Such outward things dwell not in my desires." - Shakespeare, Henry V
It was May 4.
The message bore the codes and signature of the Companions' Guild.
"Greetings Major! I hope you are well and that your travels throughout the 'Verse are not too tiresome. I was recently asked to get in touch with you if I could on behalf of a Miss Linnea Tenenbaum formerly of Prosperity. I met her this weekend on Persephone in the Eavesdown Docks looking rather lost. She asked if I knew you and if I saw you to pass on word she was hopeful to speak to you at your convenience. May your paths be safe, Calina."
In the intervening month my attempts to contact Linnea had been unsuccessful. And while I had suggested that Sentry contact his aunt directly, I did want to follow up on the call myself. So it was to this end that I travelled to Persephone to first speak with Calina Tereshchenko.
June 11 - Eavesdown Docks
Every major city or settlement since Rome has had a rough side of town. The kind of place that you don't go wandering about in unless you either belong there or are looking to receive some major hurt.

There were safer places out on the Rim.
And still it was a place of business.
As I made my way down the street past ships and containers, I could hear Consulari Jai Raghilda busying herself in the cargo hold of an older model Firefly.
"Shh. Damn bugs," she muttered.

"Oh, hello Major."
"They still have you moving cargo?" I smiled.
"This is the less glamorous side of my work," she explained, "Sometimes things have to get done, you do it yourself."
"Yes, that's true," I admitted.
"Indy traders are a flighty bunch."
"Are you familiar with Eavesdown Docks?" I inquired.
"Yes, come here regularly, one of our main hubs....ACK... Meat Beetles are twitchy."
I explained myself, "I am trying to find the Companion Calina Tereshchenko."
"I know where she is. One moment. Let me close up. Thing has only been out of the shop a couple days."
"Was it in need of much repair?" I asked.
"It was shot down by people impersonating Alliance over Shadow."
"You were on Shadow when it fell? Or was this an earlier incident?"
I could always use another credible witness against William Faith.
"Oh no, much before that. Right before they declared independence."
"Ah okay," I nodded. No help there.
"There was a lot of craziness during that time," continued the Consulari, "Zeno got me a job at the Consolidated Associated Traders of Zenobia while my ship was being repaired."
"You have done well since then," I observed.

"I can't imagine not doing what I do," I said out loud.
"CATZ has its fingers in a lot of pies," she confessed, "because there are so many neglected pies. I never imagined being an Indy Trader or a Trade Consul. I'm an accountant by education. I never expected to be outside of a building."
"Accountants rule the world," I reminded her with a smile.
"Now I am all over the 'Verse. This is all that is left of my inheritance, a 75 year old outdated light bulk transport. Not even an aught 3 or 4, an aught 2.. but it's like keeping your first credit."
"You must be amassing your own small fortune by now," I suggested.
"Seems like it, it will all disappear in marriage assuming I marry well."
"A topic I haven't thought about for quite some time," I chuckled. "Well, shall we find the Companion?"
"Yes, ready."
The Consulari hurried ahead. She is quite spry. All it took was one false turn and I had lost her.
This would be a good place to evade capture. I must familiarize myself with its intricacies.
I was not far behind of course, and soon heard voices that I could focus in on.
"Please come in Jai. Welcome to the Shi Xing Boutique." It was Calina Tereshchenko.
The Consulari called out, "Major?"
Another voice said, "Could you hold on to it for me? I obviously can't be trusted to keep it safe."
"Consulari," I called as I approached the voices.
I joined her at the door of a dressmakers shop.

