Oct. 8 - MacLaren's Drift
"Damn'd art thou, Faustus, damn'd; despair and die!
Hell calls for right, and with a roaring voice
Says 'Fautus! Come! Thine hour is come!'" - Marlowe
The wind stirred up the dust into a small spiral that scurried across the ground before falling exhausted at the edge of the plateau. I had come to MacLaren's Drift to apprehend a man. Colonel M______ had given the order to put pressure on Sentry Swashbuckler. According to the Colonel, Mr. Swashbuckler was reputed to have some knowledge of the trade between Hale's Moon and this little haven of outlaws.
It didn't take long to find an outstanding warrant that I could use to bring Mr. Swashbuckler in to have a little chat.
I climbed down the steep embankment and headed for a point just past the bridge across the stream from the local tavern.
In the shelter of a broken hull waited a bald, solid looking man with a full beard.
Brillig Boomslang. He was professional tracker who worked for the government on a freelance basis. He had located Mr. Swashbuckler and had notified my department. He would now assist as backup in the arrest and in the transporting of the criminal.
"You my contact?" he drawled.
"Mr. Boomslang," I said.
He nodded curtly, once.
"Did you track Swashbuckler here?"
"I wouldn't be here otherwise," he grunted.
I smiled warmly, "Naturally Mr. Boomslang. Shall we then?"
"Lead the way, sweetpea."
Oh, did I mention he was a charmer?

We made our way across the small bridge that led to the local tavern. I led the way to a group of crates that sat at the corner of the yard. They provided good cover and a clear view of the main entrance and both ends of the building.
"There will be an exit at the end of that building," I explained.
Mr. Boomslang eyed where I pointed.
"You can cover the exits from here if need be. I will go see our friend."
Mr. Boomslang nodded. "I'll be waitin'" He patted his pistol.
I nodded and headed for the entrance.
The tavern was a dismal affair. It smelled of beer and engine oil. A crowd was gathered inside of about eight to ten people. Most were standing. A few were seated. The bartender was at his post.
I surveyed the scene.

A Slender, Dark Woman steadied herself on the bar as she spoke with a Shepherd. "Well no Cursa," she said. "Only ladies who are interested in your..um services.."
The Shepherd she spoke with would then be Cursa. Cursa Charisma. His picture had been in the Cortex News as one of the persons injured on Splintered Rock in a recent attack against off-worlders.
The bartender spoke "Hello, Welcome to Boot...." He stopped mid-sentence. This was the man that matched the description of Sentry Swashbuckler.
A Tall Man standing nearby frowned and whispered, "Trouble."
A Woman Drinking Tea looked up from her drink and frowned slightly.
The Slender, Dark Woman noticed the sudden tension and surveyed room carefully.
The Shepherd turned around slowly.
I smiled.
"Good Evening," I said.
Sentry Swashbuckler recovered his composure."Hello, how can we help you?" he asked.
"Yes..." I began and I approached the bar.
Then I heard a familiar voice.
"Hello officer."
I turned and noticed her. A blonde woman. Freckles. It was Brooke.
I could not help it. I smiled slowly.
She looked away and played with her hair.
I turned back to Sentry.
"Mr. Swashbuckler?" I asked.
"He was here earlier," he replied "but I think Lerch turned in his papers."
The tension in the room rose steadily. The Tall Man lowered his hand, brushing his sidearm. The Woman Drinking Tea set down her cup and rested on her hand on the butt of one of her guns. A Woman Wearing Purple watched the scene at the bar carefully.
"Well," I said playfully "You must be his brother then..."
Sentry kept his hands on the bar. "Not really. Can I take a message for him?"
Brooke decided to intervene.
"Officer," she said, gave a little smile, then stepped forward. "May I ask what you're here for?"
"Hello Brooke," I replied moving away from the bar to meet her in the center of the room, "How have you been?"
She stopped, slightly startled. She hadn't recognized me until now.
"Pepper...." she said. "It's been a long time."
"Yes it has," I agreed.
"Bootcamp was the last time... wasn't it?" she asked.
Sentry looked concerned. The Tall Man clenched his jaw.

"I didn't expect to see you in a place like this," I said honestly, "A pilot of your calibre." And out of uniform too, I thought.
The crowd was unsettled by these events. Frowns and glares abounded.
Sentry busied himself behind the counter.
"Are you keeping well?" I asked.
