After cleaning up, once my guests had left, I ventured out into the Al Raqis afternoon.

Taken aback I scurried to the main house and let myself in. Once I was sure the door was sufficiently well sealed I ran up the stairs to the roof.
The insect took notice and followed after me. It began to scratch at the outer door.
I peered over the building edge while I fastened my knife to my belt. This was one of the few times that I wished I was in the habit of carrying a gun.
A large fellow in red battle armour approached the square. The insect turned and regarded him.
The man in the suit made a noise. "Hmm. Mini tyranid?"
I called down from the roof. "It seems to be hunting me..."

I called to the soldier, "Your assistance is appreciated."
Turning back to the roof top opening, I quickly descended to street level.
My new companion and I stood in the square regarding the beast.
"The size of a small dog," I observed, "but I thought it was smaller when I first saw it."
The bug began to chew on the rat, now quite dead. To my surprise the insect appeared to grow before our eyes.
Unsatiated the creature then turned it's attention to a stray dog that had wandered into the square from the direction of the bakery. The bug attacked, pouncing on the dog.
"Woah!!" I exclaimed,
As the insect began to feed, it again began to grow noticeably.
"Uh oh," I said quietly.
There was a sound as my companion got his bolter ready.
"We need to lure this beast away from the settlement," I declared.
"Kill it is always an option," he replied.
The insect ran into the Zenobian warehouse. Safely inside it began fishing around the sacks of coffee and potatoes.
"You have a frag grenade?" he asked.
"That would damage all the cargo," I protested.
He handed me a grenade anyway. "For later then."
Meanwhile, the insect continued it's rapid growth, nibbling on the coffee beans. Wonderful. A chitinous omnivore with a caffeine rush and growth spurts.

"Yes," he agreed, "You got a weapon?"
"My knife," I replied.
"Not going to do much good," he said flatly.
I was inclined to agree. I really did not want to get close enough to use it.
"This way," I called and led the way to open spaces hoping the insect would follow me. Come on little bug. Warm and tasty Alliance officer here.
I padded out onto the desert sands, but it soon became apparent that my strategy had not paid off.
Shortly, I was joined by my new friend in the battle armour.
"Well, looks like we lost it..." I said forlornly. That had not been my intent.
He scanned the area with some sort of miniature mapping device. "Nope," he replied. "South of here."
I regarded the fellow with some curiosity. "What is your uniform?" I asked.
He gave me his name and unit, then added by way of explanation, "Space marine suit. You?"
"Alliance Military but dressed for the desert," I said.
"Hmm," remarked the soldier, "let's go stop that thing."

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