To hold a pen is to be at war. - Voltaire

I arrived unannounced. I wanted the benefit of meeting Tillery without bodyguards, associates, or any other staff for that matter.
He did not keep me waiting.
"Hello, Major. Welcome to Spinwheel."
"Hello Tillery...Thank you. Are you keeping well?" I asked with a gentle smile, "Have I caught you at a bad time?"
"No," he hesitated, "I'm just... dealing with some news."
He seemed reserved but it was not anger this time. Something was troubling him.
"I dropped by because I had something for Mikie Rhiadra. I hoped perhaps you could pass it along."
"Oh?" he asked, "I don't talk with her often, but I can pass it along."

"Oh my."
"Not quite overturning her conviction..." I continued.
Tillery took the parchment.
"...the first step though," I said.
"Not quite?" he asked.
I pointed to the text, "The foregoing Stay of Execution of Judgment Pending Appeal, having been presented and reviewed by the undersigned, a presiding Justice of the Union of Allied Planets Supreme Court, the undersigned is satisfied that sufficient grounds have been established for the issuance of this order staying the Execution of Judgment of Defendants... etc etc."
"How?" he asked.
"Well, the investigation so far has been enough to convince the judge that there is a cause to pause." I smiled. I was feeling rather pleased with myself.
"Does this mean she can come above ground now?" he asked.
"Indeed. It also means that we are charged with keeping her alive. She will need to cooperate with the investigation of course. It's all in the document."
Ironic when you realize that this was the woman who declared Shadow independent from the Alliance. My unit was now bound by our own laws to protect her.
"Oh Buddha," muttered Tillery and he walked back to his chair.
He was curiously subdued. Even with the matter of Sveltana Pleides between us, I expected champagne.
"Have a seat," he offered.

"Special Rule 425 requires that if an eligible defendant is released on bail pending appeal pursuant to stated conditions of the bond shall include..."
There were a number of requirements that needed to be fulfilled. I covered them point by point.
"...The defendants are hereby released on the foregoing conditions mandated as per Special Rule 425 and the additional condition that they cooperate with the Union of Allied Planets Special Investigations Unit in their ongoing investigation of the Aberdeen Explosion and its related crimes."
I looked up.

"Of course."
"I can perhaps arrange for a photo op with the Judge."
I was trying to cheer him up.
"Who is the judge?" he asked.
"Sir Beaumont Lordhunter," I smiled triumphantly pointing to the name at the end of the text. "The ink is still wet."
"This is excellent news," he conceded.
"I agree."
"Anything for Sentry?" he asked.
"The same exactly." I hesitated for a split second. "I have informed him," I added.
"You found him?"
"Yes," I said simply, "It is what I do."

I chuckled. "He had questions. He is a good fellow."
"He is," acknowledged Tillery, "If somewhat insane."
"Well, please see if you can get this news to Ms. Rhiadra..."
"I will."
"She will need to appear before an officer of the court and so forth and meet with investigators."
"Doesn't she need to report on a specific world?"
"She could report here in Spinwheel," I offered helpfully. We had offices here next to the court.
"Alright," he agreed, "I don't know where she is, but I will find out."
I looked again through the document. "Have your legal team look this over." I suggested.
"I will."

I stood up and glanced around the office, "Very nice offices Tillery. Is that a Picasso?"
"Indeed. One of the few to make it from Earth-that-was."
I smiled with one eyebrow up. "That must be worth something..."
Tillery let a small smile show. "A bit."
I answered with a merry laugh.
"I do have some news for you," he said, "Svet will give you the testimony you need. No argument."
"On the events of Shadow?" I asked. "That's good news."
He nodded with mixed emotions showing on his face.
"Your own testimony will be most valuable too," I added graciously then indicated the document, "And with what Sentry and Mikie have to say."
"And you'll have it whenever it goes to trial," he promised.
I nodded satisfied, "Thank you."
"Have you been to Spinwheel City before?"
"No," I replied, "I have to acquaint myself with the UAP offices here in fact."
"It's the main admin center for Paquin. One of the reasons we moved the headquarters here. You can see the tower from here, actually."
Tillery pointed out the window to the large gray tower to the east displaying the flag of the Union of Allied Planets on it's surface.

"Good view of the rest of the city, including the spaceport," he added.
"Nice and close," I remarked. "We should do lunch when I am in town."
"That would be excellent." He continued, "Doesn't hurt that the city is a quick flight to Saona Island."
"Indeed," I replied.
Tillery looked like he had more to say, but gave a very slight shake of his head.
I could ignore it no longer. "You look glum Tillery..."
"I just got some disappointing news," he replied, "that I'm not really ready to share."
He said nothing further. Instead, he looked down at the central plaza with its flags and fountains.

"We have," he admitted.
"I must be going. I have to arrange for the next thing and the next ... and the next," I laughed. I was in a jolly mood. Almost compensating for Tillery's solemnness.
"I understand," said Tillery, "I need to get back to work myself. I will pass the news on to Mikie."
"Thank you," I replied, "and if she is having trouble with memory as you mentioned the night Lynx was shot, she will need the support of a good friend."
"She's rediscovered plenty of them since she reappeared."
I nodded with a smile, "That is good news. Well, have a pleasant afternoon Tillery."
"You too Pepper."
"I'll speak with you soon," I promised.
"No doubt," he replied.
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