I made landfall on Persephone rather than pushing straight on towards home. I had been meaning to take a look around Eavesdown Docks for some time now. It was as good a place as any for a meeting.
Like most ports there was a fair share of warehouse facilities and a number of landing pads. If the conflict on the Rim heated up any more this place could see a lot of traffic passing to and from the Core. I passed the customs house, sent two messages and went for a little walk.

"Afternoon," said the man, "Don't believe we've met."
"Hello," I replied, "This is my first time to the docks."
"Just opening a food commodities shop here at the docks," he explained, "I'm new as well."
I nodded with a pleasant smile.
"You're dressed for....??" he prompted.
"I'm sorry?" I asked. I knew what he meant.
"You had me going there for a minute. The Alliance doesn't get out here too far."
"Well, this is Persephone of course. That's our flag on the customs house." I smiled. "Are you from the Rim then?"
"You're the first for me in such a outfit, like I said new to the docks."
"Well, I likely won't be the last," I added.
"I have only seen three and you're the third," he smiled.
I chuckled.
"What brings you out to the docks?" he asked. He was still unsure of me or what I might be.
"I'm passing through actually.... just in from the Rim on my way back to the Core."
"Well," he said politely "I hope you enjoy your stay over at the docks."
"I thought it would be a good place to rest," I admitted.
"...risky business going back to the Core."
"Oh, why do you say that?" I asked.
"I guess its a personal matter, I stay far away from the Core planets. Not my cup of tea if you know what I mean."
I nodded and smiled warmly.
"I have some grapes that need harvesting," he said suddenly.
"Grapes?" I asked.

"Of course," I said, "Don't let me keep you."
"The outer rim is needful of such commodities. The core planets have EVERYTHING."
"...and people do need good trade," I completed the sentence. "May I ask where are you from if not Persephone?"
"That my friend is for another day," he answered.
"May I ask your name?"
"Johnnie Spargel.. and yours?"
"Pleased to meet you," I said.
"I'm a doctor..." he continued.
Time to let the cat out. "I'm Major Siamendes, Alliance Military."
"...of tree's and veggies." he elaborated.
"Ah, a doctor," I laughed, "Very good. Hydroponics too?"
"EXACTLY," he replied.
Mr. Spargel continued, "The soil and atmosphere are depleted of nutrients for growth of any kind..."
"In many places, yes," I acknowledged.
"Hydroponics are the only way to attempt this kind of work."
"Do you design your own equipment?" I asked.
"I've had limited...but consistent success. That is another story as well. Some is of my own making. Still other stuff is bought, bartered...or in otherwise obtained."
I nodded "Well, this is a good spot, a crossroads as it were."
"I may have said too much already...I must go..."
I'll bet I thought. "Of course," I said.
"Glad to meet with you. Good day."
"Good day to you too."
I smiled and turned away.
The sign read: Suzanne's Bath and Laundry. The building was a simple wooden affair. It faced a number of empty landing pads. Bars protected the windows. Freshly washed undergarments hung to dry and flapped in the light breeze. Two empty chairs sat inviting me to come join them on the porch.
I handed realized how tired I felt after my long journey. I sat myself down on the chair to the left as you faced the door.
Within moments, the door swung open and a woman wearing a white apron stepped out of the shop.
"Hello there," she said with a pleasant wave.
"Hello," I replied with a smile. "I was just looking for a spot to rest. Excuse me."
"Do you live here, or are you visiting?" she asked as I stood up to move on. "Oh no," she said quickly, "Have a seat. I usually sit on this side anyway."
Gratefully I returned to the chair.
"I am passing through," I replied "I am stationed elsewhere."
"Stationed. As in the military?" she asked.
"I don't see much of presence in this neighborhood."
"Ah I see," I said "There is a base nearby...I would have thought..." Clean socks make a happy soldier, after all.

No law enforcement? I thought. "Hmm ...well out on the docks I suppose"
"I expect the base has official contracts. I'm strictly freelance," she explained.
"Is there much in the way of trouble?" I wondered.
"I've only been here a couple, three weeks."
I nodded. "I suspect this place sees it's fair share of smuggling."
"It's been quiet," she said, "And I've contracted with a local gang for protection."
"A local gang? Tell me more."
"Undoubtedly, I expect that is why this slum prospers ... at least compares to other slums.... The Afterthoughts, Bernice and Crash, seem to control the area."
I nodded. "Well, I hope that things stay safe for you."
"If not them, it would be someone else with fewer manners. So it's quiet reasonable for me to deal with them."
"I thought I saw a sheriff office," I began. It was two doors over I think.
"I understand that the sheriff is on their payroll... and I have yet to see the man or woman in the flesh."
I twisted my mouth a bit and then shrugged, "Well as far as smuggling is concerned...
The woman nodded but remained silent.
"..there are the things that people need to survive and there are the things that will destroy them. I'm only concerned with the things that will hurt people." I thought I might as well state my position while I was here.
A man walked by us as we sat.
The woman shrugged giving the appearance of both attentiveness yet indifference. "There are many independent traders coming and going here, and the customs office is rather busy, I'm sure."
"I'm sure," I echoed.
"I understand that the Afterthoughts have some interest in duties and the like."
"I will have to meet them," I said.
She nodded, "I haven't met the brother Crash. Only the woman Bernice. Their office is around the corner, clearly marked."
"Well thank you," I said.
I looked up and saw Brooke approach from down the street. I smiled.
"Not at all," said Suzanne, "Can I interest you in a bath?"
"Oh, perhaps another time," I said as I stood as Brooke got closer. A bath would have been nice especially after my long journey. In another life perhaps.
As Brooke arrived, Suzanne stood and said, "Hello."
"Officer..." Brooke said giving a nod in my direction, then smiling at the other woman. "Hello there. Nice place you have here..."
"My name is Suzanne. Suzanne Starship. Stop by anytime."
"Thank you," I replied "I'm Major Siamendes."
"Major. A pleasure to meet you." said Suzanne. She turned towards Brooke, "May I help you?"
"I think I will head over to the sheriff's office and see if she is in," I said out loud.
Brooke Rhea smiled as she walked up to me. "I got a wave that you'd be here..." She gave a nod.
"Yes," I acknowledged.
"Sheriff's office?" she asked.
"Just down the way," I indicated
"Alright," said Brooke "I'll follow...I have nothing to worry about after all."
I paused, "Ms. Starship...."
Suzanne Starship nodded, "Good day, Major Siamendes."
"...thank you again."
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