"Good Morning Major." Captain Ranimo greeted me at the entrance to the medical bay.
"Our prisoner is resting well I see," I said pleasantly as we entered.
Captain Ranimo checked the prisoner's vitals. "Still resting," she confirmed.
It was the day after arriving on the Abraham Sinkov, and I felt much better about life. I had spent the evening surrounded other Alliance officers and the crew. It recaptured some of the atmosphere I felt when I first arrived at the Academy. A sense of being among my own.
On top of that, my medical staff had arrived this morning. Colonel Silvermane had offered no objection, if not given her an outright blessing.
I met the Doctor in the corridor.

"Ma'am, yes Ma'am." replied the Doctor as she approached me.
"Excellent, welcome aboard," I said.
"I look forward to working for your unit. I have heard about your recent work," she added.
"We have a good team," I acknowledged.
The Doctor continued, "I have long believed that the Alliance should take a more direct hand in the Rim. I agree that your methods are manpower effective, and I was pleased that you accepted my transfer."
It came at a good time I thought.
In my opinion, we could not safely extract the chip from Winterwolf's head given the limited equipment. I did not want to risk brain damage. Dr. Westminster could still perform a series of procedures however.
After we gleaned the information we needed from Dr. Westminster's examination, I could negotiate an exchange with LilyBell for information on Ardra.
Let Blue Sun remove the chip, I thought. It would save them the trouble of stealing the research later and go some distance to appearing to be good neighbors.
"Here's our new captain," I introduced the Doctor to Captain Ranimo when we returned to the medical bay.
Everyone saluted.
"Ma'am, my gear has not year arrived. I was transported as a civilian as requested."
"Very well," I said and left them to their duties.

I lingered near the medical bay until I received a communication recalling me to Zenobia. I departed immediately leaving the prisoner in the charge of Dr. Westminster.
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