"Lastly, the great uncertainty of all data in war is a peculiar difficulty, because all action must, to a certain extent, be planned in a mere twilight, which in addition not unfrequently — like the effect of a fog or moonshine — gives to things exaggerated dimensions and an unnatural appearance." - Clausewitz
The wind on my face brought a measure of relief from the crushing heat of the afternoon.

Open conflict had come to Al Raqis. What began as a skirmish between one of the Noble Houses in Al Raqis and one of the military groups located in Splintered Rock, now threatened to engulf the Mu Draconis system, perhaps even spread beyond that.
While it is still too early to say what the result of this will be, the situation here would have impact on the success or failure of our projects in the area, whether it was reacquiring elements of Project Aurotharius, pursuing fugitives from our justice system, or achieving any other objective on the UAP agenda.
And though the information Neo provided was very useful, by his own admission his organization was not favorably inclined towards the UAP. His statements needed to be verified, and the best place to do that was here.
I parked my dustrunner on the rooftop landing pad and made my way to the street level. My plan was to head to our barracks and change into clothing suitable for crossing the desert. I did not get part way across town before I saw a familiar figure coming down the road towards me. Tall, yellow, long ears, and a big bushy tail. It was Jup.
I smiled as she approached, "Hello old friend..."

"As have I," I confessed, "but have not forgotten the water you gave me when the heat over took me..."
"I see.. You reside in Al Raqis..don't you?" she grinned, implying that I should have known better.
I unbuckled a pouch on my duty belt and removed a slender vial of human blood.
"Not exactly," I admitted, passing her the tube, "I work here some times."
She blushed, accepting my small gift, "Thank you..but it's not nourishment I seek right now." Jup was a blood drinker.
"Please save it for later then," I replied. "I hear there has been some trouble here.... a conflict of sorts. So what have you heard?"
Jup nodded, licking her lips with a long inhuman tongue, "I hear many things ..mostly pertaining to our green skinned neighbors."
"The Orions. Yes. They have been fighting the federationists."
The rabbit whispered, "Tell me..have you seen any suspicious activity of late?"

Jup's ears flicker "I'm more interested in ..who is seen with whom. The people, the ..Orions..are working with..tell me..do you know of a person named Zarco?"
"Zarco," I repeated, "Is he new?"
"eerr somewhat.." she replied, "You could say..I think he lives around here..if I'm not mistaken.."
I nodded, "I'll see what I can learn."
"I would be much in your debt..if you could ..keep an eye out ..especially, if you see Zarco."
"What about this alliance between USD and UFS?" I asked, "Anything to that?"
Jup did not reply. Instead, she opened a pouch on her own belt, "Take this gift..I have little use for." And with that she began to hand me a small fortune in raw spice.
"This is too much..." I protested as she handed me small bags one by one.

"You are no longer mining?" I asked meekly. "I only have this second vial," I said, pulling a second tube of blood from my belt and handing it to her.
Jup grinned, passing me the final little bag, "My dear ..it is never enough.. I do as I please ..with my bounty."
"Well, thank you very much," I smiled politely. I circled back to my question. "Tell me what you have heard about the UFS and USD alliance. Where do you think it is going?"
"All I have heard is that it's against any Orion attacks," she admitted.
"So a temporary alliance?" I asked, seeking clarification, "for defensive purposes?"
"Our green friends are skilled at ..how you say?..pis_ing people off."
"Do you have history with them?"
Her ears twitched, "No.. I'm not.. from around here."
"Of course," I replied. The question was a bit personal. "What of the other houses? Where do they stand on this conflict?"
Jup smiled, "That I don't know..except..House Morloch. They are friendly with the Orions. They control the Myrmidons..And of course the SSFS. They are being funded by the whatever corporation that the Orions are working with."
"Yes," I reflected, "the SSFS. Hired troops for the Orions. Perhaps soon the Imperium will act. This must be slowing down spice production," I speculated.

"Who is their pilot?"
She looked around and whispered, "He keeps hitting on me..trying to kiss me. I think the spice got to his brain."
I chuckled, "Well, there is a cease fire at the moment I hear. Perhaps the calm before the storm."
I thought I heard a footstep in the next yard. The gritty sound of a boot on sand grinding against the pave stone.
Jup may have sensed someone nearby too. "A cease fire.." she said, "a chance to build up arms." Her nose suddenly jutted up into the air and she sniffed deeply, "I must..go..quickly....good day."

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