Perhaps it was the recent friction with Brooke, but today I found myself thinking a lot about the past.
Another summer, long ago.
The Academy. End of first year.
Brooke and I were Officer Cadets.
It was a simpler time.
With the old boat fastened securely to the dock, the elderly captain waved me forward. I was now permitted to disembark.

The captain had rough, white whiskers. His face weather worn and creased. But his smile was kind and there was a twinkle in his eye when I boarded. Except for a few simple orders to his small crew, he was silent the whole trip.
His young deckhand by contrast wouldn't stay quiet. Perhaps relieved to have someone new to talk with, once we were underway he began his monologue. A steady stream of trivia and local news. After a few failed attempts on my part to have an actual conversation with him, I finally settled in, content to be the captive audience. Much to the amusement of the captain I am sure.
There was a warm summer ahead of us.
I had decided to take my leave with Brooke's family that year rather than return home to Albion.
My brother Demetrios now ran the family farm and while I appreciated the fact that his return to the homestead meant I could join the academy, that didn't mean I wanted to spent any length of time with him.
Much older than I, Demetrios had left home while I was still small. But I remember he had a frown that made him look perpetually cross. And when he looked at me it was with all the attention one gives a stray cat. He was more of a stern uncle than an older brother.
Nothing like Hector.
Hector I had adored. Closer to my age but old enough to still be a big brother. Charismatic. Gentle. Always laughing. Hector had taken care of me.
When Hector died during the war, it was a terrible blow to the family.
Mother followed soon afterward. And while the doctors said it was disease that killed her, I knew full well she died from a broken heart.
I walked up the long pathway from the dock to the front door of the house that squatted high upon the hill. Worn stone steps and a heavy ornate wooden door. I knocked.

"Pepper?" called a voice from inside. "Hey there!" It was Brooke and with a smile she climbed over the couch. The servant turned and gave her a dirty look.
"Hey there," I replied.
"Hey! I didn't expect you so early or I would have got the door myself. Come in," she motioned.
I stepped into the cool interior. The servant closing the door carefully behind me.
Glancing around the room, I was struck by the amount of art that had been collected there. "Nice place"
"This is the downstairs fun room," she said with a grin. "How have you been?"
"Good thanks..."

I had to comment. "Wow, I must say I never realized you came from a noble family." I slipped off my backpack and let it hang at my side.
Brooke blushed. "Not really Noble per se. My dad wishes we were ... just have lots of land and such... it's uhm .. a long story. But the good thing is we have chocolate."
I smiled brightly, "Good thing indeed."
One of the servants standing by hurried over to take my bag before I could place it in a corner anywhere.
"Can you put that in my room?" Brooke asked him.
The servant nodded and turned towards the hallway.
"Thanks," I called out to him. It felt odd having someone carry my bag.
Brooke smiled at me. "Yea .. I ... know it's a bit much... not really my thing .. I guess that's why I like being in the dorms."
"Don't knock it," I exclaimed, "this is lovely!" I spoke of the house as a whole.
"Well .... you're staying for the summer ... right? So it's all yours too ... my parents will be happy to have another girl in the house. Just don't let them talk you into being a companion." She grinned.

"Hey! I can't get into all the trouble by myself," she said with a smile. "And I know. Things can get crazy when there's change. Here almost nothing changes, and we'll have fun driving my parents nuts."
I giggled.
My eyes kept drifting around the room to the beautiful paintings and rich furniture. Whatever Brooke said, to me it was like the summer house of a great lord or lady.
"I guess I can change out of my uniform ..." I said cautiously.
Brooke laughed. "Uhm yea.... you're way too into being an officer, Pepper. You need to relax. This is going to be a great vacation." She grabbed a peach from the plate and threw it at me. "Heads up!" she called.
With a sweeping movement, I caught it left handed.

The fire had been stoked. The plate of fruit had been refilled. The pillows that Brooke disturbed when she climbed over the couch had been set to right.
What a life this must be! Dozing on pillows. Eating fresh peaches and chocolate.
I was quite enjoying myself in front of the fireplace when I heard a voice laugh.
"You have legs!"
Brooke had returned. Clearly making a reference to my dress.
"Okay," she winked, "I see you in PJs all the time, but still..."
"No wonder you didn't want to answer the door...." I remarked.

