"Ce que fer, flamme, n'a sceu paracheuer,
La douce langue au conseil viendra faire"
"That which neither weapon nor flame could accomplish
will be achieved by a sweet speaking tongue in council."
Nostradamus, Century I 97
I had come to Albion City to obtain information from the university on the planetary positions at the time Lynx had made his first journey to Hale's Moon.
The woman in the astrophysics department was very helpful. Soon, I retired to a nearby restaurant with an armload of charts.
I ordered a coffee while I waited for a table.
As I began reviewing the material, a call came through on my private channel.
It was the Registered Companion, Calina Tereshchenko. "Major," she began, "did Lynx send word last evening that Cindal has returned to Al Raqis?"
I placed my coffee cup down, and answered her transmission.
"Hello Calina. No, he did not. That is wonderful news. He did mention he was helping her with an apartment though, when I spoke with him earlier."
"It was a very happy reunion. I dare say that seeing her improved his health and mood more than any visit to the hospital or the Bai every could," she added with a chuckle.
I smiled, "No doubt."

"Also, did you hear of the pirate attack on Jade? My former seamstress from Persephone. She is now on Al Raqis and was assisting with a search and rescue operation on a damaged shuttle when two Orions attacked her. From what she said, they tried to depressurize the shuttle and blow her out one of the airlocks. But she stabbed one of her attackers before that could happen and fled. She's safe now."
I made a small growling sound. The Orions were bandits. And Jade. Jade was a gentle soul.
Calina continued, "I have it on my schedule today to speak with the administrator of the colony regarding this escalating level of violence. The Myrmidons assigned protection details to both myself and Jade. Nothing like wandering through town with your own personal tank."
"I am sure our government would make a formal protest as well. Has a report been filed?"
"With whom?"
"Anyone at the Zenobian embassy," I replied, "or if you want to take it straight to the Federal level...." I gave her the name of a political liaison attached to the embassy.
Calina was not certain. "Given Jade's reaction to you, I am not sure I want to involve too many federal authorities."
"Whatever direction Jade would like to take," I said, "I am sure that she can count on the local support of the Zenobian government." Jade was an independent miner that contracted with House Zenobia.
"I will speak with her about it," promised Calina, "Lady Rashad was understandably upset upon news of the attacks. Just as one violent episode ends, another begins. Rumors are the Federation will be returning to Al Raqis. They pulled out during the conflict between the Myrmidons and USD. I have not heard anything regarding their new intentions."
"I am not surprised," I remarked, taking a sip from my coffee, "A political movement whose supporters flee at the first signs of the chaos they themselves helped engender, returning once the smoke has cleared. Congratulations, by the way. I hear you were involved in the Armistice between the USD and Myrmidons."
The Companion smiled, "Thank you. It was a wonderful occasion. It was an honor to be a part of such a historic event."
Historic was a good word for it.
On May 28, eight days after the USD counterstrike, a ceasefire was announced by both the Myrmidon Order and the United Systems Directorate. Troops were ordered to specific positions and hostilities were suspended.
Subsequent negotiations resulted in a formal peace treaty.
On June 4, the two parties assembled for a formal acceptance of terms. The ceremony was traditional with the two parties sitting at their respective tables, signing the treaty, then coming together to symbolize the movement from conflict to community. A celebration followed.
The Magistrate Joan al Jofar and her staff were present to witness the occasion. Representatives from a majority of the Great Houses were also in attendance, along with members of the mercenary SSFS, Delta Umino and Neo Poza.
The event gave our analysts an opportunity to gain insight into the complex Myrmidon hierarchy as well as to articulate the current USD chain of command.
The Myrmidon Order
- Ares Prime - Head of the Military
- Athena Prime - Head of Civilian Government
- Krakken Hyperion - Warlord, Second-in-command of the military
- Cruis Pryxis Obsidian, Head of Intelligence
- S'khmet Pryxis, Security Officer
- Lt. Colonel John Collins
- Major Arnold Gustav
- Lieutenant Dan Stellman
My table was ready.
"Do you think the peace will last?" I asked Calina, as I climbed the steps to the dining area.
The Companion sighed, "With USD? Perhaps. But groups that are, well, militaries need war to survive. If it isn't one group, it is another."
I smiled. "Well, I might disagree with that, but okay."
Calina chuckled in response. "The UAP was not founded as a military faction... but as a system of governance of which a military is a part. The Myrmidons and USD have other facets to them - commerce, scientific research, but their strongest and most dominant side are their armed forces."
"That would seem to be the case," I agreed.
I settled at a table with a good view of downtown. The CNS building. The new hospital. The university.
"I have heard that Captain Barbosa has returned," I remarked, as my food promptly arrived.
"Yes," replied the Companion, "Jade said he is the one who attacked her."
I did not know what to say. I had heard he was a diplomat.

"That will prove ...interesting," I wonder if anyone will find the body. "Is Jade okay?" I asked.
"Yes, she is resting at her home on Al Raqis, which is near the Zenobian Embassy. She said it's a bunker."
I sighed heavily. Sounded like post traumatic stress. No walls too thick.
"She can't lift anything heavier than her kittens for three weeks," added Calina, "The doctor gave her explicit order to rest. He cracked several of her ribs. He tried to throw her out of an airlock. But, she had picked up a blade - something that was a point of contention between Barbosa and the other Orion with him. Jade was trying to get them to leave the damaged craft. When they wouldn't stop fighting over this blade, Jade picked it up to lure them onto a different shuttle. That's when the Orion female, according to Jade, threatened to depressurize the shuttle and Barbosa grabbed her. Jade stabbed him in the leg and used this thing... a transporter... to what was that word they use... Beam! Beam out of there. Such things.... really...."
"Madness," I remarked.
She continued, "I told Lady Rashad about it and she arranged for the Myrmidons to serve as a personal guards until the pirates are brought under control."
"Please send my best wishes to Jade," I said, "Let me know if you want us involved in a formal manner and I will see what we can arrange."
Calina nodded, "I am going to speak with the administrator at the colony regarding this attack. It was vicious."
"Jade has had enough suffering."
"More than her fair share," agreed the Companion. She then chuckled, "But to amuse you, she didn't understand why I was there to get her. She wanted to walk home. And then she drew a kitty face on the armor of the Myrmidon with some chalk."
I laughed gently, "That must have been well received."
"He was very stalwart and patient. I think Jade left them speechless," she grinned, "Lady Rashad calls her 'The Mime'."
I smiled, "Oh, that is cute."

"I must be going Calina," I said, "Thank you for the call."
"Anytime, Major," she said, "I always enjoy speaking with you. Safe travels!"
"You too," I replied, and disconnected the transmission. I quickly summoned the bill for my meal and gathered up my papers. Dessert would have to wait.
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