I took a call from Trade Association Delegate, Jai Raghilda.
"I have someone that can help you," she began. "I have located the salvage broker. Mercedes Celestalis."
"You mentioned her on Gateway, yes, and do you have a location?"
"She is back on Eavesdown in Persephone."
I nodded, "Thank you, that is useful. Did you find Cody Winterwolf?"
"He was in MacLaren yesterday."
No surprise, I thought, that is where I saw him last. "And did you get the information that you wanted?"
"After the arrests are made I will trade you for the file." She referred to arresting those responsible for black market organ harvesting. The file was the data disk Winterwolf had had in his possession detailing reaver control experiments.
"That is agreeable," I said. "On another matter... have you been to Splintered Rock?"
"Not lately, but soon."
"I have to meet the Governor. I know you are a good negotiator."
"I have some good luck," she conceded.
"I wonder if you would like to join me on that trip."
"I would. What is the objective of the meeting?"
Straight to the point. I was beginning to admire this one.
"At this point, we need to make formal introductions... learn a bit about their world ... who is who, that sort of thing."
"They have a lot of factional politics."
"Yes, and all the more reason to meet the people involved before establishing any kind of formal relation." I left details out. She could do her own math.
"Agreed," she replied.
"Very good then."
"I am not letting Mercedes know that you will be looking for her." She drew us back. This was important to her.
"I appreciated that."
"She is the link to the organ leggers. I am hoping that you can get her to flush out the organ leggers and you can maybe get your contact with Ardra."
This was her price it seems.
"That would be helpful," I admitted.
"But she is the best hope for you to get in touch with Ardra."
"Thank you again for your help."
"A pleasure doing business with you, Major."
"And with you Madam Delegate."
And so ... an understanding after all.
Oh, and then there was this message waiting on my private channel:
**static** This a message for Alliance. **Mercedes taked cubs and brain too. Not let Krenshar cut up no more cubs name Aurora. Thank you**
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