I shook my head, "I don't think I could get used to servants. After Mom passed away, I pretty much had to take care of the house while Dad worked the farm."
Brooke frowned. "I'd lend you mine. Most are indentured brought from some of the Rim worlds..." She shrugged a bit. "It's nicer here for them though."
"Doesn't it make them.... I don't know... envious?"
Brooke blinked a few times. "I ... don't know. Zarek always says it's better than some places he had heard about. It could always be worse. I mean they are given rooms and food. And even given days off and things."
I shrugged a bit turning the idea over in my head.
"How's the flight training coming along?" I asked, changing the topic.
"Oh, it's a blast. Though the instructor is a ha_rdass. There are times I really do want to slap him," she said with a laugh. "But I think I really love it. It's going to be my duty to get people in and out of danger. It's a big responsibility."
I smiled, "Wow, it's going to be exciting!"
I could see it now. Drop ship under fire. Boots on the ground. Go go go!
Brooke laughed, "And you ... Miss Investigator .." She shook her head.
"Yes, little miss hound dog sniffing out trouble."

"Like you aren't going to have a time. Finding the bad guy..." She winked. "Those browncoats won't know what hit them..." Then as an afterthought she added, "Hey as long as you don't sniff out mine."
"Well, that's easy....don't get into trouble," I countered.
Brooke coughed. "Right ... easy ..... Come on. You wouldn't actually tell on me ... would you?"
"Tell on you? What are you planning on doing?"
Was she being serious?
"Well," she began, "See.... Sanders has this idea about when we get back to the academy .." She shook her head. "Just uhm ... well. Maybe getting a few nights out."
"Ah that's nothing," I dismissed her concern with a smile. "But hypothetically... if you did something really bad? .... I'd have to take you in of course. You know that."
"You are a hardnose..." she muttered. "Goody two-shoes... fine, fine.." she added with a laugh.
"More like a pitbull," I said setting the record straight.
"Not like I'm going to join the browncoats and start shooting Alliance officers anyway.."
"Oh lord I hope not...."
Brooke giggled, "Come on ... I look horrible in brown."
I laughed, "... and purple sets off your eyes."

"How is Sanders?" I asked.
"I'll always be an Alliance officer. It's in my blood. And he's ... amazing, Pepper. The guy is going to go places, I can already feel it. He's been accepted to the ops team."
I shook my head, "Wow... you are truly the lucky one when it comes to love.
Brooke laughed. "I think so too. We're talking about getting married after we both graduate..."
I elaborated, "That doctor I took a fancy too... seems that he has a interest in that nurse from Osiris... the one with the narrow hips."
I made a face.

I smiled too but not so sure this time, "Maybe... but my job might involve a lot of travelling."
"Not going out to the Rim .. .are ya?"
"Wherever they send me," I admitted. Came with the job.
I had a thought. "Hey, I may need extraction sometime... for you to fly in and pick me up!"
We both laughed.
"You know I'll be there," she said.
I looked over at Brooke, my turn to get all serious. "Promise?"
"Not going to let you get stuck on some dead-end world being eaten by boogie men ... what do they call them? Reavers?" She smiled. "Promise. I'll be there if you need me.....And I expect you not to turn me in." she added with a wink.
I smiled back but I did not reply.
Instead, I stretched and said, "Well, I should head to bed. This fire is making me sleepy."
"I had an extra bed put in my room for you."
Brooke's bedroom was on the uppermost level of the mansion. She had almost the whole upper floor for herself. A door to a private balcony facing the river.
"My humble abode," she added with a laugh.
"Wow, fantastic.... "

"Oh this is wonderful," I observed, "just like the barracks..only better!"
We laughed together.
"Exactly," she replied, "The beds aren't rocks..."
"...and no lights out. There is no lights out, right?"
"Nope. No lights out..." She winked. "Just whenever we want. And we can have the servants bring us any treats we want too. At any time of the night."
"Oh this can't be legal," I exclaimed.
Brooke smiled. "Oh, it's legal on Sihnon....That's what money does ... makes it legal."
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