It was night in the desert. Just before dawn.
My pace was measured as I slowly climbed the tall stone column. My mask catching the precious moisture from my breath.
Pausing at a small outcropping near the top, I placed my gloved hand against the surface of the stone and pushed. The boulder rolled away to firm pressure revealing a small cave.

A figure stood waiting silently at the base of the ladder. My contact.
I removed my breather and sand goggles.
My contact remained robed and masked. This was a precaution, along with the remote meeting place, to protect my contact's identity from anyone who happened to see us together.
"Thank you for meeting me," I said sincerely.
"Your welcome," replied the voice.

"You have a point," said my contact, "but money's low and we gotta keep bread on the table."
"Of course," I replied. "I will see to it that you are reinstated but at the rank of 2nd Lieutenant."
My contact nodded.
I explained the mission. "Simply put...I need information."
My contact nodded again, "About what?"
"There are several factions and organizations operating in the area..."
"Yes," replied my contact, "I am aware."
"...and any information will be useful."
My contact nodded, "Sure thing. I've got lots of info.."

"And I need someone protected," I continued.
"Who do you need protected?"
"Natasha Ivanova," I answered, "Captain of the Milaya Moya." Formerly known as Svetlana Pleides.
"Ahh, I see. A ship..sounds like a light freighter..."
"Yes," I replied, "she is freelance transport."
I frowned slightly, "My concern is that if she comes across William Faith on her travels that she will take the law into her own hands.... again."
"A bad ex?" asked my contact.
I chuckled, "No, a war criminal. He is the Alliance commander that destroyed Shadow. Natasha is a survivor."
And Faith might have information on who ordered the bombing of Aberdeen.
We spoke briefly about Shadow. Then the conversation turned to current concerns.
"Let's talk about Al Raqis," I suggested, "What can you tell me about the Marauders?"
My contact began, "The Marauders, originally, were a group of scientists and researchers. When they came under attack, they fled to the caves under Khayal Alramady where they remained for 60 years. In that time, they changed..."
"Yes," replied my contact, "Got all crazy-like, made an entire caste system. The disguise they wore became necessity. They are hell bent on killing each and every offworlder they see."
"And they were scientists from where?" I inquired.
"Haven't uncovered that yet. Still researching it."
"How big are they?" I asked, "Boots on the ground..."
"Army size? I can't say," answered my contact, "They could be a few dozen or a few thousand."
"Any information on personalities?" I asked, "who might be involved..."
"We actually just recently got the very first ever recorded picture of a Warmaster..."
"You have a picture?" I interrupted.
"Did you bring it with you?"
"Yes," replied my contact, "an image from the thermal cam we sent in. The caves are ink black."
She transmitted the photograph. It showed a tall figure in a powersuit of some kind. Heavily armed. Identity obscured by his or her helmet.
My contact continued talking. "We know the leader is called Chieftan Rasvant. We ran records of missing people from about 60 years ago with the last name Rasvant, and came up with the name of a small child."

"My contacts in Khayal Alramady."
I nodded. It was a good enough answer.
My contact continued, "The name of the chieftain, if we are not mistaken, is Nikolai Rasvant...."
"Good," I acknowledged.
"...however, you are going to have a damn good time finding any records on him at all."
"That's okay," I replied, "I will leave that to you and your contacts."

"You had better be getting back," I said, "before you are missed." I would stay in the cave a while so we would not risk being seen leaving at the same time, even from a distance.
My contact nodded. "Farewell."
"Stay safe Lieutenant," I called to the figure retreating into the shadows.
The lieutenant replied, "Will do."
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