"Long time thy shadow hath been thrall to me,
For in my gallery thy picture hangs:
But now the substance shall endure the like,
And I will chain these legs and arms of thine" - Shakespeare, 'Henry VI, Part I'
Captain Ranimo stepped out of her fast pursuit craft onto the hanger deck. I was there to greet her.
"Hello Captain Ranimo, Welcome to Caliban."
"Hello Major Siamendes. Thank you."
"Please join me," I said.
"Yes Sir."

Cody Winterwolf was wanted for murder of an Alliance officer, Reginald Brigston. He was also a test subject for the Alliance Military, Research and Development. His eyes had been modified and there was a chip in his head designed to gather data on their performance. The chip was faulty but our scientists believed that it still contained useful information.
I felt some pressure to speed up Winterwolf's apprehension. Blue Sun CEO, x0x0 Zhangsun, had now taken a personal interest in this case, and I was concerned that she would attempt the steal the Alliance research.
Safeguarding the Alliance research superseded all other immediate concerns.
My aim therefore was to find and apprehend this criminal then transport him to an Alliance controlled medical facility on Zenobia to have the chip removed safely.
Once the chip was out, I would present the matter to Ms. Zhangsun as an accomplished deed. She may not by happy at losing an opportunity to steal the chip, but 'the boy' as she called him, would be healthy and safe.
He would still be under arrest of course.

"A holding cell?" she asked.
"Yes," I replied.
She commanded the door to open and then close again.
"Good," I said, "... it recognizes your voice print."
"At least I know where I can take someone for interrogation," she replied.
I began the briefing, "Winterwolf remains high priority."
"I will make him my number one assignment."
"The chip in his head is malfunctioning," I continued.
I elaborated. "Our scientists believe it is still collecting internal data but there appears to be some feedback. It will kill him and render the experiment useless."
"Does he need to remain alive?" she asked. "That will make it more complicated..."
"And harder to transport. I am sorry."
"Yes," she said. If she was disappointed, she did not show it. "It's okay. I will find a hover pad. Do we have a tranquilizer?"
"I will send you transit tubes," I said.
"I will attempt to retrieve him."
"I have faith in your special talents," I assured her.
"Yes and he is a man."
"Use whatever means you see fit. It is crucial that we be the ones to remove the chip. The facility on Zenobia South is ready and waiting."
"I understand but what information is it gathering?"
"He is testing a new set of eyes designed for military use."
"I understand."
"I will see that the file is forwarded to you," I promised.
"I understand."
"I want you fully briefed on this one, Captain," I added.
"Yes Sir," she replied.
I smiled.
"Do I use any means to aquire the subject?"
"Yes," I answered. I was pulling out all the stops.
"Then a young man should be easy to trick," she said.
"Do you need any resources?" I asked.
"Maybe some knock out drops and a wig."
There is a quartermaster on this ship," I remarked.
"I will get to him and requisition the necessary clothing, the pills and a tazer."
"Yes ... something dressy perhaps?" I asked.
"I was thinking a little un-dressy." she replied.
I smiled.
"So a flash bang grenade would make him useless," mused the Captain.
"Yes, but he will likely resist any form of aggression up front," I cautioned.
"I think he might be interested in my aggression," she countered cheerfully.
"Yes, that's true," I smiled.
"I will start my looking around MacLaren's Drift then work my way out to Hale's Moon."
"Very good," I replied.
Captain Ranimo saluted, "I am on my way Sir."
"Good luck Captain." I returned her salute.
"Thank you Sir," she said, "I probably will need it."
"He will only have eyes for you, Captain," I assured her with a smile.
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