"Different life now," she said frowning. "Sanders is dead." She then shifted slightly. "Why are you here?" She kept her replies short.
"I am here to clear up a matter," I said reasonably, "An outstanding warrant... I'm sure just a mistake."
Brooke swallowed, "Yes, so, since it's a mistake, you aren't going to take anyone in. Right?"
"Well, I will have to bring in Mr. Swashbuckler... to sort things out..."
Hands went back on the guns. Shepherd Charisma quietly retrieved his jacket from the crate next to the pole-dancing table.
"You understand how these things work," I added.
"Bring in?" asked Sentry.
The Slender, Dark Woman looked at Sentry. The Woman Drinking Tea looked at the Woman and then at Sentry. The Woman Wearing Purple folded her arms across her chest as she stood in front of the bar.
Brooke folded her arms too. "Yes, I do. You bring him in out here and he never comes back."
The Tall Man nodded.
I turned to Sentry, "Purely administrative."
"Yeah right.." scoffed the Tall Man.
The Woman Drinking Tea snorted.
The Slender, Dark Woman touched her comlink. I figured this meant we would have more arriving for the party soon.
"I know what happens, Pepper," continued Brooke. She looked back at the Tall Man behind her. "No guns, though."
The Woman Wearing Purple muttered, "Not happening."
"Can I ask at least what this is supposedly for?" asked Sentry.
"Administrative rendition?" challenged Shepherd Charisma.
I kept my focus on Brooke. "Brooke...do you see my rifle?" I held out my bare hands, thinking, don't tell them what I can do with my bare hands.
"I don't trust her," said the Tall Man. "They never come alone."
Brooke shook her head, "No. Brave to walk into a bar like this." She then sighed. "What department is taking him in? What is he being charged with?"
"There is an outstanding matter of a soldier killed on Persephone. The warrant was issued but never served."
The Tall Man looked at Sentry. "Maybe it wasn't him."
"Where's the warrant?" demanded the Woman Wearing Purple.
Sentry dropped his head and whispered,"End of the road."
And that was the moment I realized I actually had a chance of getting out of here alive and with my prisoner.
Brooke looked at Sentry then back at me. "Pepper. You're a good officer, you do your duty. I know that." She then nods. "Do you have the warrant?"
"Where's the warrant?" demanded the Woman Wearing Purple again.
The Slender, Dark Woman checked the bindings on her pistol, while I slowly produced a piece of paper from my uniform and handed it to Brooke. The Tall Man watched closely. Brooke took the warrant, and read it over. She rubbed her fingers on the paper and over the seal.
I glanced around the room....counting.
I felt their eyes upon me.
Brooke then folded up the warrant and handed it back. "It's genuine."
She announced. She sighed, "Pepper, can we .... well, for old times shake. Can't you just say you missed him? You really don't want to do this now."
"Brooke... you know me..."
She knew me. I never stop. I never give up.
The Woman Wearing Purple gritted her teeth."....not taking him."
And there was my opening.
"No I'm not taking him...." I said in a voice load enough to be heard above the noise of the crowd.
I turned to Sentry.
The Tall Man clenched his jaw again, resting his hand on his gun. One Other Man moved for the bar entrance.
"...I'm asking him to come," I said reasonably.

The crowd turned their attention as one towards Sentry, with cries of:
"No Sentry. She cannot take you...."
"It's up to you...you dont have to go...."
"Don't do it."
"...and she knows it. if she could, she would have by now."
"...the odds are good for you."
Sentry looked at the Woman Wearing Purple, with sadness in his eyes.
"I can't run from this any more, though," he said.
Brooke looked at me. "Where will he be taken?"
"Zenobia," I replied. I had no need to lie.
The Woman Wearing Purple continued to rage, "You're not running from a damn thing and I'll shoot you myself if I have to."
She turned to me, and stated emphatically, "With all due respect officer, you're not taking him."
The Slender, Dark Woman nodded with approval, "JJ is a real woman."
So, the Woman Wearing Purple was named JJ.
"Goin' with a gorram 'lliance officer? You gone loco?" the Tall Man asked Sentry.
"JJ, stop," said Sentry.
"No," stated JJ, "She takes you and you'll never come back."
"whoa, JJ...." said Brooke "It's Sentry's choice."
"I will be back. Right, Brooke?" asked Sentry.
"He'll be back. It's all just a misunderstanding." Brooke assured them.
