I stood on the old wooden bridge enjoying the fresh, cool breeze. In contrast, the sun was quite hot and where it reflected it set the water sparkling. The vegetation rustled. The waves crashed upon the beach. The wind played with the sleeves of my kimono.

She curtsied politely.
"Hello Ms. Siamendes.." she began.
"Greetings," I replied, "I am here to meet a certain gentleman....I have an appointment." I smiled warmly.
"Yes Ma'am, she whispered, "I was sent to bring you to the main house." She smiled in reply. "If you will follow me."
I nodded, " Thank you."
We walked back the way I came, passed the dock and padded across the sandy beach. I had come to the island of Saona on the planet of Paquin to meet a man who had contacted me with an offer of information. He wanted to meet in person. He had, no doubt, a request or two of his own.
This was the home of the Western Geisha, an order of Registered Companions under the tutelage of Mistress Varahi.
We mounted the steps leading to the Companion House. The young woman slid the door open and stood slightly off to one side.
"Here we are," she said.
"Thank you," I replied.
A man's voice came from within the house, "Thank you, Pluto."
I entered the house and met for the first time, Tillery Woodhen, Chief Executive Officer of the Cortex News Service.
Pluto gracefully moved towards the low table. "You are more than welcome," she said, "May I get you some tea?"
Yes, please," I smiled.
"Have a seat, Ms. Siamendes," invited Mr. Woodhen
"Please, sit down, enjoy our hospitality," added Pluto
I settled myself on the silk pillow between the two of them and, with a quiet thank you, gently took the cup Pluto offered.
The room was simply decorated in the oriental fashion. Fine art adorned the walls. There was a faint hint of incense, just enough to awaken the sense of smell, not too much as to overpower.
Mr. Woodhen sipped his tea. "I hope you don't mind Ms. Kozlov's presence," he said, "Companions are well known for being circumspect. They will tell no one what we talk about."
"Sir is correct," added Pluto
I smiled and nodded to the companion, "Not at all. Of course, I have heard of this of the Companions."
I then turned to Mr. Woodhern, "Thank you sir, for meeting me."
"My pleasure," he replied.
"I must admit I was surprised when you contacted me," I began.
"Indeed. Why is that?"
I sipped my tea. "My, this is wonderful tea," I said to the young woman, while carefully formulating my reply to Mr. Woodhen.
Ms. Kozlov smiled
"Well sir," I continued, "Often people find someone in my position....unapproachable.
"They find someone in my position unapproachable as well," he replied. "Something about control, I think."

"For one thing, protection. You've heard what's been happening on the Rim, yes?"
I raised my left eyebrow ever so slightly. "I have been in the Core on business."
"It's getting more lawless. Raiders and rogue military units."
I frowned at the term 'rogue' "Yes.." I prompted.
"I've been forced to start arming my own ships..."
"A wise precaution in uncertain times." I realized that was a mistake once I said it.
Mr. Woodhen looked pointedly at me. "That's not something I should need to do, I believe."
I nodded. " Yes, of course" I conceded. "So protection..."
"Also, I do have some information, which you may find interesting. And that would require personal protection. I have found out who was responsible for the Alliance soldier you lost on Caliban."
I sipped my tea. "Go on," I prompted
"The person responsible is a mercenary. One I believe who is deeply involved in the current unpleasantness on the moons."
"A mercenary?" I asked, "Do you have a name?
"Yes," he replied giving me the man's full name.
I nodded. I had heard of him. He was a suspect in aiding Cody Winterwolf on his recent escape.
"He was based on Caliban before the moon was abandoned. I think he was also involved in the abduction of two citizens recently."
"Abduction? Who?"
Ms. Kozlov bit her lip.
"The leader of one of the Independent communities and a trader. They're on trial on Londinium as we speak."
I almost put down my cup. "And this mercenary is responsible for other trouble?" I asked.
"Possibly. I've only been able to confirm his connection to Caliban and the abductions."
Pluto fidgeted and sighed.
"Ms. Kozlov?" asked my host.
"Sir.." began the Companion, "This Th_____ fellow...he may not be acting of his own accord."
Mr. Woodhen raised an eyebrow.
I looked at the young woman. "What do you mean?" I asked.
"This is a very embarrassing situation and I hope that I can trust your discretion Ma'am as you can trust mine."
"Certainly." I said, secretly wishing I had brought a tape recorder.