I knocked softly at the open door. Standing in the shop, the Companion Calina Tereshchenko was in the process of folding up some bills up and tucking them into a concealed pocket. A young albino woman stood nearby.
"Please come in!" called Calina.
"Ms. Tereshchenko, you remember the Major, yes?" the Consulari reintroduced us. "She needs a formal gown."
The young albino woman gasped as I walked into the room.
Ms Tereshchenko smiled, "As I was saying, I want to introduce you both to Jade. She works here and is very talented. Yes, I do remember you Pepper... it is delightful to meet you again. I hope your journeys have been safe and pleasant"
"Yes," I answered, "Very nice to see you again."
Jade began to shake then quickly opened her bag and small box, struggling to get her identification out. Finding it she pulled it close and stepped back behind Calina.
I instinctively held up my hand in a calming gesture.
Calina glanced back and forth. She had dropped the use of formal titles. She tilted her head back toward Jade,"No need to hide, no one will bite."
"Hello, Miss Jade," greeted the Consulari.
"Hello Jade," I added.
Sheltered behind the Companion, Jade held her identification out, "I have my registry and identification," she squeaked, her hand shaking. "I haven't left planet. You have no reason to ab-duc.... hold me bound by law."
I glanced at the identification but did not take it. "I don't need to see your papers," I said reassuringly, "I am sure they are in order."
It was nice to have a peek though. Jade was Jade Moonkill. I had heard of her. The night that Lynx was shot here in Eavesdown Docks, he had been gathering information on illegal organ trade. Jade, an albino, was mixed up in something very nasty. Because of her weakened immune system, she made a good candidate to transport illegal organ transplants.
It would be good to have a little chat with Jade Moonkill.

"Yes," added Ms. Raghilda, "and we can't have the Major freaking people out in her usual heliotropes."
I frowned slightly, "I do have a dress uniform."
The Consulari sighed.
Calina put her hand on Jade's wrist, "I don't believe Pepper is here to interrogate you."
She went on to explain, "They were recently returned to her. Jade's bag was stolen when she arrived on Persephone but a good Samaritan found it and returned the bag."
Jade pulled her hand back and put her identification into her pocket, looking relieved and embarrassed.
"Alliance Officers are people, too," Calina added with a smile.
"Glad to hear about good people helping out," remarked Ms. Raghilda.
I smiled kindly. "That's good to hear you have recovered your bag."
Jade nodded and pointed to a red dress in the window. "That one is the one I suggest Ms. Calina."
I took the opportunity to look around the shop with some interest. A wide range of fabric. A dressmaker's mannequin. Garments on display. Stairs to a second floor.
"Red," remarked Ms. Raghilda, "good choice."
I turned to the Consulari then back to the Companion. Wait. Did they really mean for me?
"I have heard of other colors," she continued, "but don't see the point."
Calina Tereshchenko smiled, "That is a very nice one... quite a bit of slink to it. Sensual without being over-done. And still covered." She lifted the hem a bit "We will also have to make arrangements for hair and makeup, especially for the formal ball."
"I didn't expect to be looking at gowns...." I started to protest.
"Why else would you come here?" Jai Raghilda was clearly enjoying herself.
"Plans change," the Companion reassured, "I did not expect to have to block off my back door but that became necessary... I am not certain I will leave it that way. Need an escape should those thugs return."
I pressed on.
"I received a message from Ms. Tereshchenko that Linnea Tenenbaum wanted to speak with me. I have been unable to reach her."
Jade leaned over to Calina and whispered, "Maybe her tastes run to the soft flesh?"
I regarded the young woman. What did she say?

Consulari Raghilda's eyes widen. "Try it on, Major," she prompted, "It's too busty for me..."
"That is a pretty gown, I will admit..." I said tentatively.
"...but you have the hips and bust for it."
"We can make it in another color if the red does not work," Calina added helpfully.
It looked harmless. I gave a half smile, "Well, it wouldn't hurt to try it...."
The Consulari looked puzzled. "Other colors?" she whispered.
The Companion grinned, "Green, pink, blue... there are other colors out there."
Jade Moonkill leans into Calina. "Soft flesh." And nodding added, "Maybe she would like a suit?"
I tried to regain control of the situation.
"What about this yellow one?" I asked, "It looks nice. Is there somewhere I can change then?"
Jade pointed to a screen.
Ms. Tereshchenko however looked back and forth, "Need a deeper, richer shade if you are going formal. Someone with your presence needs clothes with a presence. Behind the screen or upstairs if you'd like. I need to get some curtains for that window."
I was outgunned. "Yes of course," I responded,"this is hardly formal....more of a spring outfit..."
Jade let out a startled sound. "My baby chicks! Let me put them on the deck first." And with that, she hurried upstairs.
"Your assistant is ... unusual," I observed.
We could hear a door upstairs closed carefully and Jade's maternal voice, "Cheep cheep to you too. I know your not hungry I feed you already. Now behave till the lady leaves and I will bring you back in."
"Wouldn't make Hale's Moon top 10 most unusual," remarked the Consulari, "Wouldn't make my old dorm's top 10 most unusual."
I accepted the satin garment and looked at it once again.
"Okay, then perhaps I should try the red."
"Exactly," said the Consulari firmly.
"Upstairs?" I asked as the assistant rejoined us. Her mission on the second floor now accomplished.
"Jade is.... Jade," said Calina, "She is very sweet, kind... talented. Great leather work."
Hearing these words, Jade blushed a strange red grey color.
The room upstairs had the dusty smell of poultry. Memories of my father's farm.

