We left Applecado and walked along beside the corporate offices that sat at the edge of the landing pad.
"Blue Sun," remarked Lynx, "The Zhangsun woman works next door to Miss Rhea's business?"
"And next to Consolidated," I added.
"I see," he replied.
Aurora was nowhere to be seen. As we stood trying to decide which direction to explore, I noticed movement inside one of the offices. Through the glass wall, I could see a red-haired woman coming down the stairs in the offices of Blue Sun.

"Hello Ms. Zhangsun," I greeted her.
Lynx politely remained outside the office.

"A pleasure to see you once again," I said politely.
"Yes.." Ms. Zhangsun smile.
"Have you met my ward, Lynx?"
"I trust you are well?" she asked.
"Yes, thank you."
"No, but I have heard about him." She smiled at Lynx.
Lynx looked at her, not sure what to say.
"I don't think we've met, have we?" she asked.
"Actually we have," he replied, still standing by the door.

Ms. Zhangsun suddenly looked concerned, "You ...didn't refer to her as Aurora I hope."
"Aurora Blue, Lily's cub," I replied.
"Yes," replied Ms. Zhangsun, "She is rather insistent that she be referred to by her original name, Aurora Blue, even though Cody calls her Anna".
Ah, I thought, that explained her pointing and naming game.
"Anna?" asked Lynx.
"Like nobody can tell she ain't..quite...well. Anyway. What brings you to this fine moon? And not in uniform. Pleasure trip?"
"I am here to see how Lynx has settled in," I replied, "and to clear up a little problem."
"Problem?" she asked, "There's enough of those around."
Lynx looked a little embarrassed.
I continued, "I am not here in an official capacity. It seems that Lily has interpreted one dance with Lynx as a marriage proposal."
"Well, as long as he didn't touch her foot, should be fine," smiled the woman, "Part of her wiring."

"A situation? What kind of situation?" she asked.
"She caught her foot in a a large trap," explained Lynx, "I managed to free her."
I interrupted, "Regardless, Lynx is too young for marriage...even here on the Rim."
Ms. Zhangsun pressed on, "She caught her foot in a trap. Lily caught a foot in a trap. Let me guess. It was on her own ship."
"Yes," replied Lynx.
"She didn't ask you to help her," she said clarifying the details, "You jumped to her rescue and touched her foot in the process."
"I was able to open the trap," said the boy.
"And you think Lily needed you to open a trap."
"Was there something wrong with getter her foot free?" asked Lynx.
It was a fair question, I thought, from a gallant young man.
Ms. Zhangsun looked at me and paused for a long time, "Not sure how to put this....."
"Go on," I prompted.
Lynx looked worried.
"She let you do it," said Ms. Zhangsun, "Didn't try to bite you or claw you up or nothin'."
"She bit my shoulder a week ago," he replied.
Ms. Zhangsun took a deep breath. "You're married," she said, "Well, mated anyway."
"Excuse me?" asked Lynx, "It was bruised."
"He's fifteen," I interjected.
"He touched her foot," replied Ms. Zhangsun.
Lynx opened his mouth then turned bright red.
"He's underage," I protested.
"Not here he ain't," countered the woman, "Considerin' Lily is only three and a half...."
Lynx grew quiet.
Ms. Zhangsun sighed, "The foot."
"Well, we can take this up with Lily's mother," I said firmly.
"See, my brother had a sense of humour," explained the woman, "Her foot is her..uh..." She blushed.
"If this is still a problem," I added, "there is always the option of pulling him out of school."
"The boy here has had his way with her, Pepper," replied the woman.
Lynx grew wide eyed. "OH!" he cried, "I swear to you Major I had no idea!"
Ms. Zhangsun continued, "Now I understand he..sorry," she looked directly at Lynx, "you didn't know."
Lynx was visibly upset, "I mean, I didn't know how to..."
"It wasn't your intent.." she said, "although I do wonder what you were doing dancing with her midday over in a bar if you weren't a little bit lookin' to court her. I ain't seen her dance with a man since.. well, she was fond of the sheriff here...but...that's never going to happen."
"She asked me to," protested Lynx, "I thought there was no harm in one dance. Cindal often danced."
"Dancing is considered an art form in the Core," I added.
Ms. Zhangsun looked at me, "This ain't the Core"".
"No. No, it is not."
"So," she continued, "son I'm guessin' you want to get out of this situation."
Lynx looked genuinely at a loss. He did not seem to realize that Ms. Zhangsun had just offered him an opening.
I addressed him, "Well, speak up... "

