"Buddha! What happened?"
Tillery was as shocked as I had been.

I explained. "From what I know he was with Lily when her ship was attacked by Reavers."
"With Lily?" he asked.
"Yes," I replied, "and it seems whoever attacked them was saving Lynx," I nodded to the other freezers, "and these others for...later."
"Oh god," he responded.
Someone had moved Lynx's stasis chamber. It was situated close to the back wall of the clinic, not with the other two units. I checked the readings. Everything within normal parameters.
"Where's Lily?" asked Tillery, "And how did he wind up with her?"
"I haven't seen her," I admitted, as I checked the seals and looked for damage to the unit.
His worried look deepened.
"She had a little crush on Lynx," I continued, "Something about him touching her foot."
Tillery let a small smile show. "Have to feel sorry for him with that. I've known Lily for years. She's.... unique."
I tilted my head, "Looking for the glass slipper perhaps... Lynx is quite charming."
Finding nothing amiss, with gentle steady pressure, I slid the freezer back to its original position next to the other units. I sighed heavily, then I suddenly noticed.
"Tillery....Tillery!!" I cried, "You're walking again!" I could not help but smile.

"Well, just don't let them give you speed boosters or some such ..." I grinned, "It's good to see you walking. It's a good sign."
There was a voice from the doorway.
"Whoa.. 'scuse me folks." It was Cody Winterwolf.
"Hi, Cody," said Tillery. I did not greet him.
Cody looked in my direction and frowned. "Hey Till. What all's goin' on?" he asked.
"I heard a young friend of mine was in trouble," answered Tillery, "so I needed to get here."

"I heard there was stuff that was found," replied Cody, "Jai waved."
"She waved me too," reported Tillery.
"I met the kid a few times," replied Cody, "Sort of a snot nose."
Tillery's face hardened a little. I remained silent but my eyes narrowed in response.
"Why would you say that?" asked Tillery.
Cody shrugged, "Look the kid likes to ask personal questions. I don't like folks I don't know well, wantin' to know my business. I'm willin' to bet you don't much either."
I turned back to the stasis chamber as the men talked.
"Well," answered Tillery, "since we are basically his guardians, we're a little more relaxed."
"Maybe," added Cody.

"Not this evenin'," answered Cody, "She's checkin' her ship... What's left of it."
I nodded, "Very well." She had been rescued then and was healthy enough to move around.
"Those the freezers?" he asked, pointing his chin toward the boxes.
"Yes, they are, " I replied. "Did you know these two? Wally Bendan and Meg Dandley?" I read the names from the ident-holos.
"Yeah," answered Cody, "I knew the feller... Wally's been stickin' to the edges of the asteroid field. Some of us been tryin' to get to stay closer in. Harder for Reavers to manouver. The other I don't know."
I nodded. "They were not the same crew then..."
"No," said Cody, "Wally worked with Earl and Jonesy. Couple of friends of his. They been trying to find a big strike out there in the black."
"When will the doctor be in?" I asked.
"Hel if I know," he replied, "She comes and goes. Most like makin' rounds again.
"...and who is the doctor here?"
Cody placed his hand on the nearest box. I had done the same thing earlier. It gave of a slight vibration, a delicate hum. Stasis chambers beg to be touched.
"Doc Danick," he replied, "Nice 'nough woman. Pretty."

"Good idea," replied Tillery.
"...in case of complications."
"Yeah," agreed Cody.
"Tillery, perhaps we can go somewhere, sit down and talk." I turned to Cody. "Mr. Winterwolf... is there a diner in the neighborhood?"
"Yeah," he replied, "Fooks. I can show you where."
I nodded, "That would be fine."
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