Monday, November 22, 2010


November 4 - Zenobia

The door recognized my bio-signature and, with a hiss, opened to let me pass. The sound of my boots marked my passage across the tile floor.

Alliance Laboratory 312 was a good sized research center. Two floors of laboratories. An adjoining hospital. External testing facilities.

Building One was the hospital proper. The clinics were there. Emergency treatment. A small ward on the upper floor.

Building Two housed the laboratories and surgery. Most of the top floor of this building had been emptied to make room for the incoming Dr. Serendipity.

Area Three, external to the building itself, consisted of secure storage and access to the ground testing facilities.

Each floor of Buildings One and Two were laid out in the clover leaf configuration characteristic of medical facilities on Zenobia in general - a cluster of round rooms or pods, usually four, off a central square common area. Each building had its own elevator shaft and separate entrances. A round elevated tunnel joined both structures.

I made my way to one of the corner rooms in Building Two. It contained a simple desk and chair and the object I had come to see: an Arudra series drone captured by Dr. Qui Serendipity and Captain Manda Westminster in the deserts of Al Raqis.


"Hello Major."

Captain Westminster entered the room and saluted.

"Hello Captain," I replied, returning the salute.

We stood examining the figure standing before us. It was unadorned and decapitated.

"We shined her up and took off her head," remarked the Captain pleasantly.

"Did it give you much trouble?"

"It was a good chase mostly," she replied, "Across Al Raqis, Splintered Rock, Desert Basin and Deep Desert."

I nodded.

She continued. "We think the drone was deactivating some things. We were only able to find one at the totem. A comms device."

"The information it has so far provided has indicated that LilyBell Snoodle had met the two girls now missing from Paquin," I said, "Any information from this comms device yet?"

"It is laborious, but we will be able to figure out the frequency jumping chip. If Ardra is assuming the transmitters were all destroyed, then it will probably not change the frequencies. We will be able to eavesdrop."

"Good," I replied, "then maybe we caught a break."

"We should be able to get a lot more intel," said Captain Westminster optimistically.

"Keep me informed," I said.

"I am staying here for one more day," she continued, "until the professor gets this thing completely in containment. He also hopes we can use this to refine his proton packs to better immobilize the droids."

I nodded again.

"The current packs are..." she rolled her eyes to the side, "not good. Bulky, prone to overheat, break spontaneously and sometimes just don't function at all. It took two of us to take down the drone. One to immobilize, the second to shut it down."

"Was it wearing clothing?" I asked. The pictures we had gathered so far showed a drone dressed like Audrey Aurotharius.

"We removed the clothing," she replied, "Held for analysis. Maybe we can find out where it was from the dirt...."


"...I expect to find sand," she added.

"I want to know how old the clothing is and where it was manufactured."

"I have ordered a fiber analysis," reported the Captain.

"Very good," I replied, "I'll be in my office, if there is anything else."


Captain Westminster's report arrived later that evening.

--- Begin Encrypted Report ---

Reference: Audrey Aurotharius and Audrey Aurotharius Wylder
Subject: Preliminary forensics of cell and fiber samples

I met with Captain Otsuka, he was very cooperative and helpful.

Their fingerprint team are still ruling our the hundreds of fingerprints from the crime scene. If there are any that don't correspond to students and staff, they will forward.

The school had already washed the bed linens and the children's laundry before they knew there was an incident. Their forensics team was able to collect DNA samples from hairbrush and toiletries.

Given the name of the girls, I ran with a hunch and prioritized the testing to look for some particular markers. Both of these girls have the markers for juvenile familial amyloidosis.

Amyloidosis is an uncontrolled growth of the amyloid protein, even without DNA testing, the amyloid protein grown is evident in the cell cultures.

I am conducting cell membrane tests to see if I can find the evidence of any drug treatment. The hair will also be useful for indications of medically related stress and treatments.

Preliminary analysis of hair strands show unmistakable signs of long term Mu Draconis Desert Spice ingestion.

There are cellular markers that indicate how many times a cell line has divided since the clone was made. The length of telomeres for example, but there are several others. Thus, you can estimate how old the primary was when the cell sample was taken.

