Prisoner: Wylder Aurotharius
"He appears to sleep for 80 hours at a time, eats very little and is mostly self involved. Originally this was thought to be a side effect of the cryogenics, but it seems to somehow be by design or otherwise deliberate on his part. The extreme isolation of his current holding does not seem to bother him."
Memo to Archive.
From Major P. Siamendes, SIU
"Requesting any information on file concerning Wylder Aurotharius and daughter Audrey. Details of shared leisure activities, family home, favorite foods, any surviving correspondence or diaries."
I quickly scanned the initial reply to my request to Archive, and settled on one point in particular.
Blintzes, Chicken Kiev, Borscht.
Meals Wylder may have shared with his daughter...
This must have taken some digging.
Wylder was my tangible link to Ardra. One of our most brilliant minds. Next to his intellect, I was a small child. When I finally meet him, it will have to be a different type of interview. And that will take some preparation.
May 23 - The Evangeline Trench, Avalon
"Abraxas begetteth truth and lying, good and evil, light and darkness, in the same word and in the same act. Wherefore is Abraxas terrible." - Septem Sermones ad Mortuos.

The complex had long been claimed by the sea. The tunnels were now flooded. I would have to swim to access the site.

It was an eye. Rays emanating from the orb. It suggested a praeter-human intelligence. Too elevated to be demonic. Too alien to be divine. Something totally 'other'.

I did not find anything to suggest I had discovered the limits of the complex. There may have been levels above, but I had been exploring for some time now, so I began to make my way back.
On the return journey, I found myself in a side corridor containing the only artifact I would find on this expedition. A metal box, the size of a large coffin.

Inside I discovered a large pig, perfectly preserved. I found myself thinking of Mercedes Celestalis and her organ donor pig.

I reached the submarine exactly sixty minutes from the time I began my dive.

It is the life we lead.
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