"Given the condition on Zenobia, the people who hired me no longer need the reliques. It has done its job, they are satisfied with the current conditions. I will dispose of the reliques however best advances my needs."
It was Ardra. She had contacted me through a holographic link. It was our first actual conversation, all communication up to this point having been basically postcards and Latin. She launched into the dialogue like we were old comrades in the middle of a conversation.

Now the reference to an employer was useful information. A satisfied employer no less.
"Your Alliance and the military faction of Zenobia would probably prefer I not return them to their family."
"I would prefer to deal with the dispensation of the relics myself," I said.
"And I would prefer my program returned," replied the Navigator.
I smiled. This was her price. Some sort of program.
She continued. "I am unsure, but there may be a back door to getting the program. The Synthcat uploads to someone, either Mindo or Blue."
"The Synthcat has the program," I prodded. That would be Lily.
"Definitely. But she periodically uploads to someone. Blue is no longer is the custody of the Hale Mayor. The synthcat spawn I suspect has it, which would mean the Destiny Replicant Refugee Camp."
"Blue?" I asked. Note to self: find out who or what Blue is.
"Yes. Your leverage on the Turing Replicant would seem to have waned, but perhaps you can gull him into cooperation somehow. Someone who still owes me favor has some things he might still want. I am also in possession of quantum sensitive neural micro-tubules which would advance his project."
"And who would that be?"
"Mercedes from Umbrella Corporation."
I nodded. I had heard the name from Madam Delegate Raghilda in connection with her salvage of the derelict 'Persephone'.
"Biogenetics," I said.
"Reanimation studies," Ardra corrected. "I must depart for other tasks. Send me a wave when you have something started with the Turing Replicant."
"One last thing," I said. I wanted to keep her chatting. She was in a talkative mood.

"Blue Sun," I said and I waited for a response.
"What might your intentions be in the short term towards them?"
"At this exact moment, Blue Sun is cooperating with me."
Now that was interesting. They had issued the original termination order against Ardra. What had changed I wondered?
"In what capacity?" I asked.
"I will have to keep my own counsel on that subject," declared the Navigator. "Madame Zhangsun is unaware that she is conducting business with me. But for the moment, I am not going to disrupt the arrangement...Did you know that the Alliance classified some of its seismic records?"
"I did not," I admitted.
"Is your clearance sufficient to get me the unedited data?"
"Of course," I replied. What else would I say.
"I will arrange for a clone sample coveted by the Turing Replicant in exchange for the unedited data. That way you don't have to negotiate with the Turing empty handed."
Unedited data or seismic records. Something else she wanted it seems. And why that?
"Have the data ready by late in the week," she continued "I will have Mercedes arrange something with you."
The call terminated, I paused to weigh my next course of action.
A light glowed softly on the console. A message posted to my Cortex account waited patiently.
**Decrypt starts: A friend has two new acquaintances: one male, one female. She will be in contact soon. -- Decrypt ends**
So, Brooke had twins...
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