"Lepus, the Hare, is a beast well enough known. Of the Chaldees it is called Veterellum, and of the Greeks Onollosa. The virtue of it is shewed to be marvellous, for Evax and Aaron said that the feet of it, joined with a stone... moveth a man to hardiness, so that he fear not death." - The Book of Secrets of Albertus Magnus
It was daylight when I emerged from the cave at the top of the rock column. My contact had long since slipped away. I was surprised therefore when I heard sounds like scratching on the stone surface followed by a shower of pebbles. There was a brief pause and then the sounds retreated.
I slowly approached the edge and peered down.
Already back on the desert floor was a figure, dressed in clothing similar to Audrey Aurotharius. It was skinless, revealing a mechanical woman underneath.

I watched from a distance, mindful that both Qui and Captain Westminster had unsuccessfully chased drones such as this one.
The figure seemed drawn to motion. Perhaps it had approached my position when the boulder blocking the cave entrance had moved. Now it followed the characteristic undulation of the desert floor indicating the presence a giant subterranean annelid.
A clockwork doll chasing worms in the sand.
I made my way from the cavern through the desert to the Splintered Rock landing area. Deep in thought the time had passed quickly. Jup, the tall, blood-drinking, rabbit woman was there overlooking the marketplace. She wore her usual dark clothes now accented with a pair of sand goggles.

Jup smiled, "Any interesting rumors of late?"
Before I could answer, the world grew black. Preoccupied with intrigues and drones, I had forgotten to keep hydrated. I collapsed on the ground.

I felt a flask pressed against my lips. Cool water trickled slowly into my mouth. I groaned.
The rabbit tsked. "You shouldn't push yourself in Hell's inferno," she warned.
I began to rally. "Thank you for the water," I responded. My tongue thick.
"My pleasure," replied Jup, "as always. So hear anything unusual?"
"Rumours..." I murmured still recovering from my fainting spell. "I was about to ask you the same thing. Have you noticed anything odd in the desert these days? Something that looks like a broken doll walking about?"
I showed her an image I had taken from my vantage point on the high rock. My fingers fumbling.
"I have seen it too," she replied, "This place welcomes abominations."
"It seemed to be chasing a worm," I explained, "It tried to climb up to where I was then scrambled away."

"Toxins? no.... I can keep my ears open though. Any idea who?"
She elaborated, "I overheard two elite members of some great house talking. They want to eradicate the Marauders. They talked about a spice poison manufactured offworld."
"Spice poison!" I cried horrified at the idea. Such a thing would create economic collapse for Mu Draconis.
"I don't know," she replied, "It reacts with the spice somehow..makes it toxic. I could only pick up bits and pieces."
"These Marauders," I said, "They are out of Khayal Alramady."
Jup nodded, "Yes, very brutal..I have had a couple run ins with them."
"Run ins? They have threatened you?"
The rabbit grinned, flashing some unholy white teeth, "You could say that. They promised I would die. I should take them up on that one day."
I chuckled, "I am sure you can hold your own in a fight." Then I added seriously, "If you need backup though, please inform me."
The rabbit hissed. "Me..I am but a poor spice miner. Fighting is for the great warriors."
I smiled, "I am sure there is more to you than that."
Yes, I thought, poor rabbit-eared, club-going, spice miner that traded information like a professional. I wondered if she was representing someone. Chios maybe? The Imperium?
"Have you had any dealings with the USD?" I asked.
She continued, "This place holds onto its secrets tightly..like a dead pirate clutching its last flack of rum."
I took this for a redirection. "Indeed. Well, I will not pry into your secrets, my friend."

She shook her muzzle "No..they are a secretive group. Are they aligned with the Marauders?"
"Quite the opposite," I replied, "I believe they are antagonistic to one another."
"Are they aligned with Tri-v and the SSFS?"
"That I do not know," I admitted, "It would be useful to know the alliances that exist behind the scenes. Do you recall the name of the great house whose elites were discussing spice poison?"
"I have had more than one run in with the SSFS," she added, "Interesting mercenaries."
"Soldiers of fortune are they?"
She offered her opinion, "Somehow I don't think they are as 'mercenary' as they would like you to believe."
I still felt a little faint. "I should get out of this heat," I said aloud.

"No," I replied, "but we could ask Consulari Jai Raghilda of the House Zenobia." Lynx might have seen something too, I thought. "The term Warmaster has come up in connection with the Marauders," I added.
Jup nodded, "Yes..Warmaster..somehow I feel that title will be put to the test..and soon."
"The Magistrate should be informed," I said, "if there is indeed a threat ...and not just empty words."
Jup tilted her head again, "Who is the head of House Zenobia?"
"The Consulari for this Diocese is Baronetess Jai Raghilda Lordhunter. The Noble Lord is Senenmut Flanagan, but he rarely travels."
"I don't travel much on the Al Raqi side," she announced, "I get unwelcome stares. It seems the Al Raqi natives don't like my 'kind' too well."
"It is a shame," I replied.
Jup put her finger to her muzzle. "shhhh... Shame is for the weak."
"I will send word to the Consulari on your behalf if you wish," I offered, "I must return to the embassy."
"I think I would enjoy meeting this Consulari," replied Jup, "I think we could have much to negotiate."
"Information is always a good commodity," I said in summary. "It was nice chatting to you again," I added with a smile. "Take care."

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