunt.
"They have Mikie as well. I have a feeling I know why they have her ...She's a weapon, pure and simple. They know how to set her off, all they need to do is set her off and they have their proof."
"Then maybe you can explain this...." I started.
"Explain what, Pepper?"
I handed her the photograph showing Sentry and the crates of obsidian.
The stranger at the bar seemed to be listening absentmindedly while he pulled out his personal flask.
"That's our boy there." I pointed to Sentry. "And that... that looks like Cody. I met him on the bridge at MacLaren's you recall."
Brooke frowned. "Where did you get this picture?" she said then looked up. "Sentry was sent by me. I learned about the smuggling through a contact. IF you want to arrest someone arrest me. But that would be bad PR." she added.
Brooke shook her head and continued. "They're using him Pepper. The Alliance is using him to get the people stirred up about the war."
"And I have questions too," I admitted. "Who indeed sent me this picture? What were your people doing there? Where is the obsidian?"
Dex seemed to disappear behind the rim of his hat, while the stranger reviewed the bounties posted on Personal Contract Holo.
"Well?" I asked.
Brooke answered, "I already told you they were following up a lead. And as for the obsidian, I'm afraid I don't know where it is. If I had it now, it would be destroyed. You know how I feel about drugs Pepper. Not my thing."
"I know...but it looks like your team is into something deep." I said stating how it would appear to others.
The stranger seemed to lose interest in the hologram.
"You are asking a lot of questions, and not answering many, Pepper..." Brooke said.She then frowned. "What is the Alliance planning next ... where are they holding Sentry and Mikie .. why is the Alliance interested in this drug?"
"Sentry and Mikie are being arraigned tomorrow." This much I knew for a certainty.
The Personal Contract Holo flashed with a new bounty. It caught the interest of the stranger. Suddenly he tipped his hat to us then left the tavern. Dex watched him go.
I continued. "I spoke with Sentry...they allowed me ten minutes even with my clearance."
Brooke nodded. "Pepper ... they don't deserve to die...they are already convicted..."
I did not answer at first. Then I admitted, "it looks bad."
"We both know that," she pressed. "We worked for justice .... that was what we wanted when we joined the Alliance... but that isn't what the Alliance is anymore. Or maybe it never was.. .don't you see it doesn't believe in ideals anymore.... we're talking about lives. And if you were Sentry, would you? He's scared, Pepper..."
I looked slightly away. I'm not having this conversation with you now, I thought. Not in front of the help.

Dex growled quietly to himself.
Brooke looked up her face emotional for a moment, anger, sadness all flashed through it before she shook her head, her arms crossing. "The wedding itself went perfectly every girls dream. What happened at the reception. My ex-husband... Sanders. He ... well despite the official word, he wasn't dead. He showed up. Tee ... killed him then he set off Mikie. Made her start shooting. He revealed he was an Alliance agent."
She paused. "Things went crazy from there. People were shot..."
"How many dead?" My interest was professional.
"Sanders ... We almost lost Dex and Cody..." Brooke looked at Dex with a smile. "Dex pulled through though."
I couldn't stop where my thoughts were taking me. You can't easily prosecute the shooting of a man who had already been declared legally dead. But two attempted murder charges....
Dex nodded without turning around
Brooke sighed. "Tee... well, I haven't seen him much since then.." She then touches her stomach. "But he left me with a little parting gift."
I smiled weakly, "Are you going to be okay?"
"Besides having a horrible craving for Sihnon chocolate... yes."
"Ah, we need to get you home.... or your team should start smuggling chocolate," I suggested helpfully.
Dex coughed. "Excuse me.... did we come all this way to engage in girl talk?"
I smiled despite the tragedy of the situation.
Brooke gave a little laugh. "Pepper... I want to know my man is going to be okay... what can you do? He didn't do this..."
"Okay ... I can't say what I can do for Sentry.... the orders are from "high up". If I knew how high then maybe. This picture will not help things..."
"Can you find out where those orders are coming from?"
" the more you can help me on that, the better it should be on your people anyway." I added.
"Pepper .. do you have to give them the picture ... it isn't what you think. We were trying to keep the bad guys from getting their hands on it. I think we succeeded."
"I'm not giving anyone that picture," I said, "unless I have to... but someone gave it to me..."
"Who?" she asked me.
"Who would have taken that picture?" I asked her.
Dex muttered "Valkas..."
"You know your team," I continued, "Are they all there? or do you have a traitor? And for heavens sake, I need to prove that drug was destroyed."
