"True, they are vicious and rebellious, but we will force them into obedience, and it is they who will admire us the most. They will regard us as gods, and feel grateful to those who have consented to lead the masses and bear their burden of freedom by ruling over them--so terrible will that freedom at last appear to men!" - Feodor Dostoevsky
Svetlana Pleides contacted me on April 21 with the following message: "Salyut.. I would like to discuss something with you concerning biological control chips used in slaves...
This was unexpected. I wasted no time in replying: "Thank you for contacting me. I would be interested in hearing what you have to say."
That was true but not just in the matter of control chips. I also had a few questions of my own concerning her connection to the late Doctor Wirefly.
She sent her reply: "Okay..we have a female, alleged former companion who was, well, turned into a mind controlled meat puppet.. there may be nothing there to rescue or anything.. but I owe her present owner some unpleasantness."
And a willingness to use an officer of the law to work her revenge it seems.
I left the Core and began the long journey to the source of the transmission. Botany Bay.
April 23 - Stopover on Al Raqis
I entered the arrivals area of the Splintered Rock settlement. The heat was so overwhelming that it was like walking into a wall. I really had to remember to put my hydrosuit on before disembarking.
While I gathered my things together, and rapidly overheating, a tall blond woman in a black uniform greeted me from where the Arrivals Area tube emptied to the market area.
"Hi," she began.
"How are you?"
"I'm fine," I replied, "considering the heat here on the Rock..."
"True ,the heat is something awful," she said with a laugh, "You do look uncomfortable. We have a bar here you can get out of the heat."
"I will have to get indoors," I promised, "Are you heading that way?"
"Yes, care to join me?"
"This way," she said with a smile and turned to lead us to relief from the heat.
We proceeded down the path and along the elevated walkway.

"No, actually," I replied, "I have been here before... my planet has a Manor House here. House Zenobia."
"Ah, yes I've heard of that house," she smiled.
"Oh?" I said, "Good things I hope."
"It was," she giggled.
Passing the citadel, we made our way to a long metal building with an entrance at the far end. This entrance opened up to a ramp that lead downward to a second set of doors.
The Assistant Barkeep greeted us pleasantly. Tactfully, he did not mention the temperature.
Instead he nodded and asked, "What can I get you to drink? Much spice out in the sand today?"
"Hello Jeron," answered my companion, "just water for me thanks."
"Spiced Coffee please," I said.
We collected our drinks and took a seat at a nearby table.

"Pleased to meet you," replied my host, "I'm Gwen Arrowmint I am the temp Captain of the SS Chameleon."
"The Chameleon?" I asked, "Are you with a fleet?" It was always useful to know if a fleet was gathering on your borders.
"No we're just traders," she smiled, "UAP. I don't believe I've heard of that before."
"The United Alliance of Planets," I explained, "A collection of planets and inhabited moons around 34 Tauri. And where do you hale from?"
"I honestly don't remember," she replied "I crashed on this planet years ago and I found work here."
"You crashed here?" I asked.
"Yes the people who found me said I wasn't alone but I was the only one who lived."
"You are very lucky then," I said, stating the obvious.
"That's what they tell me," she chuckled, "The locals here raised me. Doc believes I will get my memory back some day."
"Locals as in the people of the desert?" I asked.
"Yes," she replied.

"Your coffee looks good," she grinned.
"I must admit I have grown too fond of spice coffee since first arriving," I confessed.
The newcomer addressed the Captain, "Umm, I am sorry are you talking to me?"
"Yes, come join us," offered Captain Arrowmint.
The young woman was blue, but unlike the holy women of Bihar who painted their skin, this pigment looked natural. What we might consider her hair, perhaps more of a crest, drew back into a point behind her head. She wore a black and white skin suit similar to those of the Nidus Convergence.
She looked uncomfortable but she got off her stool and walked over to us, "Hmm....but I don't know you two?"
Captain Arrowmint and I introduced ourselves.
"You seem frighten," continued the Captain, "Is every thing alright?"
The young blue woman began her story, "Umm....well....my name is Vilish'lex... I crashed here......and I have no way home...."
"I'm so sorry," answered Captain Arrowmint, "Was that your ship I saw out in the desert?"
Vilish'lex nodded "Yes. I was told it exploded. My home is a planet in a different galaxy from here."
"You've come so far," remarked the Captain, "Are you looking for someone or something?"
"I crashed here...." repeated the blue woman.
Another crash survivor. They are just falling out of the sky.

Vilish'lex replied, "Umm....yes....."
"My ship, as it is," said Captain Arrowmint, " is still being repaired. Something knocked out the main computer."
"A computer virus?" I asked.
"I'm hoping so," she replied.
"Well, I am a technician...." Vilish'lex said almost to herself.
"Really?" asked the Captain, "do you think you can look at it sometime?"
Vilish'lex nodded, "Sure...but even if I help you I am stuck here either way."
"How's that?" wondered Captain Arrowmint.
Vilish'lex looked down, "Well.....I am too young to fly.....and.......I don't know how to get back home....."
"Ah, I see," answered the Captain.
"What star system are you from?" I inquired.
"I said I am too young to fly so how you think I would know about the Star system I am from?" she challenged.
I responded with a kind smile. "I simply meant what is the name of your Sun."
"Huh?" she asked.
"I am from 34 Tauri," I said patiently.
"Oh, you mean what planet..." she said.
"Certainly," I said. Close enough, I thought.
"It's alright if you don't know," added the Captain.
She told us the name of her world. "I was flying to there from another world which is why I was shot down here..........with my ship gone and the System Auto Pilot system destroyed I don't know were (home) is."
Gwen Arrowmint looked concerned, "You were being hunted?"
Vilish'lex nodded "The world we was, at according to what we fight through....was hostile.....and majorly popular for forced slavery."
Captain Arrowmint gave a slight gasp, "Oh my, I am so sorry."
"You were lucky then to have escaped," I added.
The Captain agreed.
"Well," I said, trying to put a positive spin on things, "it seems we may be lucky to have all met too... the Captain needs a technician..."
Vilish'lex sighed, "Very different than (my world)....very similar....but more pretty and lovely."
Gwen Arrowmint smiled, "Perhaps fate."
"...and I am investigating the slave trade which is illegal in my sector," I reported. It was my new opening line now that the relics of St. Zenobius had been retrieved.
Vilish'lex shook her head, "Oh no, (my world) is not like this, by Fate. It's controlled by Asari's like me, not like the forced slavery. We have contracts saying every one agrees to this so and so on."
Captain Arrowmint nodded, "I see."
"So you are Asari? Is that your people?" I asked.
"Yea, but I am too young to fly a ship," she reiterated.

Time was passing and I wanted to be refreshed before beginning the last leg of my journey.
"Alright," replied Captain Arrowmint, "It was nice meeting you."
"Yes Captain. It was a pleasure. Thank you for showing me this establishment."
Gwen Arrowmint smiled, "Anytime you want to cool down you're welcome here."
It may be a good place to make contacts too, I thought. I offered her my card, which she accepted graciously.
"And Vilish'lex," I continued, "Good luck to you. I hope you find your way home."
"Thank you," Vilish'lex nodded, "You humans are nicer than I thought."
Captain Arrowmint smiled softly at the young woman.
"Well," I answered, "not all of us are nice, so be careful too.
Vilish'lex smiled as her body started to glow. "Don't worry about me. I can handle myself."
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