"The night of the Londinum Nuke, I was attending a wedding, that frankly ended badly. After evacuating some wounded people to MacLaren's, I encountered and.... unfortunately allowed myself to be abducted by one Major Wind Swashbuckler. Apparently he is a major in Alliance Intelligence. You would never know it to look at him or to observe his behaviour."
" I...I didn't know," replied Mr. Woodhen.
"No Sir, as I said, the incident is not only personally embarrassing, but could potentially harm the Guild's reputation. He had attempted to.. use mind control to turn myself and another acolyte into sleeper agents."
"Aiya!" cried my host.
I frowned. "He sounds rogue." I said darkly, repeating a term Mr. Woodhen had used.
"I ....we were left with a memory wipe and a cover story where we had taken this major Wind as a client , even though as acolytes, that is forbidden. We were grounded to the island for breaking this rule..."
"I've heard rumors about Wind," remarked Mr. Woodhen.
"A couple weeks later, he arrived here to .. well he said to give me a checkup and pulled a gun on Mistress Varahi, and her new baby."
Mr. Woodhen muttered in Gaelic and Mandarin.
"He was removed rather brusquely, and his actions, the various different holes in the 'cover' led us to uncover what really happened. Shortly after that incident, umm.. him and his forces, attacked MacLaren's...."
I sipped my tea and listen carefully.
"I remember that attack," said my host.
"...and kidnapped a doc... A former shipmate of mine, and her captain rescued the doctor, but were unable to locate(the mercenary)."
"And that is why you believe (the mercenary) is now being manipulated by Wind Swashbuckler," I concluded.
"It is a possibility."
"Is Wind Alliance military?" asked my host.
"It is the impression I was given, he allegedly answers to an Admiral," said Pluto.
"By what name?" I asked.
"I do not know Ma'am."
I sipped my tea.
If this Major Wind was indeed a rogue Alliance Intelligence officer then this problem would soon take care of itself. Intelligence and Justice had a relationship with all the flavour of a couple in marriage counselling. There was however an understanding that you each take care of your own mess in a timely fashion.
I turned to Mr Woodhern, "The problems you mentioned ... do they precede these events?"
"They do," replied my host.
"So even if
"The sector is becoming more dangerous," he said flatly.
"We've recently completed a screening of the guild," added Ms. Kozlov "and are working to prevent further incidents like this."
"The disruption in trade alone is enough to anger me," continued my host, "but I have employees as well. I have to think of their safety."
"Yes, of course," I said. "Well, I can say for certain that we are doing out best to route out rogue elements in the military as well as apprehend criminal elements at large.
"I would hope soon," he added, "I don't have a great love for the Alliance, but I don't consider it an evil."
I agreed and said, "The line separating good and evil passes not through states nor political parties but right through every human heart. Solzhenitsyn."
"But recent events.... It could lead to a wider conflict."
I nodded.
"Do you know whats driving these rogue elements?" he asked.
I did not answer directly. Instead I said, "I would appreciate any information on rogue elements in the Alliance Military... from either of you."
"Yes Ma'am," said the young Companion. "Umm.. may I ask your affiliation?"
"I can only speak for my company," said my host, "I'll share what information I can get."

"It was the Wedding of Brooke and a man named Teetopwillie," answered Ms. Kozlov.
"Ah I see. Please continue."
"The wedding was beautiful. During the reception, this man showed up named Sanders, I believe, who turned out to be Ms. Brooke's long lost, presumed dead husband."
My eyes narrowed slightly at this information.
She continued, "...and Mr. Teetop, turned out to himself to be a Commander Faith I believe."
"That must have been ...awkward... with Sanders arriving," I said.
"Yes.." said the Companion, "umm Sanders was shot dead very soon after his arrival."
I dropped my cup.
"...by Commander Faith," finished Pluto.
"Oh Brooke...!" I cried in horror.
"Oh Buddha," thundered Mr. Woodhen, "Here?"
"It was terrible...it was right in front of me.. no no not.. the wedding took place on Shadow."
"Brooke ... what happened to Brooke!?" I demanded.
"She is safe, or was. A bit distraught. She made it to MacLaren that night, along with several of us."
"Distraught...!?" I urgently brushed the split tea off my kimono, fighting back tears of shock and rage.
Ms. Kozlov fetched a towel to help me clean. Soon I was drier and more had regained my emotional balance.