The simplest test for a clone is the length of the telomeres, a protein complex which protects the ends of linear chromosomes. If the length of the telomeres is shorter that would be indicated given the approximate age of the person, then it is likely a clone. We then run other tests to corroborate.

Both of these girls are very expensive clones, top of the line. Germline cells extracted while the primary was still in the womb, stored, cloned then placed into the womb of another woman and raised to term. No artificial womb, no growth stimulants or the other signs of traditional cloning methods.

It will take a bit longer to get enough markers to run it for an ident.

Captain Westminster, UAP SIU

--- End Encrypted Report ---


With a heavy sigh, I set the report aside and considered the next move.

I had not heard from Ardra since I had taken a team to search her ship and seize the bones of St. Zenobius. This was not a surprise of course. It hadn't exactly been a social call.

Nevertheless, I felt compelled to contact her now. Using the old protocols we had used to contact her during the war, I sent Ardra a small package of raw spice with a brief message:

"Don't hurt the children."

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Importance of Killing Snakes

November 2

The text retrieved from the Arudra drone presented no problems to decode. It was the same script used on the labels on the containers Ceasar and I salvaged from the Colchester. A simple symbol-letter substitution cipher.

---- Begin Translation ----

Our agents has located the Zahir in Paquin and they have been retrieved. Events are now set in motion.

For a brief time I was able to establish a neural interface with the Zahir.

The evidence from the Zahir neural interface is irrefutable, you had contact with the Zahir five months ago but did not inform us.

There is an official report recording that the commandant of Turrent's Moon UAP monitoring Station spoke to your legal guardian confirming your presence at the time. The official report says you bared your claws and killed a snake in front of two school children and later played in a nearby treehouse.

You knew of Aurotharius yet you did not relay your knowledge of the event with his progeny.

The aleph and the alpha constant were stolen from the Colcester before our agent could retrieve them. Because of the lost time, we must proceed without them.

I am indebted to you for housing this unit for so many months, but the event of singularity will pass you by.

The singularity will not be part of the transhumanist's agenda.

Thank you for your hospitality.

I will leave you now. This program will self terminate and purge its memories and mental states.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Program deleted and purged.

---- End Translation ----

The translation complete, I paused as I looked at the text on the screen. This was a message from Ardra and I had a strong suspicion to whom it was addressed. But I wanted independent verification so I sent the following communication:

To: Major Aodhfionn Murcastle, UAP Turrent's Moon Monitoring Post

Re: Incident Report


I am requesting a copy of an official report that was filed some time ago. This incident concerns an individual who '"bared claws" and killed a snake in front of school children. This individual then played in a nearby treehouse. I am to understand that you contacted the individual's legal guardian.

I would like any details you have on this matter: date and location of the incident, the names of the individual and his or her legal guardian, the names of the children and their parents, interview transcripts if available.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Major Pepper Siamendes, UAP Special Investigations Unit.


Major Muircastle's reply arrived promptly:

Turrent's Moon Monitoring Station Incident Report

June 2nd, the Cambridge Geneva International Baccalaureate School for Girls from Paquin was conducting a school field trip of the Bihar antiquities museum, art gallery and temples.

Jacqueline Pemberton, the chaperon of the school field trip reported that a child-sized black-maned white-furred black-spotted anthropomorphic felinoid creature met the acquaintance of two of the children during their lunch break. Neither of the children were harmed. Ms. Pemberton reported that the children were sufficiently calm that they were able to rejoin their group and continue their tour. The creature tried to either intimidate or impress the girls by displaying its claws and killing one of the temple's neo-cobras.

When this station received this report, it monitored the ground and was able to identify the creature as bearing a resemblance to a genetic construct owned by Blue Sun named LilyBell Snoodle, although of smaller size. We conjectured it could be another version of the creature or one of its offspring.

This station located the creature was playing in a neighboring treehouse about 200 meters away from the location of the incident and dispatched a trooper to investigate, but the creature had already departed the vicinity and we were not able to track it further.

