**(incoming transmission) Go to the gallows at Prosperity and head north until you see a minehead. Sit in the basket and wait for contact (transmission ends)**

My source's directions were easy to follow. The gallows I had passed on the few occasions that I had visited Prosperity. It made a good landmark. The minehead I found easily from there.

Within fifteen minutes of arriving at the rendezvous point, I heard the sound of a dustrunner approaching the roof of the minehead tower. A few clangs and bangs heralded the landing of the vehicle.
I looked up shielding my eyes from the falling dust and rust.
I heard what was becoming a familiar voice albeit garbled through the mask in his space-suit. It was the source I referred to as Budweiser, after the crates located at our first meeting place.
"Good day, Major," he began.
"Hello again," I replied.
"According to the Cortex, you managed to meet with the Mirajkar woman."
"I spoke with her, yes."
"And was it worth your while?" he asked.
"It was useful. Thank you."
"We needed to establish our bona fides with one another," he stated.
Fair enough, I thought.
"Now I hope you will help me with Commander Faith..." I began.
"Likewise," he replied.
"You said you were concerned about what he may do..."
"You were on Al Raqis. My sources say he is running weapons out of there."
"Yes," I confirmed, "Either him or his father..."
"Is that enough to get the Alliance to act?" he asked.
"Al Raqis is out of our jurisdiction."
That has always been the problem. That was a factor as to why Sedrick established himself there.
"A warrant can be issued and extradition pursued," he answered, "What legitimate market could there be for weapons like that?"
"There are no extradition treaties in place," I explained.
It would take months for Central Government to move on the matter. The Zenobian presence on Al Raqis may serve as a diplomatic bridge but it was too early to tell. Perhaps after the next Al Raqis Legislature was sworn in.

"I need something I can work with now," I said, "A warrant has been issued in connection with the murder of Sanders Pastriani."
"An arrest warrant, for Commander William Faith? He is officially wanted?"
"Yes," I replied.
"Very good, Major."
"But only for the murder charge," I cautioned, "I will need more if I am to pursue... other charges." I hesitated to use the term war crimes.
"Here is my pledge," he stated, "You get a trial convened, and I will produce eyewitness testimony and physical evidence that will prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt."
I raised an eyebrow. "That's a mighty promise....how can I contact you?"
"Too bad you can't do a stress analysis on my voice to be sure I'm telling the truth."
"You would have to remove that helmet," I smiled.
"If the trial is public, I will find my way to it. If it is secret, you can leave a personal advertisement on the Cortex for Frater Usagi. If you get Faith on trial, I will reveal myself."
"Frater Usagi..." I repeated.
"Use any message you see fit," he said, "Just direct it to that name."
I told him something of what I learned from my interview with Ms. Mirajkar. "BriAria was more concerned with her father's activities. She supported William in fact."
"The old man is doubtless guilty of many crimes, but I have no knowledge of them."
That was useful to know.
I nodded. "Are you also aware that another person connected to the events of the Fall of Shadow has been killed?"
"Who?" he asked.
"Some one involved in the apprehension of Sentry Swashbuckler and Mikie Rhiadra. Also the Judge who tried their case has gone missing..."
"You had best hurry up with that trial Major, or you may not have anyone left to try."
"...it is possible William Faith will not make it to trial," I agreed.
"That is unacceptable to me," he declared, "He must face justice."
"Are you in a position to warn him?" I asked. If Faith was warned he might bolt from cover, I reasoned.
There was a pause, some possible coughing or chuckling. It was hard to tell with the space-suit mask.
"Certainly not," my source replied.
I smiled, "Then we will just have to see how this plays out."
"You might try a direct approach, if these deaths are related as you seem to surmise."
"Have your witnesses ready..." I said.
"At any time, Major. At any time."
"Very good... thank you for your help."
"As long as you act for justice, Major, I act with you."
I paused, thinking. Those were deep words.

"Thank you for your concern," I answered.
"You are the only person in the Alliance seeking justice in these matters. That is where my concern lies."
"Let me know if you hear of where these weapons are ending up."
"I am not in gun-running circles," he replied, "You are far more likely to learn such things."
"We may be able to pressure the Al Raqis government."
"Or reach some sort of quid pro quo," he suggested, "There is a great deal of spare water in the Alliance. Perhaps even enough to wash clean the sins of the man called Faith."
"What do you know of Faith Industries holdings on New Zion?" I asked.
"Nothing. My knowledge of Faith is limited to events on Shadow, when it was inhabited."
"Were you there when it happened?" I asked.
"Get him in the dock, Major, and I promise you testimony that will not disappoint."
"Consider this then," I said, "the murder of Sanders Pastriani ... that should be little effort to prosecute. But the larger crime of what happened on Shadow that will take some doing."
"What Faith did on the day of his 'wedding' is what I can prove. The killing of Sanders, and the bombardment. If you are looking to expose the full crimes of the whole Alliance, that is beyond my power."
I smiled, "One step at a time..."

"Your help is much appreciated," I said finally.
"If you stay on the path, I will walk with you as far as I can."
"Let's get him into custody and see what he has to say," I replied.
The whine of an engine and the clatter of debris from the rooftop was the only answer.
As the dustrunner sped away, I brushed the new coat of dust out of my hair then turned and walked back to town.
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