"Okay .. I'm sorry ... please continue... thank you." I said in succession.
"There have been come incidents involving Tee's company," offered Mr. Woodhen helpfully.
"His trading company?" I asked as I continued to dab my kimono.
"Yes," my host added, "His office on Splintered Rock was burned today.
The Companion chimed in, "I would not know much about that. I am afraid, My understanding is that Brooke now runs the company."
"Burned...." I said thoughtfully.
"Were there any markings left behind?" I asked.
"Not that I've been able to learn," he replied.
I nodded. So perhaps not Cooperstone this time.
"I still have feelers out to find out what happened."
"Good ..." I said, "There were attacks on the Zenobian trade offices at the end of October, but if I recall Tee's offices on Shadow were also burned..." I caught myself thinking out loud.
"More tea please?" I asked.
Ms. Kozlov got up and prepared another cup.
I accepted the tea with a thank you and a smile.
"More than welcome," replied the Companion.
"Business is getting too interesting for my taste," editorialized Mr. Woodhen while I sipped my tea deep in thought.
"Well, Mr. Woodhen," I replied, "I will help you where I can."
"Who is running your military, Ms. Siamendes?" he pressed.
Ms. Kozlov saved me the trouble of answering immediately.
"Oh," she said, "There is one more thing I probably should mention concerning Commander Faith. He apparently tried to fake his death on Shadow, just before Mikie and Sentry were taken."
I looked at Pluto,"Faked how?" At the same time I reached her hand out to Mr. Woodhen to indicate I had not missed his question and that I intended to answer.
"A ship crash, a body was found with his dog tags, however there was a Doc Harley there who took a tissue sample and did a DNA match..."
"And the test result?" I asked.
"The sample taken matched an MIA Alliance soldier, and NOT commander Faith...."
I nodded. I wonder who was the soldier and where was he stationed.
"...according to the Alliance's own records. Doctor Harley Loordes can confirm this."
I took the opportunity to turn to Mr. Woodhen to answer his question, "I am under the Zenobian-Bihar command." I then turned back to Pluto, "What else can you tell me about Commander Faith?"
"Umm.. he owes me a new dress.. other than that, I only met him at the wedding. That was the one and only time I met him."
"You did not meet him as Tee," I clarified.
"No Ma'am."
"What about Sanders?"
"Never saw him before," she said, "Had no idea who he was. When Tee or commander Faith or whoever he was, pulled his gun, I tried to position myself between Tee and Brooke, to protect her.
"She saw it all...." I shook my head.
"Yes ma'am we all did."
Note to self. Get list of wedding attendees.

"Protection for my company and employees," he said, "I'd rather they not get caught in the crossfire."
I nodded, "Nor should they be put at risk." Still trying to make up for my earlier mistake.
"What is being done has pushed people on the rim to the edge. I expect open conflict soon."
"Sadly," I said, "I am inclined to agree." So much for yesterday's optimism.
"There is a general feeling that Sentry and Mikie are innocent, and this upcoming trial is a farce," contributed the Companion.
My host continued, "I also want to protect my own hide. My business requires me to travel to many of these places."
"Do you have private security?" I asked.
"I'm about to start hiring security personnel."
I turned to Pluto, "Why would they arrest Sentry Swashbuckler in the first place?"
I did not get an answer before Mr. Woodhen asked questions of his own.
"Do you know what is going on with the military, though? How is it that there are so many wild cards with the firepower to do this?"
I set my cup on the floor gently. "Well, I am aware that I am speaking to a newspaper man," I said with a smile.
"In part. I do more than report the news," he clarified.
Ms. Kozlov leaned over to remove the dirty cup.
"The CNS Corporation also does consumer products and construction. We built the skyplex in orbit around Paquin now."
I was impressed.
"But I'm not asking for the news service. I'm asking because I was in that attack on MacLaren's. I had to jury rig weapons on my ship to help fight off the attackers."
"Which attack?" asked the Companion.
"The one on MacLaren's," replied my host.
"Sorry for having to ask," she said, "But there were several. The last one when Sentry was taken?"
" The one before that," he answered." I was on Shadow when Sentry was taken. I saw them take Mikie."
"But why take Sentry?" I interrupted, "He is a bartender for heavens sake."
"I don't know," replied my host "Unless there's some connection to Mikie we don't know about.
"Mikie is mayor of Shadow I believe," said the Companion,"But still, to imagine either one of them involved in a nuclear bombing?"