Later that same day, this officer contacted Snoodle's legal guardian, Ms. Seana Kawanishi, the mayor of the Hale's Moon Colony. Miss Kawanishi only knew that her ward was offworld and said that she would speak to the creature regarding scaring school children.

File was forwarded to UAP Special Projects as there is a system flag on any LilyBell Snoodle related incidents. As per the flag directives, Blue Sun was not contacted regarding the matter.

Filed by Major Aodhfionn Muircastle, UAP, Turrent's Moon Monitoring Station

Filed June 3rd

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Case of the Two Missing Audreys

November 2

There was a message from Ceasar on my personal channel.

"Pepper just got this report. It's already in the local press. I saw the names and thought you should know. See you soon."

The attachment to his message read as follows:

Dear Police Captain Ceasar Otsuka,

I am the legal guardian of Audrey Aurotharius and Audrey Wylder. The two children attended private boarding school in Paquin for the past 5 years.

The children are missing from the school grounds.

Kindly activate whatever process for missing children.


Constance Zdychava


A message from Captain Westminster was also waiting on secured comms.

"We have acquired an Arudra Model Drone from the desert. Am taking it back to Zenobia for examination."

Later in the day her full report arrived.

---- Encrypted Communication ----


The proton pack provided by Doctor Serendipity worked. Not perfectly, they overheat, overload and there is some prohibition about crossing the beams. It required both of us to take down the drone without scrambling its circuits or letting it self destruct. One beam immobilized it, the second one deactivated it. In the time it took between the first and second beam to make contact with the drone, it still managed to delete some of its memory and some of its circuitry was still damaged. It is still better than previous attempts.

Attached is a download from the drone's visual log. It appears to be a message board of some sort.

We chased the drone thru the desert and up to a native totem near the edge of Deep Desert. The drone had a comms relay there. It was attempting to destroy it, but we got to it first. We are hoping to find good information from that as well. There is some sort of frequency jumping chip, so the signal is scrambled, encrypted and sent fragmented over several different frequencies. It is a lightspeed only E/M transmitter/receiver, so it is local space only or it links to a Cortex type relay station somewhere.

Attached also are a few pictures from the confrontation in the desert and unloading of the drone in Doctor Serendipity's lab office in Zenobia. He said that he does not want HAL activated at the same time or vicinity as the drone. For safety purposes, we have removed the head from the body. Both the head and body are currently unpowered, we will leave the body unpowered. After analysis on the body is complete, we shall put the body into a shielded container. Doctor Serendipity says he will arrange for containment.

Downloaded from Arudra. This was a transmission that was received by the Arudra Drone. Qui says he can decrypt it.

Begin Quote:


More to follow as analysis continues.

Captain Westminster, UAP SIU

---- End Encrypted Communication ----


---- Encrypted Communication ----


Good work on the drone.

Get to Spinwheel City, Paquin and see Police Captain Ceasar Otsuka. There are two missing school children. Please offer him assistance with a forensic analysis of the location from where the children may have been taken.

In addition, see if you can find samples belonging to the children themselves (i.e. from a hair brush or tissues). Run full spectrum tests. If anyone asks, it is to establish a control for testing any other DNA evidence against.

Major Siamendes, UAP SIU

---- End Encrypted Communication ----



I am sending a forensic investigator to offer you assistance in any way. Please copy me any photographs or transcripts of any interviews you or your detectives undertake in this case.

Keep the light on.


Monday, November 15, 2010

The Engine of Aurotharius (Part Two)

October 20

Reports from other members of the team arrived.


To: Major Pepper Siamendes, UAP Special Investigations Unit.

Reference: Spacing Guild Centavos Ignition Reactor

Subject: Further Analysis

Dear Major,

It did not take long to calibrate the navigational computer to calculate where the particle emitter was pointing from the Spacing Guild Centavos Ignition Reactor. Hand calculations confirmed what I suspected from sky observation, the beam is pointed directly to the Taurus constellation. The navigational computer refined the numbers to indicate that it is pointing directly at 34 Tauri.

I am taking a transport back to 34 Tauri to inspect the antimatter collection arrays at Heinlein. I have some contacts in the High Energy Lepton Project (HELP). I will see if they have any knowledge about exotic particle creation and some aspects of condensed matter physics that may be at play here.

