Sentry didn't remain in Alliance custody for very long. Shortly after I left the Alexander, he managed to secure himself what commonly known as a 'jackrabbit parole'. The Watcher Drones on board the ship indicated over a dozen people arrived to rescue him, proving once and for all the value of a good bartender on the Rim.
Damage to the ship itself was moderate. With incendiary rockets in two of the security guns, there would be severe burns among the rescuers. The blood stains on the ship will keep a forensic team busy.
I had no idea if Brooke was in the raiding party. She would know enough not to get hurt if she was.
Seeing her the other day on MacLaren's brought back a few memories.
My first day at the Academy...
Londinium - First day at the Academy
The other cadets on my shuttle from Zenobia were all men. Big, solid farm boys all destined to become ground pounders. Great lions and mighty bulls. Spirits high, two of them engaged in a little good natured shoving as they gathered up their packs. We disembarked.
Merging with the crowd of fresh faces streaming off other craft, we reported in at a desk on the flight deck floor set up for new recruits. Smiles and waves at the boys from home and I was suddenly on my own to find my way to the Women's Barracks.

Taking in the sights, the sounds, the sea of grey uniforms arriving from all points of the UAP, I felt a sense of peace, of calmness deep inside, the feeling you get when you know you are exactly in the place you are supposed to be.
I turned and went up the wide ramp to find my billet.

My assigned barracks were small. Five beds in total. Two on either side of the door and three against the back walk. A table and chairs took up the space in the centre of the room. My new home.
Across the room, a young blonde woman with freckles was checking the springs of the center bed. I approached her.
"Hello... my name is Pepper"
She looked up to see me. "Hello," she stated quietly. "I'm Brooke, Brooke Alexander."
I smiled and extended my hand. "Are you from Londinium?" I felt aware of my rustic accent.

"I come from a farming community too... I'm from Zenobia." I looked at the bunks "This one must be mine," I indicated the one on the left as you face the wall.
Brooke gave a little grin. "Farm girl?" she said then shrugged. "My parents hire some people from Zenobia sometimes. Heard it's not that bad." She smiled. "What made you join Alliance?"
"I always wanted to see the stars... and of course serve my planet. What about you?"
"Pollution that bad?" she teased. "I just wanted to get away. You know. Adventure, and I love to fly. Learned a while ago."
She then looked at me. "You know any tricks?"
"Tricks?" I'm thinking, what, like card tricks?
"You know. You going to be a pilot, right?"
"Oh no ..." I replied, "I scored high in 'Games and Theories'. I'm set to go into Military Intel...maybe even Justice." I chuckled, "I'm good at puzzles... and I never give up."
Brooke laughed. "Oh, really?" she said leaning forward. "You're going to get to interview prisoners. That is going to be great. I'd love to do intel, but I want to be a pilot even more. I hope they put me on the dangerous cases." Brooke grinned.
"Meet anyone else yet?"
"Just a few people in the hall. You?"
"A few people. Guy named Chai and a guy named Sanders. Sanders is cute as heck too." She then pulls her legs up close. "So, kiss many boys on Zenobia?"
I laughed, "Maybe."

Brooke's natural, friendly manner was infectious. I found myself opening up to her despite my natural reserve, "Well, there is this one guy I saw walking out of medical... I don't know his name but he is a Captain...that means Doctor."
"Oh? what'd he look like." She then laughed. "Going for the Captains already?"
I laughed quietly.
Brooke grinned. "Smart girl. Until they're old enough to be captain they're not worth your time."
"Dark hair and eyes like hawk...and his hands..." I continued.
Brooke smiled. "Oh? You should ask him to examine you."
I looked up as another new arrival appeared, a young woman with dark hair in a long braid. "Hello," I said.
Brooke also noticed the other girl coming in and smiled. "Hey There." She gave a nod. "I'm Brooke Alexander."
"I'm Pepper Siamendes," I added.
The new young woman smiled "I'm Katherine Aldrin but most people call me Kat." She chuckled "and I've heard that 'oh let me examine you' line before."
Brooke gave nod to me then laughs. "But she wants to be examined."
"Hi Kat...where are you from?"
Katherine smirked, "...around."
I chuckled. A private person.
Brooke grinned. "Parents were nomads?"
"Hehe, something like that," answered Kat, "Where are you girls from?"

Brooke grinned, "I'm from Shinon. My parents own a plantation there. We make chocolate....Best in the 'verse." Brooke then reached for her bag and gave each of us a piece. "Here, try it."
"Oo thank you," I said, delighted at this new development.
Katherine took the square, "mmmmm ..... I haven't had good chocolate in ages..."
I carefully tasted the chocolate savouring each nibble.
Kat smiled bashfully, "Thank you, it is good."
"It's fantastic," I corrected, "Thank you!"
Brooke smiled, "Don't eat it too fast or you get this really weird high." She laughed. "But anyway. Yea, it'll be my job to keep us supplied in chocolate."
I laughed almost choking on the sweet.
Kat grinned "Well, I'll know where to come for the supply then."
Brooke winked at Pepper. "It will be yours to keep us supplied in men. You got the cute face."
I had to laugh, aware that my nose was too small, "I'll be sure to pass them along."
That was then. This is now.
Innocent times.
A lot of time has passed since that day. A lot of adventures. A lot of tears. A lot of choices.
Nothing even came of things with me and the doctor with the remarkable hands.
Brooke would ultimately marry Sanders. He would die. She would leave the service. Now, she is a trader. A new life she calls it.
And now, with the Special Investigations Unit, I am focusing my investigation of the illegal sale of blastomeres on a certain Teetopwillie Neiro.
It would seem that Brooke and I each have an interest in the same man.

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