"That ain't what I asked you," Ms. Zhangsun looked at him, "You want out of this situation? or you want in"
"Once you are old enough." I reminded him.
"How could I...?" he cried, "I admit I am frightened of her."
"Just answer the question boy," pressed Ms. Zhangsun.
"I don't think I'm ready for the responsibility," he said finally, "Cubs?"
"She talkin' about cubs?" Ms. Zhangsun walked to her desk and quickly looks something up on her computer.

"I can't put too fine a point on this," she began, "but..Lily ain't got any idea how cubs get here."
"I only know from what I've read in science medical books," admitted Lynx.
The woman elaborated, "That little one of hers? Computer generated, organically seeded, long story. But it ain't like your Mama had you is what I'm sayin'. Aurora Blue is mo... well that's neither here nor there."
"I... don't know my mother," said Lynx and he looked up at me.
Ms. Zhangsun looked at the picture on her desk "Nor I mine."
I took up the cause once again, "Regardless, the boy wants out of this arrangement..that frankly was imposed on him."
Ms. Zhangsun finished her point, "Far as Lily is concerned, cubs come from Easter eggs, if you get my meanin'?"
"Yes," answered Lynx.

Lynx and I cried out in unison, "Duel?"
"I ain't going to see Lily embarrassed," insisted Ms. Zhangsun, "You want out, I'll arrange it...."
"Me?" asked Lynx.
"...but it is going to require you to duel."
"And I don't want Lynx harmed," I cautioned.
Ms. Zhangsun turned in my direction ever so slightly and ever so wickedly winked.
"You gonna have to duel, boy," she said, "to the death."
I frowned. Where was she going with this?
"You kill the challenger, you're free." declared Ms. Zhangsun. She may have been trying not to laugh.
A frightened look flashed across Lynx's face, which he quickly hid.
Ms. Zhangsun continued, "Lily's been married over ten times. Tomorrow she'll be married to someone else...or would have been if you hadn't touched her foot. But you be on your way. Don't you worry about her. Ain't like she has feelings or a future anyway. She ain't even hardly real."
"I'm afraid she'll cut me to ribbons," admitted Lynx.
The woman shook her head.
I watched the interaction, listening carefully.
"She ain't likely to do that," added Ms. Zhangsun, "Not now."
"Alright," said Lynx.
"Only three people ever been near that girl's feet. Cody when he had to turn off her functionality, emergency. Gallagher....she offered, but he walked away. And you. So I reckon you are pretty special, and I don't see her cuttin' or slicin' on you, regardless." She concluded, "Go on, now I want a word with Pepper."
Lynx looked in my direction.
"It will be okay Lynx," I said.
He nodded and walked outside.
"I'm so sorry," began Ms. Zhangsun, "I thought you saw me wink the first time."
"It's fine," I replied.
"I was just winding him up," she admitted, "see how he handles himself. Must admit, I'm impressed."
"He has hidden strengths," I acknowledged.
Outside the office, Lynx leaned against a large yellow cargo container and looked off across the landing field.
I watched him silently as Ms. Zhangsun continued.
"But it's true about the foot," she said, "I can invalidate the connection but..I'm afraid as far as she is concerned, she just chose her husband. And there ain't nothin' I can do about that. It ain't likely she'll be takin' after another."
"Well," I said finally, "it will just have to be part of her learning curve."
Ms. Zhangsun nodded, "Just afraid what it will teach her..."
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