The data container slid open with a satisfying click.
I smiled.
After meeting with my source I had decided to stay overnight in MacLaren's Drift and try my hand again at opening Ardra's files. The offices of the Consolidated Associate Traders of Zenobia suited my purpose as I could spread out on the floor, use the desk and so forth. And if someone happened to wander by, usually one look at the uniform and they keep moving.

Applying the same logic to the Lab 81 file yielded similar results.
The third file was easy to unlock now that I had the key. Last fall, I worked on a case that involved a set of specialized eyes and a cerebral chip to monitor them. I simply followed the same protocol that unlocked the first two files given that mobility was also a factor.
The contents of the third file included classified Alliance medical records, photographs and scans. I had seen these before. I took note that the more recent reports on this case were absent.
I was enjoying the moment, avoiding the greater question of how classified Alliance information ended up on the Heighliner, when Tillery Woodhen called.
"Hello, Major."
"Hello Mr. Woodhen. How are you this fine day?"
"Not bad," he answered, "Yourself?"
"I am well thank you. Just doing some paperwork..."
"They never talk about that in the holos," he replied.
I smiled. "I will have a press release for you some time soon on the body found on Gateway."
"Is it Wirefly?"
"We have identified him as the Doctor Wirefly involved in the apprehension of those accused in the Aberdeen Incident - Sentry Swashbuckler and Mikie Rhiadra."
"Any idea who did it?"
"I cannot, of course, discuss the details of an ongoing investigation," I said automatically, "I will say, off the record, that it is interesting that Doctor Wirefly was murdered then Judge Thadius Wirefly went missing."

"It is believed that they were brothers.... but that needs to be confirmed."
I should have the autopsy report soon.
I continued. "I am in contact with SIU Londinium. I can imagine that our mutual friend, Commander Faith, is concerned. Two of the main players in the events that led to the destruction of Shadow are either missing or dead."
"You think he did it? Or at least ordered it?"
"Or he is next," I suggested.
"Who else had anything to really gain from their deaths?"
"Some one could be cleaning up a mess. Events like what happened to Shadow... they are never the actions of one man."
"Which could just as easily be Faith. Or his father," suggested Tillery.
"Possibly," I acknowledged, "What do you know about his father?"
"Not too much. Though Jai Raghilda had a theory."
"Really?" I asked.
"I may have told you it before. She thinks Commander Faith is under the same kind of control as Mikie."
"An interesting theory, yes... but then we get back to who is pulling the strings?"
"Sedrick," he said firmly, "He was clearly in control of Mikie at that trial on Al Raqis."
"Then we will have to find out more about him," I admitted, "Though I doubt even if he had Wirefly or the Wireflys disposed of, that he would do the same with William. William's reaction will be a clue."
"As do I," said Tillery, "And I haven't seen William since the party on Al Raqis."
I paused. "Perhaps he knows a warrant has been issued for his arrest."
"Would that be enforced on Al Raqis?"
"Unfortunately no," I answered, "We have no extradiction treaty. However, with his arms dealing and your formal vendetta, perhaps the local authorities will see it clear to show him the door. My feeling is the he will fall back to his holdings on New Zion."
"Well, I never really got the paper work in on that..."
"Not to worry," I said cheerfully, "Enough happened to make people concerned."
I fiddled with the data containers.

"All right."
"If you had a locked file named 'Miscellaneous Files'...what would you use as a password? Generally speaking."
"I'd use my computer to pick one at random."
"Yes," I replied, "That is what I am afraid of... thank you."
As the words left my mouth, I noticed that the password to the Miscellaneous folder was in fact written on the outside of the container.
"Sorry I can't help you more on that," he offered.
"Not to worry," I said "I managed to get it open as we talked."
"Oh good."
"Please let me know if you in need of anything," I said.
"I will. And let me know if you need another meeting."
"Thank you."
The call concluded I settled back in the chair and began to read.
Controlled Chaos
File begins:
There's been word that the Alliance and Blue Sun are working on a new project, but no one is talking. Word is out that a special team of scientists are being asked to join them on Londinium for a project.
Shipping and handling: The canisters are put into cases. Small and very well protected. No markings are needed. The box is unique, although the canisters aren't. These are the test canisters. Shipped out to special labs throughout the verse.
Special documents are sent to certain individuals where there’s high activity. Giving the commanders some idea of what will be happening in their sectors. Not all the information is there. But enough to let them know what the operation is and what they can expect.
The canisters carry the new PAX/Control agent. Each reaver has to be marked with a small tracker chip to keep tabs on where they are. It's also an on off switch. Think of a training collar.
The Alliance won't admit to any involvement. Blue Sun will say the scientists were working independently from one location.

"From what was gathered both at the labs and the aforementioned planet, I believe we can accomplish something effective. It'll make for a new viable commodity for military applications."
"Making throw away soldiers?"
"Not in so many words. More like expendable. The bonus here is, they can be used on sensitive missions, Such as cleanup or Ops where the military wouldn't have to admit their involvement."
"A black ops?"
"Wait, are you saying we have a go on this?"
"Well I don't like it."
"What's there not to like?"
"You're wanting to go back there and retrieve how many subjects for experimentation?"
"I don't like it on the grounds they're savages. How're we supposed to get them here? Where are we working and where's the funding actually coming from? Who's directing this project?"
"Good questions, all."
"To the first, we have a few subjects already in holding."
:: Another pause as the others in the room mutter.::
"To the second, We have the location already set, as you can see on your display. The funding is mutual."
:: Pause, as everyone speaks amongst themselves. A few aren't happy. They’re the ones we have to watch out for.::
"The directors are also listed on your display. Remember, you all signed the agreement. Anyone backing out now, has nowhere to go."
"We've already started the practical application. If you will refer to the next display?"
"You sent them to Blackburn?....."
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