I was shocked by what I saw.
"Pepper," he acknowledged.

Tillery gave a rueful half smile.
We were in the offices of the Cortex News Service on the main square of Al Raqis. Tillery Woodhen was seated once again in a wheelchair.
"What happened?" I asked.
"You didn't hear what happened on Hale's Moon," he replied, "You knew I had a little bit of money, right?"
I almost laughed out loud. "A little bit...," I echoed. Tillery was one of the wealthiest men in the 34 Tauri system.
"So did some enterprising people on Hale's," began Tillery, "who had a powerful short range EMP gun. Fried my shuttle as well."
"Can your legs be repaired?"
"The nerves can... eventually," he explained, "But until then...the drawback to cybernetics."
"Have you had a Core world hospital look at your implants?"
"Haven't had the chance yet, but I will."
"Good," I replied, "There is a research hospital next to the Zenobian Polytechnique...in Albion City. There are doing a lot with cybernetics."
I couldn't elaborate. Much of the research there was classified.

"How is he?"
"He... misses us both."
Tillery blushed a little.
"He is going to school on Hale's," I reported.
"Hale's? Why there?"
"I'm asking myself the same question," I said, "I plan to head out that way and see how he is settling in."
"That should be interesting," Tillery remarked.
I sighed, looking again at the chair. "So did they find the men that did this to you?" I asked.
"No, and it was a man and a woman."
I felt myself slipping into gear. "Really? They are still at large?"
"Yep. The Hale's Militia managed to drive them off...."
"Well, that's a start, " I remarked thoughtfully.
"...even if one of them was an idiot about it," added Tillery, "Cody dropped from a mule onto the roof they were holding me on. Worked out as well as you would think."
"Winterwolf?" I asked, "Who else was there?"
"I can't remember," he replied, dismissing the matter, "It was a while ago..."
I nodded.
"...and I was a little distracted," he added.
"Can you describe the couple that held you hostage?" I asked.
"Not with specifics," he stated, "And don't worry about it." Tillery's manner grew cold. "I can take care of things myself."

"That," he replied, "and the Alliance away from Hale's."
"That's a laughable thought," I remarked.
"I know," agreed Tillery, "but didn't stop them from trying."
There is always some one who thinks the war isn't over. Very rarely it is someone who can do real harm. Usually it just a troublemaker or two with a tenuous grasp on reality.
"Where was your bodyguard?" I asked, "The fellow I met that day on Bihar."
"I didn't bring him along. How often have I been on Hale's with nothing like this happening?" he asked rhetorically.
I nodded, "Fair enough..."
"Needless to say," Tillery continued, "he was not happy about it."
"Are you staying on Al Raqis long?" I asked.
"Just long enough to make a check on things here," he replied.
"Well, if you have time, stop by the Maison...
"I do on occasion, though I'm not really from Zenobia."
"Of course," I replied. "It provides full consulate services to any citizen of the UAP."
"Oh, I know. But I have access to quite a few services of my own."
I nodded. Enough said.

"Alright. I'm sure you will. Was there anything you needed help with from me?"
A kind offer from one of the most powerful men in the Verse. Such offers are not extended lightly.
"If you can check on Lynx..." I asked, "I'm a little worried. I know he remembers Hale's from before he arrived here...." I shrugged a little, "We go to what we know."
"I thought he didn't remember anything from before his arrival here."
"Just a few episodes," I explained.
Lynx's earliest memory was waking up in a cargo container on Hale's, two weeks before he came to Al Raqis.
"Still," remarked Tillery.
"Maybe someday ..." I added thoughtfully, "someday we will find his family."
Later that afternoon, in the relative cool of the Alliance barracks, I reread the letter from Lynx:
Dear Major,
I hope as of this letter, you are well. My health is much better, although the scars are sensitive. My reason for sending this is to let you know how I am faring and to give you some information. As to the information, I am being careful as to not endanger myself.
Since the highport has not had much in the way of cargo dispersal, my checking of cargo in the warehouse has become routine. Reports were sent regularly to the Consulari. Since then, I had received a letter from Hale's Moon involving attending schooling there. Upon arrival, I was met by a child. Frog is his name. The unusual point here, is where he lives. It's below a bar. Even more unusual is a lab exists somewhere below the township. I was asked not to divulge where the exact location was.
The school seems somewhat small. The synthetic was there. It looks as though she will be in attendance for instruction. Another note: Jade, the albino is also going to attend. It's not known what this school is about or why the unusual gathering of students. I will have to investigate further.
Mister Winterwolf is here. I was told by the head official he has bad luck and attracts trouble. Another point to watch for while I am here.
As of this writing, I am staying on Hale's Moon in a small room. The synthetic found me the room above the boarding place. I have decided that while attending school here, it wouldn't be good to try to maintain the house on Al Raqis.
I must admit to missing your visits. You are the closest thing to family I have. Mister Woodhen has not been about for some time to sit and talk to, and writing letters has its limits to express more. When I am able, there will be more forthcoming in my next letter if I don't have a chance to see you soon.
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