"Do not focus on perfecting the yoga. The releasing of the self thru the mind-body connection is what will free you." - Bai Feargananym Karillion

To: Major P. Siamendes, UAP, SIU
Message from Colonel M_________
I took a calculated risk that High Justice Lordhunter would relate to his Justiciar Roots and give us a Stay of Execution of Judgement. He thought the evidence was sufficient, but he expects to take a lot of political heat on this. He expects that you will be able to make good use of Swashbuckler and Rhiadra as assets and bring genuine justice to this sad affair.

June 4
To: Colonel A. M_________, UAP, Special Projects
I have informed Matthew Swashbuckler and sent word to Ms. Rhiadra through Tillery Woodhen of CNS regarding the Stay of Execution of Judgment order.
If High Justice Lordhunter is concerned about political fallout, I suggest that we take the bull by the horns. We can arrange a photo op with him and other dignitaries on the steps of the courthouse in Spinwheel steps away from the head offices of CNS, and again in front of the Government buildings in Londinium. A tour of the new federal prison on Albion showing the solitary confinement cells awaiting those behind the atrocity in Aberdeen. Banner headlines about "Justice Restored". Mobilize public opinion. Ease his private concerns and perhaps move some way to restoring the trust of the colonies.
Other points:
I have a lead on Ariel to files concerning the modifications that were done to Ms. Rhiadra. My team is processing data files from the Zenobian Mainframe located in Lab 81. Forensics has lifted valid DNA from the 9 mm bullet found at the Wirefly crime scene. Match still pending. I will be travelling to Mu Draconis for preparations for the House Zenobia hearing. I plan to speak to representatives of the USD and the Al Raqis legislature about further cooperation at that time.

June 4
To: Major P. Siamendes, UAP, SIU
Excellent that you are on top of all points.
Make sure the defendants are informed before we publish the general notice about their stay of execution.
Producing something credible to present to the courts and the general public in a timely manner would be best. Photo-Ops and public relations will make it known. Justice served on the conspirators will go a long way to restoring credibility in the pillars of government that support the Alliance.
Files on the process of Ms. Rhiadra is unexpected.
Lab 81 will ruffle the feathers of the people that sought to bury it last year. Blackburne, Shadow and Caliban all fell within the same year, probably to bury some sins. I wonder what sins the conspirators sought to bury by choosing Aberdeen?
Positive forensic results can be a strong motivator for witnesses that are still on the fence.
Good work. Good luck and God speed.
Colonel A. M_________
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