The squad car came to a gentle halt on the left side of the street.
I waved as Ceasar stepped out of the vehicle, his uniform neatly pressed, a perfect shine to his shoes.

We embraced. I clung to him tightly, and suddenly felt very tired, like a marathon swimmer finally reaching the shore.
Ceasar leaned back slightly to see me better. "You okay?"
"It's Lynx...." I began.
"What happened?" he asked, the concern showing in his voice.
The words poured out. "He had gone missing... we think we have found him... I'm on my way there now."
Ceasar paused, waiting for me to continue.

"Sure," he replied kindly, "Where do you want to go?"
He thought for a moment. "C'mon, let's get into the car."

"Now tell me," he directed.

"Hale's for school?"
"Yes, Hale's," I replied, "I thought it was a reasonable choice as his earliest memory is from there. We still don't know where he is from."
"Not exactly known for schooling," he remarked, "Here or Londinium or Zenobia would be better."
I shrugged a little, "Yes, I know... I blame myself for not trying to redirect him. Anyway he made some friends, including Deputy LilyBell. She took a shine to him... well, that's not important now....
Ceasar raised an eyebrow.
"But she was recently abducted," I added, "and around that time Lynx went missing."

"I thought nothing of it at first," I explained, "Lily has gone off before. I assumed she had just run off. I sent a message to Lynx requesting he check in, but nothing... and I began to worry."
Ceasar reached across the table. I took his hand, drawing a steadiness from the touch. Muscular hands. Firm but not rough. Well shaped fingers. A strong thumb. And a memory of the night so long ago, when I put this hand over my heart.
"Where was I?" I asked in a small voice. "Right... no reply," I sighed, "Anyway... in the course of another investigation I found further...information that supported the theory that Lynx was with Lily and that she was taken somewhere.."
I paused to take a breath. Ceasar let me finish.
"Miranda," I said finally.
"Oh my god," he replied.
I continued, "I haven't told Tillery. I needed to know first ... what I would be telling him." It was Reaver territory after all. "Anyway... it seems that Lynx may be alive."
"On Miranda?"
"The Baronetess Raghilda was testing a new salvage scanner and found three stasis containers in a hollowed out asteroid. I am waiting to hear if they have moved the containers."
I expected to be informed at any time.
"Woodhen might already know," offered Ceasar, "He took off from here in a rush earlier today."
"He must be furious with me."
"You don't know that," he countered.
That's very true, I thought. "But if anything has happened to Lynx, I will never forgive myself."
Ceasar gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.
I responded with a little smile. "As soon as he can be moved," I said, "I want to send him here to recover his strength."
"Should be no problem," he agreed, "especially if Woodhen vouches for him. You knew he's mayor here, right?
"He's one of the most powerful men in the 'Verse... Mayor must be like a hobby for him." I responded dryly.
Ceasar let out a short chuckle.

"I hear you've been busy," I remarked, "Bank robbers?"
"Yes," replied Ceasar, "And the kidnapping."
"Yes... I received a copy of your interview with Ms. Zdychava."
"Good. Have you had a chance to talk to her?" he asked.
"Not yet," I replied, "she is a difficult woman to connect with."
"She travels quite a bit," he agreed.
"And it seems open war has come to Al Raqis."
"I've heard about that," he replied, "Not too surprised though."
"The factions are all picking sides... it's only a matter of time before I'm back there."
"Not too soon, I hope."
I shrugged and smiled. We both knew the life I had chosen.

"I've missed you too."
"I wish I could help," he said, "I may be taking trip to Hale's myself, for the kidnapping case.
I nodded, "Any further leads on that?"
"Not yet."
I knew that one.
"Sometimes it is slow in coming," I said, "You think that a case has gone cold.... then there is a whisper on the breeze, like the scent of spring, and the hunt is on again."
"Anyway...are you on duty now?" I asked.
"Just signed off when I heard you were landing."
"Oh good," I replied, "Can we head to your place? Maybe I can take a shower and grab a nap."
Ceasar started to grin.
"I'm really tired..." I warned.
"And maybe help you relax a bit," he added.
I chuckled, "Maybe."
March 1 - Hale's Moon

I rested my hand lightly on the stasis container. Warm lights illumined the night. Readouts murmured softly. A mechanical lullaby.

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