JJ wasn't finished, "Sentry will sacrifice himself to protect us. You know that, Brooke."
Brooke smiled, "You still on the same ship, Pepper?"
She was fishing for information. I did not answer.
The Tall man scoffed,"Yeah.. Misunderstandin'..... I heard those words before.
"You basing that on your Alliance background Brooke?" asked the Slender, Dark Woman.
"When was the last time you heard of the Alliance acknowledging a misunderstanding?" challenged JJ.
"Never," said the Tall Man.
"Exactly," said JJ.
"Let's go Sentry," I said. Time to move.
The Slender, Dark Woman circled behind me.
Brooke looked at the Slender, Dark Woman and nodded. "He'll be back. I can promise that."
I rolled the dice.
"Brooke..." I said, "Come with us."
"No," said the Tall Man. "She ain't goin either."
Sentry unbuckled his firearm and handed it to Shepherd Charisma. "Keep this safe."
"What is that supposed to accomplish?" asked the Slender, Dark Woman watching the weapon change hands.
Cursa Charisma held the holstered weapon sideways across his hands.
"Heads up, People!" called the Other Man.
The guns suddenly came out as Mr Boomslang strolled up and through the door.
"Stand down, Mr. Boomslang!" I called out urgently.
Brooke cries out, "Whoa, everyone. Keep Calm."
She then looked at me."I can't come with you to Zenobia, but I will walk with you to your ship. Make sure that Sentry isn't hurt."
The Slender, Dark Woman looked at Mr. Boomslang.
"There will be no gun fire here," I ordered, loud enough to be heard by all.
"Dex...what the hell are you doing over there?" asked the Slender, Dark Woman.
So, the Other Man was named Dex.
"Exactly," added Sentry "No gun fire. We already know what that will accomplish. And no blades, Zade."
Dex addressed Mr. Boomslang "I don't think you wanna interfer, Mister."
Mr. Boomslang brushed past Dex standing at the door, as he turned the corner his gaze ran across the crowd. His look was calm. His palm rested on the butt of his weapon.
Brooke again tried to calm the crowd, "Just relax everyone."
"Very well Brooke," I addressed her refusal to join us, "...but remember where your home is...."
JJ interrupted, "Now you're threatening Brooke?"
"...the place where all sins are forgiven." I added.
"It may not be a threat JJ." said the Slender, Dark Woman. She understood.
Brooke gave a sad, little grin. "Sanders sins weren't forgiven, Pepper."
"I believe what matters is Mister Swashbuckler's decision." offered Shepherd Charisma.
Near the door a separate drama was playing out.
"Dex you have this under control or not?" asked the Slender, Dark Woman as she threw her head towards Mr. Boomslang.
"Dunno. Is there somethin' needin' controlling?" asked Dex.
The Slender, Dark Woman sucked her teeth at Dex.
Mr. Boomslang hooked his fingers in his belt looking from the Slender, Dark Woman to Dex standing beside him. "Stay frosty, pardner" he cautioned.
"Sentry," I said,"... come let's go."
Brooke nodded. "Come on Sentry," she said grabbing his hand.
"Hold on a sec, please." Sentry asked.
"Very well," I said. Give them their farewells.
"Brooke," warned JJ,"if anything happens to him, you are responsible."
Brooke took in a deep breath.
JJ's body went rigid.
Sentry tried to reassure her,"JJ, I will be back. I promise you, this is going to be fine."
JJ choked up "Can't speak," she managed to say.
"Go on JJ..." coaxed the Slender, Dark Woman, "Give your man a hug."
"Please, tell Immi and Duncan. I will be back." said Sentry.
"He's not...." began JJ.
"Give him some strength," continued the Slender, Dark Woman,"Whatever woman. Don't quibble about it now."
JJ hugged Sentry tightly
Sentry addressed the Slender, Dark Woman,"Brazen... its not like that any more."
So, the Slender, Dark Woman was named Brazen. That would likely make her Brazen Bondar of the Independent Traders, Splintered Rock.
JJ continued, "You'd better be back in a couple days or I will come and find you myself."
The Tall Man replaced his gun in its holster.
Sentry hugged JJ back. "I will be back. I promise."
"...and I'll personally kill any MF I have to. Got that, officer?" raged JJ.
Again I said nothing.
"You don't come back and we'll come for you," proclaimed the Tall Man.
