"Certe, toto, sentio nos in kansate non iam adesse" (You know, Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore).
Transmission: **the voice of x0x0 Zhangsun** I have not forgotten my promise. **static**
I was genuinely surprised to hear from Madam Zhangsun. I would seem she actually plans to honour her commitment. I hadn't forgotten her promise, of course.
I was just not ready to strike.
I returned to Hales Moon hoping to find signs of LilyBell to open negotiations for Ardra's program. I sent a message to Ardra requesting a point of clarification, then began my walkabout.
Caliban was not the first settlement to send refugees to Hales Moon. Blackburn was once a very prosperous settlement. It had been wiped out by a Reaver attack some time ago. While many of the survivors still bore the physical and emotional scars, it did seem that a majority had been able to piece there lives back together.

Once I passed the nightclub, I began my trek through the wastelands of Hale's Moon. The terrain was rough and treacherous.

A small dining establishment was one exception to this. A little gem in a sea of grey rock. It was pleasant, well ventilated and clean. It was also closed.
The proprietor had posted her picture with a short message for any would-be clientele. This time I recognized her.

I must be slipping. It took connecting the name to the face, but now I remembered. We had actually met once before on Bihar. At that time, she was contracted as security to the Trade Association.
It was about this time that Ardra replied. The signal was clear. I found a quiet corner.

Ardra launched the discussion with a reply to my concerns. "Zenobia is in possession of the mainframe computer where the program was originally developed. It can authenticate."
"What is the name of this program? Does the SynthCat realize what she has?"
"She talks to the program inside of her head as if it is were a friend. The SynthCat hoards more than my program. It is part of her design. You need to do more research about the SynthCat. You underestimate her."
"I know that Mindo created her," I answered.
"Mindo created the biological part, not the programming."
"Who created the programming then?" I asked.
"The design was x0x0's," said Ardra then she added, "Your window of opportunity is closing. Her own 'daughter' has hired thugs to terminate her programming."
I was careful with my response. "Your program could be lost."
"The program itself is replaceable, the memories and mental states that the program experienced is not replaceable. There are only a few true Turing grade artificial entities in the 'Verse. There are many simulated near Turings. I needed the program to live autonomously, then share for a time in the mind of a true Turing grade entity. Sadly, Turings cannot be made, only discovered. The Turing Replicant was simplicity, he had a backup brain, and my former employers are Weyland were cooperative in exchange for what I gave them. x0x0 however is too devious and duplicitous. And is slowly maddening like River."
"Tell me about Blue," I asked cautiously.
"An AI," she replied, "I am unclear about details. I suspect the SynthCat uploads what she steals to Blue. I also suspect that Blue will be linked in some manner with the SynthCat's 'daughter'. Hale's Mayor was caretaking Blue, but I think she has lost track of it. I do not know if there is a link between Blue and the Von Neumann MotherBot which makes the warbots. I suspect that Aldea has some link to Blue and the MotherBot, and that the SynthCat has some link to Aldea."
"A kind of bot," said Ardra. "I think it is similar to Raids. None of these, including Blue are true Turing grade. They are of no value to me except as cargo."
I had seen Raids before on earlier trips. She had stood quietly in the tavern next to the bar when I saw her last, ignoring my greetings. She was absent today.
"Then the few Turing grade beings would be who?" I listed a few names. She responded to the third name.
"Aurora is organic." Then she turned the conversation. "Ask yourself, 'What is the legal status of clones in the Alliance?'."
"Okay," I said "Go on."
"How old is x0x0? How old is her mother? The fact that I can't get a straight answer on those two simple questions increases my curiosity. My conclusion is that x0x0 may be a clone of some sort. Or River Tam is not really her mother. Cloning is still innately unstable, perhaps her degrading behavior is because she is a clone. And that explains the urgency of some of her projects. Speculation on my part."
Maybe, I thought. I could think of a few possibilities.
"You think she is degrading."
"I think so," Ardra replied, "Mentally at least. She may have simply been unwise in her attempts at enhancement. Like I said, speculation on my part. Deconstruction of rumor, gossip and exigent data."
"And your own condition," I dared to ask, "I am to understand you have had trouble with the work you had done."
"My project is extremely ambitious. At this point, I cannot even stand in normal gravity without mechanical assistance. I shall overcome. I am taking my project in a new direction."
She paused.
"Maybe another day," she added.
I waited for her to speak further.
"I must attend to needful matters," she said suddenly, "We shall speak again. I am going to investigate a means to assist you in assisting me."
"Very well," I replied. And she terminated the call.

It was well after dark when I returned to my ship.
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