I nibbled on my lip as I turned the information over.
The young Companion made a sound, "Umm.....sigh.. Mistress is gonna ground me again..I have a friend a very dear friend who was involved in the 'arrest'."
"Oh? go on." This one was a fountain of information.
"It was not an arrest," she said flatly.
"I don't understand..."
"Her name is Sv___________ , she thought she was hiring on to be security for a new construction project out on the Rim. Protect against smugglers and pirates. They picked her up and told her there was a test first a training mission..."
"A test."
"...that she was to use blanks, and retake a building from the locals who were going to play the part of pirates. Everyone supposedly knew it was an exercise, only nobody told the townsfolk.
"They used live rounds, never heard of any exercise. Look if you are going to arrest someone, you send cops, or if it's a posse, you give them real ammo. The double crossing the folks you hired like that.. makes his arrest stink to high heaven."
"...and this group was sent to arrest Sentry and Mikie," I said for clarification.
"Two groups, actually," interjected my host. "Coordinated enough to run operations on two planets."
"This group kidnapped Sentry," confirmed Ms. Kozlov. "and it appears that Svetka was supposed to be body count. She is very upset, and is demanding some fellow named Mojo Halberd? I think that is his name, she wants... ummm she wants to do great bodily damage to him."
I gave a half smile. "She sounds spirited."
"She is colorful," continued the Companion, "and extremely angry at this Mojo and a fellow named Wirefly."
"Wirefly..." I repeated.
"Aye, she says he hired her, but from what she has told me, it was not an arrest at all."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"A snatch and grope operation? No snatch and grab operation she called it. If you arrest someone, you give your cops real bullets right? You tell them it's an arrest."
"Of course."
"Why sneak around, and more importantly, why trick the people you just hired in a manner that was almost certain to get them killed?" she asked in a whisper.
"Why indeed?" I frowned. "Well, that is a lot to think about."
"Do you think you can do anything about what's going on?" asked my host.
"There will have to be an investigation," I concluded.
"Umm....." added Ms. Kozlov, "There are some elements that would damage the Guild's reputation. Is there anyway we can keep that from becoming public?"
"...and others that would just damage things," added my host.
"I will of course be discreet where I can," I said.
"Understood... and I hope you understand that my own actions should not reflect on the Guild as a whole. I am merely a student.... and none of my actions with Major Wind were sanctioned
by Mistress Varahi. As a matter of fact, I came quite close being expelled." Pluto lowered her eyes, remembering her shame.
I addressed Mr. Woodhen. "If I am to keep an eye out for the safety of your employees on the Rim, I will need a list of your personnel."
"You'll have it in the next few days."
"You can forward it to my office," I added.
"I will," he replied. "I do hope some good will come from this."
"In the meantime," I continued, "Both of you...stay safe."
"We'll try," said my host, "Paquin has been left out of most of the trouble."
"Aye Miss," said the young Companion, "it should be fairly easy for me, I rarely leave the island these days."
I elaborated, "If half of what you have suggested about rogue commanders is true...."
Mr. Woodhen completed the thought, "..we're all in danger."
I gave a tight, little smile and a quick nod. "Thank you for meeting with me Mr Woodhen."
"Thank you for coming, Ms. Siamendes," he replied.
We exchanged pleasantries and promises to keep in touch. We left Mr. Woodhen at the main house. Ms. Kozlov escorted me to the docks.
"Are you a friend of Brooke's?" I asked her, once we arrived.
"I was put in charge of her bridal shower, when Miss Varahi had pressing business elsewhere." She buried her face in the palms of her hands.
"It was not your fault," I said.
"I just feel.. stupid.." she replied "I let her waltz right up the gangplank."
"Look," I said, "You can help... whatever you hear no matter how insignificant it may sound.... about the people involved... you tell me."
"Yes Ma'am, please understand that I will have to inform Mistress Varahi about all of this. She can be trusted I assure you."
I looked out to sea with a distant gaze. Mistress Vahari will be thrilled I am sure, I thought.

"Okay," I nodded.
The water lapped against the dock. The sail of the wooden ship fluttered in the wind.
"I must go," I said.
"Good evening and thank you for visiting us."
I smiled at the acolyte, "Be brave."
Pluto Kozlov whispered "I will Ma'am."
And with that, I boarded the little wooden ship and left the island.
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