"The stiffly held weapon will not conquer.
Hard wood will fall to the axe.
The tall and stiff is of inferior rank.
The supple and weak is of superior rank." Tao Te Ching, LXXVI
The Weyland Futani technicians had gotten to work on Krenshar immediately after we arrived at the Command Carrier. They soon had him in pieces... probing, inspecting, downloading, uploading and doing whatever it is that they do.
I refreshed myself with a light meal and a nap then waited for the inevitable. Krenshar had allies and beyond that was simply valuable, whether whole or in pieces. Someone would be responding soon.
The inevitable took the form of a broadcast on a private channel. I recognized the voice immediately.
The message: You have something I want. I have something you want. Perhaps we can arrange a mutually agreeable exchange. I want the replicant, unharmed and intact. Are you interested?
I replied: I am always interested in mutually agreeable arrangements.
This time we would meet on my ground, not some pleasant cottage on a grey moon.
"Ms. Zhangsun... good to see you again," I said with a smile.
"I'll get to the point," she answered curtly.
"Yes please," I replied.
"I want the replicant," she demanded.
Krenshar was not himself at that moment. His head was dettached from his body and in a specially prepared laboratory in the aft of the ship. The headless body was here with us.
Ms. Zhangsun offered me a piece of paper.
"I see," I replied. The paper indicated Ms Zhangsun was employed by Weyland Yutani at the time Krenshar was created.
"I have a special interest in him," Ms. Zhangsun added.
I folded the paper.
"I believe any claim you may have had to intellectual property rights will have been declared null and void when you left their employ," I said with some finality.
Ms. Zhangsun continued, "You are no doubt aware I did not complete my internship with the Alliance. One day short." She looked at the replicant. "My family owes you. One day. I will trade myself to you for one day in exchange for him."
"For one day..." Was she serious?

"And this?" I asked.
"Open it," she demanded.
It was a picture of River Tam.
"My mother," she explained.
I raised an eyebrow. It took a lot to surprise me.
"Let him go. You have what you want. One day."
"And that is your offer?" I asked. "There is a little matter of accounting too... the cost for our facility on Caliban."
"Your facility?" she asked.
"The damages caused by your genetic construct LilyBell. Alliance Laboratory 81," I explained.
"Damages being exactly?"
"The fire she caused destroyed the research we were sponsoring there."
"My family has supplied your leaders with everything they agreed." Ms. Zhangsun said.
I fingered the photo again.
"My 'payment' to you will end any obligation between Blue Sun and The Alliance. One day. That is my offer."
"Oh come now Ms. Zhangsun," I began "... the relationship between Alliance and Blue Sun has been long a fruitful."
"It will be renegotiated. Things have changed," she said.
"I would rather this be the beginning," I countered,"... the beginning of something vibrant and new."
"There will be no further obligation. However, I will be continuing the research."
Trooper G. watched her carefully.
Ms. Zhangsun looked at the trooper. "Don't", she warned, "I will deal with you."
To my surprise, the Trooper nodded.
She turned back to me and continued as if nothing had occurred, "There is one other thing. A favor. I would consider it a...personal favor."
"Go on," I prompted.
Ms. Zhangsun handed me a card. It read: 'Cody Winterwolf. Remove the chips. From him and his brother which yes, I know about.'
"This is an interesting request," I replied. Small beer compared to Krenshar.
"As I said, a personal favor."
"Well," I answered "This I can accomplish... as a personal favor...and someday I may ask you for something similar."
She nodded and looked around the room." I think you will find our new labs...far superior to the last ones you may have toured. And, it is already staffed with scientists and 'volunteers'."
"I would enjoy seeing them," I said pleasantly, "and how is Mindo by the way?"
"It will be some time before they are open. My main scientist is going to be .. Ah. Yes. Mindo is being kept....busy."
I nodded.
She looked at her hands, but didn't try to hide the slight marks from where she obviously been slapping someone.
"I am having him returned to the institution, until he is safe to be around the population. Then he will be working in a secured area of the lab. He is...making good progress. Both in his socialization and in his work."
"I'm glad to hear that," I said.
"The Replicant cannot be disassembled like this for much longer. Of course you wouldn't know ..but..if you agree, it needs to be done now. If you trust me to return that is."
She looked at me directly in the eyes "...which you do," she added.
"Of course I trust you Ms. Zhangsun," I replied. "I am just considering the equations...."
There was nothing about this woman that I trusted. Everything about her screamed that she was bargaining in bad faith. She appeared to be trying some form of psychological manipulation on everyone in the room. Krenshar was exempt but that could be because he had no head.
However, if she was indeed who she claimed to be and was truly offering one day of service, a lot can be accomplished in one day. People can disappear. Governments can fall.
"And?" she waited.
"Very well ... one day plus our facility costs... in exchange for the replicant... and with the understanding that we will continue to work towards our common goals."
Ms. Zhangsun looked at the trooper with a slight smile. Did she not think I would see that?
"We will work toward our common goals, with a renegotiation of terms. One day." She places her hand on the headless replicant's shoulder very gently. "Please. I'd like to take him how, before its too late. Of course, I will verify that he is intact. Not modified."
"Naturally," I said.
"And I will know," she said softly, "As would he."
"This trooper needs to get to his bunk," she said suddenly.
"That trooper is fine," I corrected.
Trooper G. looked at Ms. Zhangsun oddly.
"Yes, he is," she said.
"Do you need laboratory space to reassemble Krenshar?" I asked.
"It depends what condition his...how he has been disassembled?"
"By Weyland Yutani scientists," I answered.
"Your technicians could put him into one piece, and I can activate him."
"Very well," I said.
x0x0 Zhangsun looked at the trooper again, started to say something, and then didn't. She smiled slightly, looked at the me, back to the man, and then stood looking at her own hands.
This one is dangerous and unstable, I thought.
"Troopers... please take the replicant to the laboratory on board," I ordered.
Once we were alone, Ms. Zhangsun turned to me. "About the boy. The favor."
"He will be suspicious."
"If my reports are correct the chip is misfiring," I said.
"But he is in agony. The chip is failing. He has....yes. Are you capable of removing it? Or do I need to bring him in."
I nodded, "We have a facility waiting."
"I think I'd prefer to have it done somewhere neutral....I'm sure you understand."
"I'm sure he would too," I replied, "Where are you suggesting?"
"Hale's Moon surgical unit in West Town," she said "It's fully equipped."
The troopers returned with the now assembled replicant saving me from answering. Instead I said, "Ah, here is Mr. Krenshar."

