A message arrived from Lynx while I was on my way to Hale's Moon:
"Major, I hope this wave gets to you quickly. I have found myself in a bit of a jam. It appears the synthetic says we are married. I danced with her at the bar. Nothing else has transpired. However the head of the colony suggested I send this wave before anything happens. Miss LilyBell insists you come to the reception.... We, to my knowledge, are not married. I need help! Please make contact as soon as possible."
I replied upon receipt: "Lynx, I am on my way. I am still a few hours distant. See if Mr. Winterwolf is about. He has a connection to Lily and may be able to act on your behalf."
"He was somewhat unhelpful when he was informed by Miss LilyBell," added Lynx, his young face appearing on the comm screen.
"Unhelpful how?" I asked.

I muttered under my breath, "Unhelpful indeed."
"...He walked away in a decidedly unpleasant mood. I'm not sure I want to go near him at this time."
"And the Mayor," I asked, "Lily's adopted mother, what did she say?"
"To contact you immediately."
"Fair enough," I replied.
"I feel at a loss here. She is talking about having.... cubs... Is that possible? She is synthetic." Lynx paused clearly embarrassed.
"Not if you don't participate," I remarked.
Unless they changed the rules while I was away, participation was a prerequisite.
"I'm unsure what she would do if I chose not to," he admitted, "I have seen her claws and have been bitten by her."
"I will be there in a few hours," I assured him.
"Thank you Major."
"Stay safe Lynx."
Lynx nodded in reply, his face a mask of fear.
February 3 - Hale's Moon
It was dark when I arrived.
A stray dog trotted past, heading off to whatever place it is that stray dogs are intent on reaching.
The streets were fairly quiet. It was still early enough to see well lit homes and apartments as residents settled into their evening routines.
I was dressed in civilian clothes. If I had the opportunity to meet with Lily's foster mother, the Mayor, I wanted no doubt that I was here on personal business, and not in any official capacity.
Across the landing area, a figure moved quickly and low to the ground. The figure was small and was scampering like Lilybell. But as she drew closer, I could see this was someone new. A small blond child dressed in white. Two swords were strapped to her back. She disappear behind a concrete pillar.
"Hello...." I called.
Now standing on two legs, the little girl peeked around the pillar and waved. She approached carefully.
I smiled. "You move like some one I know."
She looked up, and tentatively touched the cloth of my jacket.

The child turned her head from side to side.
I smiled again, "Okay... I will look around."
She looked at me carefully, then pointed up the stairs. In a moment, she was leading the way to the upper floor.

She did not reply.
We stood together looking across the room. It was a new office. Big windows. A good view of the settlement.
The child pointed at an empty desk and then shrugged.
I had seen a desk like this once before here on the moon. Eighteen months ago. Same basic curve design. A laptop to one side. Same type of coffee machine.
"That looks like the Mayor's desk," I said, "am I right?"
The child nodded her head up and down.
I smiled, "Good ..I hope to chat with her too."
"Do you go to school here?" I asked.
My little companion had led me across the settlement to a small grey building with a cheerful green sign above the door. Inside were rows of small desks facing a larger teacher's desk. Same basic set up used since the 19th century.
The child pointed to the desk in the corner.

The little one pointed passed me to the source of the voice.
I turned and smiled, "Hello Lynx."
The child pointed at the desk then back to Lynx again.
"This little girl was showing me your school," I explained, "She moves like Lily."
The child suddenly turned towards me.
"Like the synthetic?" asked Lynx, "Oh. Then this is the child Mister Winterwolf is nannying."
The little girl nodded up and down very quickly.

Memories of the dome on Caliban. The fire in the lab. The brain in the jar...
Finally, I thought, finally we meet.
I heard Lynx's voice, "You are Aurora Blue."
"Hello Aurora Blue," I said.
Aurora Blue LittleBoots looked at Lynx and nodded her head up and down. She then curtsied to me and pointed to the bracelet on her arm.
"That's a nice bracelet..." I remarked.
Lynx stepped closer.
Aurora Blue nodded with a very serious expression on her tiny face.
"...it looks very important," I added.
The child nodded slowly with the utmost serious expression.
Lynx tried to get a closer look without getting too near the child.
"May I look closely at it?" I asked.
Aurora Blue walked directly to Lynx and held up the bracelet. She smiled slightly then turned to me and extended her little arm.
Lynx looked rather surprised.
"It says 'Cody'," I observed.