Brooke looked at Dex. "I have an idea... but I'd like to discuss it with my crew, first..." she said quietly." She then frowned and shook her head. "No! There is no way... well..." She then looked at Dex again. "At least not the ones closest."
"I have no interest in politics." said Dex.
"Full disclosure," I said, "What is the story on that drug shipment? Dex ... come join us." I added.
Brooke frowned. "What do I get in return?"
"In return?" I asked, "I'm not bargaining. I asking for help...and it is your team on the picture. You have the most to lose her by letting it slide."
"Of giving you the story on that drug shipment ..." She then shook her head. "Pepper... I want my man back. I need to know who has Mikie and him..."
She then stopped and frowned "Sounds like a threat." She then sighed and added, "but we are friends." She gave me a half smile.
"I'm not threatening you Brooke..." I tried to explain. "You know I can just declare Conflict of Interest and they pull me off this case ...but then they give it to another investigator who doesn't know you."
"Then I'll tell you," she replied. "My crew was told to go to that location based on a tip I was given by someone who knew Sanders before ... well what happened. The drugs were to be turned over to a cartel." She then shakes her head. "We were able to get a hold of the drug... it was ... destroyed."
Brooke looked at Dex with a meaningful glance. I watched the look.
"And can we be sure it was destroyed?" I asked.
Dex just stood there stoically, not even nodding in agreement, He appeared edgy standing with his back to the door again.
"You don't trust me?" she said with a grin. "I .. can't show you anything I'm afraid. But it's gone."
"Gone ....and if it wasn't destroyed," I said carefully."... maybe you could get it back." I watched them both.
Dex raised an eyebrow.
"No ..... there's no way to get it back from destruction, Pepper." Brooke smiled. "Don't you remember physics?"
"I'm just saying..." I continued, "I would be fine if physics wasn't involved, and it all just appeared once again then you could hand it over as evidence and everyone is happy."
She shook her head. "It's gone, Pepper. I'm sorry. But if .. I get another tip ... I could pass it on."
I shrugged. Fine. It's gone. I let it go and switched topics.
"Why was Sentry taken? any ideas?"
Brooke sighed. "Because he's liked out here. Knows people, people are willing to do what they can to get him back. Including me.... anyway. You have the contacts Pepper...I just need to know what you can find out. I've helped you out here, and I'll continue to try and help you as long as you leave my people alone."
"If your people stop handling drugs, no worries. I'll take that picture back." I held out my hand.
Brooke looked at it once then back at me. "I think it'd be best if this picture was misfiled, Pepper. You do still have that one assistant, right? The one that seems to have trouble with files... "She watches me as she handed it back. "Paperwork can be taxing."
"Hand it over Brooke. Thank you." I held the picture and looked at once again. "Tell me about the lead you got on this."
I couldn't tell her, not yet at any rate, if I maintained total control over this copy of the picture and another copy showed up somewhere else, it gave me a chance to triangulate it's point of origin.
"Why is the Alliance so interested in it? Not in their territory." She then sighed. "From a place called NVI. You should have fun there. Tentacles..."
I narrowed her eyes but smiled. One comment after a drinking binge during our days at the Academy and it haunts me for the rest of my natural life.
"What, exactly, does this have to do with Sentry and the trouble you've gotten him into?" demanded Dex.
"Because I think you are being framed," I addressed them both.
"Indeed," he replied.
I stood up as if to emphasis the point.

I nodded, "Tell me about her."
Dex answered, "I wouldn't call her a Companion. Ever another Companion would disavow her."
Brooke whispered: "I know little. She ... seems ... connected to William. "She then shakes her head at Dex. "She has many reasons to want TTW to fail." She then nods. "Just look into her ... I'm sure you'll find much. If anyone is the mole .. it's her."
"Okay...tell me ... where is William now?"
"I can honestly say I don't know," she answered.
I fingered the photo, "Either Sentry is a convenient scapegoat, or it is personal..."
"I want this child to stay with me..." she said then nodded. "It probably is personal..."
"If it is personal, and it is from high up in command...." I left the last bit unsaid.
Brooke nodded. "I understand. Thanks for the warning."
"I'll be in touch," I said, "Contact me if you think there is something else I should know. Remember I can't do anything without information."
"As much as I'd like to relive old time, Pepper. We both have what we need to do." Brooke slowly stood. "I want Sentry back," she said.
I looked at Brooke's crewman. "Dex," I said, "Just say no to drugs."
Yes, ma'am." he replied.
Brooke gave a little smile, looked at Dex then out to the nearby buildings. " Time we get back to Mac's."
"Yes, ma'am." replied Dex.
I watched as the two wandered off down the street and disappeared into the night.
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