I will be in contact soon.


Doctor Qui Von Wer Foreman Serendipity, PhD.

P.S. I gave your coroner a prototype of the proton beam emitter to test in the field against the android scourge. It should hopefully knock out the damned morovec's mechanicals and terminate their function while still allowing retrieval of useful information.



<===========Begin Secured Transmission===========>

From: Major Aodhfionn Murcastle, UAP Turrent's Moon Monitoring Post

To: Major Pepper Siamendes, UAP Special Investigations Unit.

I have a directive from Special Projects to inform you in the event of certain classes of phenomenon.

Part of our monitoring station is an Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), a particle physics module designed to search for various types of unusual matter by measuring cosmic rays.

We recently changed the orientation of the AMS and while nothing is yet conclusive, a recent spike in the charged particles indicates the possibility of Weak Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs).

I have not further information regarding this phenomenon. We are launching probes to get clearer readings and to triangulate to pinpoint a source. I do not know why Special Projects directed I told you, other that this is part of the Colchester Protocols.


Major Aodhfionn Murcastle, UAP

<===========End Secured Transmission===========>

The Engine of Aurotharius (Part One)

October 18 - Zenobia

"No longer were there individual destinies; only a collective destiny..." - Albert Camus


I received a message from Consulari Raghilda on the diplomatic channel:

"Major, I was remooring our new Bow Class Frigate in High Orbit of Mu Draconis. The Guild Heighliner is gone. It's 'engine' is still here. I think it's an engine, like from an Exodus Ark class fusion igniter."

I answered immediately, "Thank you Consulari. Can we get a science team up there to take a look?"

"I don't see why not," she replied, "Anyone you would recommend?"

"Dr. Qui Serendipity, if available. Accompanied by one of our troopers."

"Good idea. I will track him down. I think he is still in residence."


October 20

Reconnaissance Report

By: Captain Manda Soldi Westminster, M.D., UAP SIU

To: Major Pepper Siamendes, UAP SIU

Location: Mu Draconis

Subject: Spacing Guild Liner Apparatus

Consulari Oyl reported to the local Zenobian Aegis commanding officer, Major Pepper Siamendes, that the Spacing Guild Liner was no longer located in high orbit over Mu Draconis. A large high energy apparatus remained and requested that our resident physicist, Doctor Qui Von Wer Foreman Serendipity, make some observations and report.

The Consulari left it up to the professor’s discretion which Aegis trooper would accompany him and he chose me stating my strong sciences background, albeit in medical, would be helpful.

The professor and I set up a time close to sunset and met at the landing tarmac of the Splintered Rock Settlement. The apparatus was directly above Desert Basin East in Geosynchronous Orbit and we would stop off on our way at the new Zenobian Bow Class Frigate of the Consolidated Associate Traders of Zenobia.

The professor insisted on his own bulky antiquated Environmental Suit outfitted a large proton beam emitter. Apparently the professor felt some need for a mobile EMP device in the event of a robot uprising. When his visor was raised, I could smell whiskey on his breath. He carried on at length about the zombie apocalypse and someone named Alice and Eliza. He frequently reminded me that he has tenure.

I used an ornithoper refitted for trans-orbit. Ironically, the Valkyrie we usually use to run down smugglers is not suited to the locations we would be visiting today.

From the observation bay of the forward hangar deck of the Frigate, we could see the reaction core left over from the Spacing Guild Liner. We refueled and headed off.

The reactor core is located in the northeast corner of the Desert Basin East Sector. According to Professor Qui, the Exodus Ark Class Core is composed of 12 Titan Class Ignition Particle Beam Emitters. There were four visible particle injectors focused on the Core. One from the south of Deep Desert, one from the north of Desert Basin East, one from the east of Desert Basin East and one from directly overhead. The hardware for these particle emitters extended more than a kilometer and a half in each direction.

Qui insisted on EVA inspection of the reactor core, he refers to is as a Centavos Ignition Array. Upon closer inspection, it was evident that some modifications were made. “This is not your Granny’s Ignition Array,” according to the professor’s expert analysis. Qui says that the Centavos is absent.

