"There is one abode called Hlidskjálf, and when Allfather sat in the high-seat there, he looked out over the whole world and saw every man's acts, and knew all things which he saw." - Gylfaginning
** Encrypted personal communication. Connection established. **
"Hello Lynx."
"Is that you Major? I have not heard from you in so long."
"Yes," I confirmed. "It is good to hear your voice."
"It is," he answered. "I've been trying to keep myself busy. But it's a little strange. I sat in on one story telling.... and it was..... well, embarrassing....."
I smiled. I had not expected Lynx to attend the story telling of the Companions of Paquin. While I was not familiar with the specifics of their narratives, I could imagine they might well extend into the embarrassing. I directed the conversation into safer territory. "Let's start with your health. Are you well?"
"I am." he replied, "I feel much better now. I've been exercising to strengthen myself."
"Good. Good. Are you visiting the doctor?"
"Yes," replied Lynx, "They've said my breathing's better. They drew blood to make sure I haven't gotten anything while I've been here."
"Just a routine blood test?" I asked.
"Yes. Blood count and for any infections. That's what I was told by the doctor anyway." he added.
"I am on approach," I replied.
** End transmission. **
May 17 - Paquin
I clambered off the small boat onto the sun-bleached wooden dock. The wind flicked the sail of my transportation. I paused to enjoy the pleasing sound of the canvas.
I heard a young voice and looked up.

"Hello Lynx," I smiled in return.
There was a moment as we stood facing one another, unsure how to proceed with the greeting, before settling on an awkward hug.
"I'm glad your safe," I managed to say. He seemed to relax.
Lynx nodded, "I'm glad you are too... When I didn't hear from you.... I got worried."
I stepped back and straighten my uniform. "So...please show me the island."
"Okay," he replied, and with that we set off across the beach.
"Well," I said, "I am back in the system now. We should have more contact." In theory anyway, I thought.
"That's good!"
We came to a small structure where the beach met the foliage. It was adorned with a colourful display of signs and pictures.
"This is the greeting area," Lynx explained.
I looked around and nodded. "Lead on."
"I can show you where the beach is," he offered, "and the flats."
We passed a number of houses in the oriental style. The area was quiet. Any occupant was either busy inside or away going about his or her business.
We crossed a number of wooden foot bridges. Clear water streaming along on its way to its own destination.
At last, we came to a plain wooden bench facing out across the water. This little corner of the beach was sheltered from the harshness of direct sunlight by thick growth to the one side.
"The jungle is rather dense," Lynx remarked.
"Very pleasant though," I said, referring to this corner of the island.
It was a tranquil spot. The soothing rhythmic sound of the waves. Pale, white sand. Clean. Pure.
"Yes," he replied, "I come here to watch the sunset."
"And your flat?"

"Well, I hope it is bigger than your room on Hales," I smiled.
"It is."
"Have you written to your friends there?" I asked. I was thinking of Lily in particular.
"Not yet," he replied, "I've been trying to sort out my thoughts. Being here helps to a degree, but the loss of time.... it feels like a part of me went missing."
I frowned. That was a bit upsetting to hear.
"I wish I had a better way of putting it," he added.
"And what about your memory? How is that?"
He shook his head, "Nothing. No dreams, no flashes. That part is totally lost."
"I would like you to visit the Bihar sanctuary when you feel stronger," I said.
"Yes, on Avalon. To speak with the Bai there. He may have some meditation techniques that can help."
Lynx looked a little concerned.
"You look worried," I probed.
"What if they do come back.... and I find I'm something I won't like?"
I paused for a moment. "Show me your room," I directed.
"It's in the city," he replied.
I nodded. The walk would do us good and it would give me a chance to formulate a reply.
"I hear a lot of the ships coming in," he said, "Sometimes it keeps me awake at night."
Lynx led the way into his apartment and then stood aside allowing me to enter.
"Well," I said, "it is small, but has a great view!"
The view was, in fact, stunning. It reminded me of the nest of an eagle. High above the city, one could see many of the major sights in the city and out to the mountain peaks beyond.
All four walls were set to transparent. The space was filled with natural light. Stark contrast to the dark prison of the stasis chamber that Lynx had to recently endure.
He nodded. "I can see the ships coming in. And there's the beach. Sometimes it looks empty.
We've had a few storms." Lynx looked out the window to the sea then quietly turned around and offered me a cushion.
"Thank you," I said as I took my seat.
"Your welcome," he responded politely and took his own cushion.

"Yes. The mountains are nice. I've not gone up there yet."
"And you can see my office from here... well, when I am on world." I pointed to a tall building nearby. The magnificent emblem of the United Alliance of Planets watching over the city. With a good scope, I will be able to sit at my desk and see if Lynx is eating his breakfast.
He nodded, "I've been checking when some of the troop transports would come in."
Ah, I thought, it works two ways.
"So ..." I began, "your earlier remark....Lynx, whatever you find out, if your memories return, they will be of a remarkable young man, an honourable young man, because that is what you are. Nothing can change that."
Lynx looked at the floor then back up, "I hope not.... When I first woke up in that cargo container.....I thought it was the only place I had. I had to run through alleys to steal some clothing...... Then I was stealing liquor bottles and selling them."
"That is understandable," I interjected.
He put his hand up to his forehead. "But that wasn't all.... " He started to look anxious, worried perhaps that his actions would reflect badly upon him.
"I stole expensive gems....and information." He grew silent and looked at the floor as if awaiting a verdict.
I hesitated. With an almost painful, physical effort, I stopped myself from asking what information. Instead I said, "Lynx... we all do things we may not be proud of. Are you proud to have done these things?"
Lynx shook his head, "No Major..."
"No. Of course not," I responded. "Failure is a prerequisite for leadership. Learn from your mistakes. And make good for the things you have done wrong."
I could hear my father's words. My mother's voice.
Lynx looked up slowly, "I've been trying too. The money I gained went to a house and food. Partly to help Cindal. She needed a safe place."

"The rest of the money's in an account," he continued, resting his hands on his thighs.
I took a breath then asked, "Would you rather not know about your past? It is your choice."
"I do and I don't," he sighed, "I do because it would give me a name... I don't because if I'm some underworld crime bosses kid.... I don't know."
I twisted my mouth and raised my eyebrows as I considered the point. Fair analysis on his part. His theory fit the facts as we know them so far.
Scion of a powerful crime family. Parties unknown abduct him. Keep him on ice. Ship him to the Rim, out of the way. Hold him for ransom. Use him as leverage. It was unlikely that there would be a report.
"Hmm, well... then I guess your father will be surprised when you bring home your SIU investigator guardian for Sunday dinner, " I laughed gently, trying to may light of the possibility.
He smiled a little, "That would be something."

Lynx nodded seriously, "Okay."
"...and you know Tillery will support you in any situation," I added.
"Yes," he replied.
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