"Yes," answered Lynx, "An ID bracelet?"
"Cody looked after her," I said, "She is Lily's cub."
The little one turned towards Lynx with a big wide grin.
He smiled back at her. "I am Lynx," he responded.
Introductions were complete. Now down to business.
"Lynx," I began, "does Lily know how old you are?"
"I have not asked her," he replied, "but I did say I was unable to identify my age."
Aurora Blue looked at Lynx with a slightly curious expression. Suddenly, she stepped back and began to dance around the room.

"Her mother did request to speak with you."
Aurora Blue looked at us both then reached out to take Lynx's hand.
"And you Aurora," I added, "I have something for you that I have been saving..."
The child began to shake her head violently from side to side.
Okay, I thought, we will try again later.
"Where is your apartment Lynx?" I asked.
"I can show you," he replied.
"This is my room," said Lynx, "Considerably smaller."
I squeezed inside, watching my head on the ceiling. I have seen larger closets.
Aurora Blue, still in our company, sniffed the room.

"It is," he replied, "It is home for now."
Aurora Blue was shaking her head 'no' once again.
I ignored her. Lynx, however, frowned at the child, "No?" he asked.
"Why did you choose to return to Hale's?" I asked him.
"I was given a letter," he replied.
"A letter?"
Aurora Blue walked outside and pointed across the landing pad to an empty apartment. For a child that appeared to be mute, she never stopped communicating.
Lynx opened one of his books and handed me a letter. I glanced at it and noticed it was unsigned.

"Can I keep this?" I asked.
Lynx nodded.
The child meanwhile pointed to an apartment above the news office. She began tugging at Lynx's shirt.
"What is that place?" asked Lynx.
Aurora Blue nodded toward Lynx's flat.
"Is that where Miss LilyBell lives?" he asked.
The child nodded.
"Go with Aurora," I instructed, "See what she wants to show us. I will join you momentarily. There is something in my shuttle I want to get."
"Alright," answered Lynx.
Aurora Blue looked at me and almost snarled. She shook her head 'NO' even more violently than before.
"What's wrong?" asked Lynx.

"She is my guardian..." began Lynx.
"She wants us to stay together perhaps," I suggested.
Aurora Blue shook her head 'no'. She then pointed at me again.
"The Major..." said Lynx.
She nodded and pointed at Lynx.
Lynx looked at me but spoke to the child, "I'm called Lynx... I don't know my last name."
Finally, Aurora Blue pointed to herself.
Lynx paused unsure of her meaning.
Again, the child pointed at me and nodded. She pointed at Lynx and nodded. Then she pointed at herself and waited.

"Yes," agreed Lynx.
Aurora Blue nodded dramatically.
And with that, she was off and running once again.
"Do we follow her?" asked Lynx.
"Yes," I sighed. "She is quick one..."
The child looped back towards the centre of town. For someone with such little legs, she was certainly fast.
"This way," called Lynx, "She went behind the buildings."
I followed at a steady walk.
"There she is," I called as a white figure ran up the street.
Lynx and I crossed the landing area in pursuit, but by the time we reached the cargo containers the child had disappeared again.
We found ourselves near the Applecado offices. I looked at the doorway and paused.
"Major, are you alright?" asked Lynx.
"Yes," I replied, "I just want to check.... something."
I walked towards the office. Lynx nodded and followed.

The offices were empty this time. Empty except for a cat sitting quietly on the counter. Tail tucked around her paws. Eyes half shut.
"I saw Mister Winterwolf in here earlier today," remarked Lynx.
"Ah good," I said.
I walked over to a row of lockers tucked in one corner of the room.
"He came here after telling me to get over my past," added Lynx, "He was somewhat rude."
"He can be abrupt," I agreed.
I scanned the row of lockers, looking at the names...
"Yes," agreed Lynx, "I found that out. I didn't want to antagonize him further."
I removed a small envelope from my pocket and I slipped it inside one of the lockers.
I stood in such a way that Lynx would have difficulty identifying which locker. This was not about trust. It was about protection. You can't tell what you don't know.
"My friend Brooke owns this company," I said aloud, "Did you know?"
"No. She owns the company?"
"I see," he replied.
"Well," I asked "shall we find Aurora?"
"Yes," answered Lynx, "She did want us to follow her."
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