There was one particle beam emission leading away from the Centavos Ignition Array/Reactor Core. It extended far beyond our available sensors. We took careful measurements and will later use the navigational computer to calculate the emission’s target.

We followed the incoming particle injector that was coming from overhead. Unlike the other 3 particle injectors, this one had 2 additional rotating plates which according to Qui, acts as additional confinement, focus and acceleration. Following this up a further 2 kilometers, we found what Qui identified as an antiparticle storage ring. The storage ring is 250 meters in diameter and 6 different colored plates ran thru the storage rotating in and out. Above was 6 other rotating rings in a close cluster. Qui claims that the rotating rings are used to sort the different particles from the incoming particle stream. The other plates are then used to transmit to storage and emit when requested.

Above the rotating rings was a plasma sail that extended up an addition 30 kilometers. Qui says its purpose is to capture particles as they are created by cosmic ray bombardment as they hit the planet’s magnetic field. They are then drawn down to the rotating rings for sorting and storage. They use something similar to harvest antimatter on Heinlein.

Somehow the storage ring can combine the antiparticles to form macroscopic amounts of antimatter which it them emits at relativistic speeds at the Reactor Core where it collides with a small amount of super-dense exotic matter called a Centavos, precipitating a unique reaction.

We were not able to locate any controlling mechanism. Perhaps that is on the Spacing Guild Liner.

I found it improbable that Qui could determine all of this from mere observation and queried him. He replied that the designs are derived from a 20th century Italian Physicist named Fermi and the basic layout was Fermi’s design for an orbital particle accelerator/collider called a Fermitron. That and the Exodus Ark Class Ignition Array Reactor Core are taught in some advanced curricula.

I inquired further what the purpose of the device was, Qui replied “To warp, bend or fold spacetime”.

According to Qui, it was Wylder Aurotharius' idea.

I will follow up with an additional report when we run some numbers through the computers.

Qui says he is leaving for Heinlein to find a Centavos. I have looked up what I could in the relevant literature, there is no reference to a Centavos.

Captain Westminster, UAP SIU


Saturday, November 13, 2010

IV. Observations from a Distance

September 19 - Zenobia

It wasn't even a week before the Marauders made their move, striking at a purely civilian target. A ship transporting nuns and orphans. Can't get more civilian than that. Well, maybe if there were puppies too...

Any sympathy the Marauders hoped to engender should evaporate over this. Any supporters they might have will likely start distancing themselves, realizing that this sort of criminal act can only hurt their own interests.

I had already left the Mu Draconis system when I heard. The news report read as follows:

Marauders Attack Al Raqis Passenger Transport Al Raqis Raconteur

SPLINTERED ROCK, Al Raqis - The quiet still of the SR landing pad area was shattered as a transport carrying missionaries was blasted out of the sky by hidden marauder Anti Aircraft guns; The only survivor of the horrible attack was the pilot, who seems to have taken a nasty head injury and lost his memory.

The marauders shortly issued this statement:

"We will smite the invaders from our skies. There will be more in the days to come. We are here. We will not be ignored. We will win. We are the Marauders. Expect us."

[ ]

Note: Copy filed.


September 22

A message from Lynx arrived three days later. It was good to see he was keeping his eyes open.


"Major, I am sorry I was not here when you arrived here recently. I was away with tracking down some additional cargo which was mishandled. Everything was sorted out and the paperwork sent to the ambassador. However there has been some unusual markings. Large painted red hand prints on the side of two buildings of note.

"I am unsure if you were aware of the situation. It appears to have to do with the native population and outworlders.

"I made note of the particular buildings so decorated. The Orion guild house and Tri V. I made a careful search of the buildings within our care and have found nothing amiss. I felt you should be informed in case of a potential problem. I will keep you informed of any further developments."

Message ends.


September 24

By the end of the week, the Doctor's promised analysis arrived.

