"...nothing contributes so much to tranquillize the mind as a steady purpose." - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
As I approached the Zenobian compound, I saw a familiar figure approaching the market. It was Doctor Qui Serendipity, dressed in his familiar suit. How he manages in this heat dressed like that, I do not know.
"Doctor!" I called out.

"I am on my way indoors," I explained, "I have already fainted once today."
"Yes," agreed the Doctor, "advisable."
Inside the Manor house, I removed my cloak and hydrosuit mask. "How have you been, Doctor?" I asked, settling myself on a hassock.
"Very busy," he replied, "The Zombie Apocalypse and the Robot Uprising do not take a vacation, so neither can I."

"Yes, fascinating stuff. You got this from HAL."
"No," I replied, "from the Colchester."
Before he could reply, there was a knock at the door.
"Entre, young man," called the Doctor.
The door swung open and a man wearing UAP armour walked into the room. "Trooper Emmett Raleigh, reporting for duty," he said with a crisp salute.
"At ease Trooper." I returned the salute.

"Has anyone shown you the barracks yet?" I asked. He would want to settle in.
"I have seen them," replied the Trooper, "but honestly I am so turned around, I don't know where I am going."
The Doctor chimed in helpfully, "Due south, up the stairs, take a right. First left, right before the cranky woman."
I smiled, "Thank you Doctor."
Trooper Raleigh, however, looked quizzically at the Doctor at the mention of a cranky woman.
The Doctor nodded knowingly, "Cranky is the politer version."
"There will be a Zenobian uniform in your locker," I explained to the Trooper, "We can head over there later..."
Raleigh nodded. Message received. Alliance professional soldiers dressed as Zenobian house guard.
"The day is hot..." I added, "have you had anything to drink yet?"
"I have been keeping up with my water rations," replied the Trooper, "as per the Doctor's advice."
"Good, good." I said firmly.
I wish I had done the same.
"I gave him some advice," the Doctor admitted modestly, "from a civilian point of view."
"Well, Doctor," I replied, "while I have you here, I need to ask you for your professional point of view..."
"Certainly, If I am able to."

"Is it safe to open?" asked the Doctor.
I explained, "This was given to me by your daughter to pass along to the Replicant Krenshar Magic. I would like an analysis done on the contents before I decide what to do with it."
"I will find out what I can," he promised, "Is this label accurate? Replicant Elixir?"
"I do not know," I answered, "Alliance Laboratory 312, located on Zenobia, Foreign Ward, is at your disposal."
"Excellent," he replied, "I will move in a few needful things."
"Very good."
"Replicant Elixir," he mused, "What could that be for? I am intrigued, I will find out what nefarious purpose this is intended for."
"I look forward to the results of your analysis," I said confidently.
"I will forward them to you on a secured channel," he promised.
"Right now," I began, "I should show this trooper where his bunk is...
Trooper Raleigh stood by quietly.
"...then go and find mine. You are welcome to join us for the walk, Doctor." I added.
"I will also," replied the Doctor, "Should point out to him the delightfully entertaining Orions."

"As a leisure activity," began the Doctor, "I study the Orions...."
I opened the package. It was a language translation device.
"....I was able to decipher their native tongue and related it to existing languages and provide a translator," he added.
"Thank you," I replied, "Excellent."
Doctor Qui Serendipity continued, "I eavesdrop on them whenever I can. I am very pleased that they came back. Despite the fact that they are criminal minded and slave traders, from an academic point of view, fascinating."
"They are a charming people," I remarked, a touch sarcastically, "They were involved in an attempt to frame House Zenobia in a matter of water theft."
"Fascinating," repeated the Doctor.
"It should keep things lively around here," I confessed with a smile.
"Although they claim their home system is Betelgeuse," conspired the Doctor, "they are actually close neighbors of 34 Tauri: Chi Orionis."
"Well, shall we find the barracks?" I asked.
"Please," replied the Trooper, "It has been a long journey today."
"Rank and ladies first, Major," said the Doctor gallantly as we prepared for the outdoors.
As we walked through the settlement, Doctor Serendipity continued to instruct my new recruit. "House Orion," he began.
Trooper Raleigh listened carefully.
"Do not taste the Orion gals," the Doctor warned the soldier, "They are covered in narcotics."
"As you direct, Doctor," replied the Trooper.

"House Kira," I said as we passed their collection of buildings, "They have Imperial ties."
We climbed a long stairway rising away to the south. It connected Kira Court to the upper rock terrace housing private residents, small embassies, and our barracks.

Half of the room contained bunks and lockers for the men and women stationed here. A small table for their convenience. The other half of the room was set up as a small gym. Exercise mats. Treadmill. Rowing machine. Enough to keep the team in shape and help pass the leisure time.
Trooper Raleigh removed his armor and weapon, stowed them in his assigned locker.
"Now I see what the troopers are doing when I don't see them," remarked the Doctor, "Do you think they will get a lot of opportunities to row while on assignment here?"
I laughed at the mental image of soldiers rowing across the sand.
"Outside of this room, that is," he clarified.
The Trooper spoke up, "My assignment may not be permanent, Doctor. I may have need of it on other assignments. A water world, for instance."
Doctor Serendipity made a noise, "Hmph, send him to Bihar. He will have to row every day."
I turned to the Trooper, "Meals are taken at the embassy compound. Speak to the quartermaster about getting a hydrosuit. It is essential for the desert."
The Doctor added his two cents, "The Companions are down the street. Don't taste them either. They're pricey. 300L per hour."
"I believe that was mentioned in the training," replied the Trooper, "the suit, not the Companions. I shall endeavor not to taste anything that moves."
"The older style hydrosuits are the most effective," I explained, "We can continue the briefing later."
Trooper Raleigh nodded, "Thank you, Major. I look forward to working with you."
"Good to have you on board, Trooper." I smiled.
The Doctor wished him well. "It was a pleasure meeting you, my boy. Best to you. Cheers."
"And thank you for all your guidance, Doctor," said the Trooper pleasantly, "I hope to work with you again soon."

"Drones!" I cried, "I almost forgot..."
Trooper Raleigh looked a bit queasy, "Low altitude, I am hoping..."
"They are ground drones," the Doctor assured him.
"I took this picture earlier today," I said and passed them both the image of the Arudra.
"Humanoid drones?" asked the Trooper.
"Today?" asked the Doctor.
"Yes," I said, answering them both at once.
"I think it's skin is wearing off," observed the Doctor, "The first one I saw had skin grafts."
"It appeared to be chasing something moving in the sand," I elaborated, "possibly a worm."
"A dangerous sport," remarked the Doctor, as he examined the image.
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