"Is everything in order?" I asked.
Ms. Zhangsun whispered something in the replicant's ear.
"We will find out," she said
"The papers I gave you. I trust you will destroy them?" Ms. Zhangsun looked at me.
I said nothing. I promised nothing.
"System running at 100% what job is required of me," said Krenshar.
"Hello Krenshar," answered Ms. Zhangsun.
"Good day," replied Krenshar.
"We will expect financial compensation as we discussed," I said.
She smiled, so consumed with looking at the replicant that she did not appear to hear me. "We can go now, Krenshar," she murmured.
Krenshar said "System has found 137,236 corrupt files, shall I proceed?"
"Wait 'til we are onboard the ship. I would like to take a backup of them, even though they are corrupt."
Krenshar replied, "Orders received and understood."
Inwardly I sighed. So much for the Post Human Future.
"Please prepare interface for neural network," she instructed.
"System ready," supplied Krenshar.
"I will....begin as soon as we are in the air." She turned to me, "Major."
"Ms. Zhangsun," I said.
"Thank you," she nodded.
I inclined my head and smiled.
She addressed the replicant, "Krenshar. Please set course for ...Anywhere. Let's go for a ride."
He answered her, "Anywhere is not a known system in my database."
x0x0 Zhangsun smiled "I see". She led her prize away to her waiting craft.

From the bridge, we watched as the small craft complete its descent towards the Dome.
"I think the saviour of Caliban has arrived on the surface," I said dryly, "...with his prophet...x0x0 Zhangsun."
"She's planning something, Major?" asked Trooper G.
"Oh, I am certain of it."
"What can we expect?"
"Did you notice the color of his lights?" I asked them.
"Yes," Trooper G. added, "I had noticed."
Trooper F. remarked, "Rust orange."
"There were purple... Alliance," I explained.
"Things have changed," replied Trooper G.
"Things always change, Trooper," I said, "The secret ...is directing those changes."
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