Door Zero Zero opened with a quiet, "Access granted." I stepped up to the desk of the detention area and greeted to Duty Officer.
"I am Major Siamendes, Special Investigations."
"Greetings Major," he replied, "How may I assist you today?"
"I am here to question the prisoner. He is a material witness in a case."
"Do you have a Security Request Number?" he asked.
"I have clearance Omega 12."
"May I have your ID?"
I handed him my identification and pressed my thumb print on the pad in confirmation.
"And which prisoner do you need to see?"
"Swashbuckler, Sentry."

"Security is extremely tight with this Prisoner Major. Comes from High up."
"He's a troublemaker that one," I said. Well, more annoying than trouble, I thought.
"The clearance we have shows that you can only interview him here at the visitor window and only for 10 minutes."
I nodded, "Of course."
"He is one of the terrorist leaders on trial."
"Then I hope he sings quickly," I added cheerfully.
"Rules are no physical contact with the prisoner and I must observe the entire interview."
"Has he been trouble for you here?" I asked. Detention area small talk.
"I'm just advising you the rules Ma'am. When I said orders came from high up it is all the way up the chain."
"All the way up? Impressive."
"Have you been watching the news Ma'am? he is accused of murdering 500,000 people. He is TOP priority as far as the Government is concerned."
"Yes," I acknowledged, "And if my sources are correct he is guilty of much more. I may have new charges to add for his arraignment."
"I will get the prisoner Ma'am, but one more thing. IF there are ANY violations of the rules in dealing with this prisoner, we are authorized to arrest and detain you with all necessary force....regardless of your Omega 12 rating or not."
"Of course," I said. I should hope so I thought. "No contact and you will observe," I confirmed.
The Duty Officer looked me over once more and then turned towards the cells. He logged into security terminal and registered the visitation. He hit the intercom and said, "Prisoner have a visitor."
Sentry answered back over the speaker, "Really?"
"Stand away from the door," instructed the Duty Officer as he opened a slot in the door. "Put your hands behind you and stick them through the hole." He got out the handcuffs.
Sentry Swashbuckler did as he was directed.
The Duty Officer locked the cuffs around Sentry's wrist. "Stand back from door," he ordered while drawing his pistol.
He hit the door control and continued, "Prisoner step out. Move to the window and have a seat."
Sentry looked a pathetic sight as he emerged from his cell in his orange jumpsuit and irons.
He blinked, "So who thinks I'm popular?"
"Major," said the Duty Officer, "Your 10 minutes starts now! 6:44 PM."
"Thank you Officer," I said.
Sentry Swashbuckler looked at me through the window. "Oh, hello Major."
"Hello Sentry," I replied.
The Duty Officer stood to side and observed.

"You sent word through diplomatic channels that you wanted to see me," I began.
Sentry nodded, "I did."
"And what did you want to say? We have 9 minutes left."
"Remember the offer you made the last time we talked?" Sentry asked.
"Yes I do."
"I've reconsidered, somewhat," he said.
Time to shatter that illusion I thought. "I'm sure you have.... but I must tell you that the Alliance does not make deals with terrorists."
Sentry blinked and whispered, "Is that what they are calling me now??
"If you have something to tell me I suggest you do it quickly," I said.
"Just that I had nothing to do with whatever this accusation is. I was on Shadow when I heard about the nuclear blasts." he replied.
"I see called me to say that?" Unbelievable I thought.
"No, it was to tell you that I wanted to take you up on your offer." He looked at the Duty Officer, "Though if the people here get their way, it won't matter."
I twisted her mouth in thought. "Give me something I can take to the judge," I said finally.
Sentry laughed, "Like what?"
"Maybe something about obsidian smuggling," I suggested.
Sentry cursed under his breath.
"You have 4 minutes," I added.
"We didn't smuggle that."
"Oh?" I said. I turned to the Duty Officer. "Officer. I will give you a picture. Please hold it so the prisoner can see." I passed him the photograph.
Sentry looked directly at me. "No, we were protecting our trade route. Met the actual smugglers, and ran them off."
"I see."
Sentry just stared at the picture. He got very nervous. "That isn't what it looks like."
"One minute Major," said the Duty Officer.
I took back my photograph.
Sentry thought quickly. "Birgit Sunspot," he said.
"I don't need one minute ..." I snarled, "The Alliance doesn't make deal with terrorists or drug smugglers. Take him away."
"Very well Major," replied the Duty officer, "On your feet Swashbuckler"
"I didn't do anything there!" protested Sentry.
I just stared at him. Observing.
The Duty Officer cocked his gun loading a bullet into chamber. "Back to your cell," he ordered.
"Find Brooke," whispered Sentry, "She will give you the real story. I know you will listen to her."
"Lock him up," I said firmly.

"Stick your hands out," commanded the guard as he opened the slot in the door. Sentry did as he was told, protesting the whole time. The Duty Officer removed the handcuffs, shoved Sentry's hands in and slammed the slot shut. He logged the visitation over and returned to the desk.
"Anything else I can do for your Major?"
Sentry Swashbuckler banged on the door of the cell
"Thank you, Officer. That will be all." I smiled warmly, "Have a pleasant evening."
"Thank you, Major."
Door Zero Zero murmured a soft "Access granted" as I left the area.
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