Jai Raghilda asked, "Miss Tereshchenko, do you do hair or do you job it out?"
Calina Tereshchenko replied, "It depends on the occasion. Most formal occasions, I will go see someone to do my hair as some of the styles can be complicated. I've not been asked to do someone else's hair before."
Jai Raghilda explained, "I have an acquaintance with really, really, really bad hair. But he is making a formal gift to Al Raqis. He is going to insist on his traditional clothes, but the hair...."
Calina Tereshchenko chuckled, "If it's really bad, I would definitely refer him to a professional. He may need further assistance."
"WOW!" exclaimed the Consulari as I rejoined them, "I was totally right about the hips."
"I'm big boned. Rural stock," I said in my defence.

Calina smiled, "That is... wow. The color is great. The sleeves... this detail in the front."
"Maybe take up the hem to show some shoe," suggested Ms. Raghilda helpfully.
"Instead of the mermaid hem, Jade," the Companion added, "do you think we can let out the skirt so it can go straight from her hips and not pull in? That will create a more even line."
"I feel like I'm going undercover......" I muttered.
"You can fit your gun up somewhere I am sure," the Consulari assured me.
Calina Tereshchenko laughed, "That is what a handbag is for, Jai."
"Ah... or boots," she replied.
Jade looked around, nodded then pulled out a knife and flicked it open. She moved in as if to cut the seam out.
"Nice knife, Jade," I said. Let her know I see it.
Jade blushed and smiled almost swallowing a stick pin.
The Consulari carried on, oblivious to a weapon in the room.
"I am 5'4" in these boots," she announced, "They are my new favorites. I feel like a giant."
"They are great boots, Jai," complimented Calina.
"I had been lax for a while, mostly wearing my EVA boots," the Consulari replied.

"Oh, he is the guy that Iskrin was helpen'," she answered, "when I saved Iskrin's life."
"That sounds about right," I acknowledged.
Jade looked at Calina, "He still won't admit I saved his life, you know.."
"Boys!" Ms. Raghilda snickered. Then she added, "Lynx came by Al Raqis earlier, but I did not get to speak with him."
"I will spend some time with him when I return to Mu Draconis," I promised.
"Oh, Major," interjected the Consulari, "Did I send you a permission slip for Lynx? We are hiring him as a cargo agent intern."
"Oh, splendid," I replied, "No, I haven't seen such a slip."
"I will get it to you next week," she promised.
"Now that Iskrin is Sheriff. He will never admit it either Jade," Calina said with a giggle.
Consulari Raghilda snickered again, "Another boy."
I looked down at the gown, "Yes, this is lovely. How long do you need to make the alterations?"
Jade pinned the skirt with a new hang, set the hem and mumbled with a mouth full of pins, "Mous tat?"
Jai Raghilda giggled.
Calina raised an eyebrow "I... uh... no... no idea what you said, Jade."
"How's that?" translated the Consulari, "I speak mumble."
Jade rolled her eyes and nodded as she spat the pins out, "Yes, How's that?"
"Are the opera gloves part of the outfit?" asked the Consulari.
Calina Tereshchenko leaned over and nodded, "Looks good. Yes, they should be for a formal occasion. They complete the look. Unless the sleeve were long, I would almost always recommend gloves."
"I will take the gloves too then," I announced. I assumed that I had a choice.
"Does she need more lift and separate?" asked the Consulari.
Jade adjusted the skirt a little. "I don't get it," she said, "with breeding hips like yours how you have time to do anything but house work Ms. Major?" She piped out as she smoothed a seam.
Ms. Raghilda continued pressing her advance, "Something for accent in the hair?"
I waited patiently. Stand very still and it will be over sooner.
"Are we too far past your comfort zone, Major?" inquired the Consulari.
Calina Tereshchenko chuckled in a good natured way, "Maybe a bit more lift, but that would come with different undergarments. Nothing outrageous. Nothing obvious."
Jade stood up and stepped behind me. Carefully she lifted the top of my dress to simulate a bra then a corset.
I was taken off-guard but I did not react.