"Harm one hair on his head and you're dead," declared JJ.
Zade, the character with the knives looked at his schedule, "I can help with that JJ," he added.
A crowd had gathered by the time we stepped out of the tavern. The sun was still warm but a chill had crept into the air.
One new fellow who didn't know what had been going on scratched his head as we emerged and said, "Quite the crowd today."
"You be strong Sentry," said Brazen,"every one has your back."
Brooke stayed positive "He's going to be given the best of treatment, right Pepper?"
"Only the best Brooke," I replied.
"Gorram 'lliance," cursed the Tall man.
"What is the best among mongrels?" scoffed Brazen.
Ignore the insults. File them away.
Brooke motioned for Sentry.
The Tall Man glanced at Brooke.
Sentry paused and turned to the crowd "Thank you everyone... I appreciate the support. I will be back, soon."
Shepherd Charisma nodded.
JJ looked me in the eye. "I hold you personally responsible for his safety. Whatever is done to him will be done to you. Is there an agreement between us?"
I smiled warmly. "Of course," I said.
Mr. Boomslang turned his gaze from the Dex's calm stare once more to the crowd, "No one gets trigger happy, an I rekin' we'll all get home without bleedin'."
"I'm not worryin' bout bleedin'. I worry bout what they're gonna do," said the Tall Man.

We passed through the crowd of on-lookers. Sentry walking with his head down. Mr.Boomslang walking behind him in case he had second thoughts.
JJ watched us through the glass.
When we reached the bridge, Brooke grabbed Sentry's arm digging her nails so hard she drew blood.
Sentry looked at Brooke, but just smiled.
"Sentry," began the Tall Man.
"Don't matter, Cody," replied Sentry, "I'll be fine. I know what to expect."
"So do I," answered Cody.
Cody. The Tall Man Was Cody. Cody Winterwolf. I started to feel giddy.
Brooke frowned at Cody. "They're not going to hurt him. Will take a while to get to the right department."
Brazen shouted out "Courage!"
"You come back, dammit, Sentry." called Dex.
Brooke looked at me. "Right, all that paperwork might be slow.?
"It depends Brooke. Cooperation is all I want," I answered truthfully.
The Woman Drinking Tea huffed, "Good argument for Sentry's safety then."
Brooke frowned. "I think it should be, Pepper. Since you have to be very detailed."
She had no way of knowing that I didn't want Sentry to disappear down some legal black hole either.
"This is all very touching," said Mr. Boomslang, "but let's keep this wagon train movin' shall we?"
"If I was you stranger...I'd keep my mouth shut," warned Brazen.
"Lucky you ain' me," countered Mr. Boomslang "...or I might feck myself."
Sentry addressed the crowd, "If I'm not back in three days, you know where to find me." He taps his pocket.
Brooke cleaned up Sentry's wound made from her nails.
"I'll have a few surprizes for 'em if your not," declared Winterwolf.
Enough, I thought. I turned and walked back to Cody Winterwolf. I looked him straight in the eyes.
"And who might you be?" I dared.
"None of your business," he replied.
I heard someone say,"She sure is confident."
Brooke patted Sentry. "You're going to be okay. Just trust me," she whispered. "Go with her."
Sentry nodded.
I smiled gently and we resumed our procession.
Winterwolf narrowed his eyes but said nothing.
"Ready." said Sentry.
We crossed the bridge and made our way to the shuttle. I led the way.
Mr. Boomslang behind Sentry. Brooke. The crowd following behind.
Reaching the craft I turned to my friend.
"Brooke..." I began.
Brooke sighed. "Pepper..."
I stopped. I wanted to ask her to come. I wanted to ask what happened to her to bring her so far from home. Instead I said, "Take care."
"Do your paperwork..." she replied, "And I won't be here tomorrow."
I nodded.
Brooke smiled "New life as a trader."
I hesitated a moment, but I had nothing more to say.
Brooke looked at Sentry. "Take care."
Winterwolf reached out a hand to Sentry. "We'll be waitin'," he said.
The door of the shuttle closed tightly. With prisoner secure, we fired engines. Clouds of dust swirled as we lift off the surface of MacLaren's Drift.
Once in the air, I paused a moment and allowed myself one deep breath. I really had thought I was going to get shot today.
Through the window on the shuttle I could see Brooke turn to face the crowd. She saved a lot of lives today. I hope they go easy on her.