Jade rolled her eyes and looked at the Consulari.
"Where would you like them to sit Ms. Major?" asked Jade.
Consulari Raghilda was enjoying this a bit too much.
Okay, time to draw this to a close.
"If we are done, I will change back into my uniform...."
"She should try on corsets, no?" prompted Jai Raghilda.
Calina cleared her throat "Uhm.... hrm.... I am afraid I don't carry any corsets."
I gave the Consulari a look. "I will need shoes," I said plainly.
"Well, I know what I am buying the Major for Saint Crispin's Day...." she chirped.
Jade Moonkill shrugged and pinned where she thought my chest should be accented by the dress then moved back away.
"It looks good," commented Calina, "Jade. How do you feel in it, Pepper?"
"Actually... I do like it," I confessed.

I suddenly stopped and hesitated. So used to requisitioning material and equipment as needed I almost forgot. "Uh... I will need to know how much this will cost."
I suddenly felt very embarrassed. I was on an officer's salary. I was not used to buying fine clothes handmade by registered companions.
"A gift from House Zenobia if you agree to wear it to the formal," offered the Consulari.
I chuckled. "Okay," I said finally, "Agreed."
"Deal," she confirmed, "The Bihar Curator asked if you would be attending."
"Ah the Bai," I said with a natural smile.
"Then I will send the bill to Jai," said Calina, "I promise it will be reasonable."
"Thank you," I replied to them both.
"Pleasure was mine," said the Consulari.
"I will be right back," I said and headed upstairs.
I could hear them talking.
Jai Raghilda remarked, "I bought a cocktail dress that I like, but I think it is insufficient for the formal."
Calina Tereshchenko countered, "But it might be good for the gallery opening."
Jai Raghilda replied, "That's true. I struggle finding clothes I like. The fit is difficult."
Calina Tereshchenko added, "And finding Jai sized clothes."
Jai Raghilda agreed, "The hardest part. If you are 6 foot tall and double D, you can shop off the rack."
I came down the stairs feeling a bit more comfortable for all my armour.
"Welcome back, Major."
"Thank you Consulari," I said and then added, "Well, thank you Calina... and Jade."
Calina Tereshchenko smiled, "I think the visit was most productive. I will let you know when the alterations have been finished."
"If you do see Linnea again," I asked, "Please tell her I was looking for her."
"I will," she replied.
Jade gave a crude curtsy.
I smiled and addressed them both, "Thank you... have a pleasant evening."
"Next time, you will have to visit the tea house next door," offered the Companion, "It is still in its state of.... disarray."
"Certainly," I replied, "I would enjoy that."
"I will come by next week to ask about clothes for me," promised Ms. Raghilda, "I will bring coffee. 32kg to hold you over."
"I would appreciate that," said Calina, "The thieves made off with the coffee you gave us."
"I heard," remarked the Consulari, "Damn thugs."
Ms. Tereshchenko waved her hand, "But that is a conversation for another time."
"Very well," I said, "Good night."
"Oh, I almost forgot!" cried Jade. With that she turned and ran up the stairs.
Calina glanced up the stairs after Jade.
From the second floor, we heard the sound of a door and Jade's voice once again, "Come on in lil ones. Yes I know its cold out there. Come in and I will put you in my bedroll to warm you up."
Listening to Jade chatter to her little ones, Consulari Raghilda began to laugh,"hee hee heee hee, ...hahahaha....Chickens!"
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