**Begin Comms**

Communication to Major Pepper Siamendes UAP SIU from Doctor Qui Von Wer Foreman Serendipity, secured channel:

"Dear Major Siamendes, I did some preliminary analysis on the "Replicant Elixir" you gave to me. There is a topical version and another version with a security patch of some sort. Toxic to human, consumable by Replicants. I have some ideas as to its function, I think it blocks signals of some sort. I know someone that can give you more information, he is a bartender by the name of Nack Barnes. His name is on the bottle, it came from his bar, "Firefly's".

**End Comms**


Mercedes had given me this bottle to discover why Blue Sun was manufacturing a substance known as Replicant Elixir. Was it really nothing more than... android beer?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

III. Conversations with the Doctor

September 16 - Al Raqis

"...nothing contributes so much to tranquillize the mind as a steady purpose." - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein


As I approached the Zenobian compound, I saw a familiar figure approaching the market. It was Doctor Qui Serendipity, dressed in his familiar suit. How he manages in this heat dressed like that, I do not know.

"Doctor!" I called out.

"Major!" he replied, "I just left your new recruit."

"I am on my way indoors," I explained, "I have already fainted once today."

"Yes," agreed the Doctor, "advisable."


Inside the Manor house, I removed my cloak and hydrosuit mask. "How have you been, Doctor?" I asked, settling myself on a hassock.

"Very busy," he replied, "The Zombie Apocalypse and the Robot Uprising do not take a vacation, so neither can I."

"Did you get a chance to examine those files I gave you?"

"Yes, fascinating stuff. You got this from HAL."

"No," I replied, "from the Colchester."

Before he could reply, there was a knock at the door.

"Entre, young man," called the Doctor.

The door swung open and a man wearing UAP armour walked into the room. "Trooper Emmett Raleigh, reporting for duty," he said with a crisp salute.

"At ease Trooper." I returned the salute.

Trooper Raleigh removed his helmet, "Thank you, Major."

"Has anyone shown you the barracks yet?" I asked. He would want to settle in.

"I have seen them," replied the Trooper, "but honestly I am so turned around, I don't know where I am going."

The Doctor chimed in helpfully, "Due south, up the stairs, take a right. First left, right before the cranky woman."

I smiled, "Thank you Doctor."

Trooper Raleigh, however, looked quizzically at the Doctor at the mention of a cranky woman.

The Doctor nodded knowingly, "Cranky is the politer version."

"There will be a Zenobian uniform in your locker," I explained to the Trooper, "We can head over there later..."

Raleigh nodded. Message received. Alliance professional soldiers dressed as Zenobian house guard.

"The day is hot..." I added, "have you had anything to drink yet?"

"I have been keeping up with my water rations," replied the Trooper, "as per the Doctor's advice."

"Good, good." I said firmly.

I wish I had done the same.

"I gave him some advice," the Doctor admitted modestly, "from a civilian point of view."

"Well, Doctor," I replied, "while I have you here, I need to ask you for your professional point of view..."

"Certainly, If I am able to."

I pulled a small bottle from my bag and handed it to him.

"Is it safe to open?" asked the Doctor.

I explained, "This was given to me by your daughter to pass along to the Replicant Krenshar Magic. I would like an analysis done on the contents before I decide what to do with it."

"I will find out what I can," he promised, "Is this label accurate? Replicant Elixir?"

"I do not know," I answered, "Alliance Laboratory 312, located on Zenobia, Foreign Ward, is at your disposal."

"Excellent," he replied, "I will move in a few needful things."

"Very good."

"Replicant Elixir," he mused, "What could that be for? I am intrigued, I will find out what nefarious purpose this is intended for."

"I look forward to the results of your analysis," I said confidently.

"I will forward them to you on a secured channel," he promised.

"Right now," I began, "I should show this trooper where his bunk is...

Trooper Raleigh stood by quietly.

"...then go and find mine. You are welcome to join us for the walk, Doctor." I added.

"I will also," replied the Doctor, "Should point out to him the delightfully entertaining Orions."

"Ah, that reminds me." The Trooper spoke up suddenly and removed a small package from his bag. "The Doctor asked me to give this to you."

"As a leisure activity," began the Doctor, "I study the Orions...."

I opened the package. It was a language translation device.

"....I was able to decipher their native tongue and related it to existing languages and provide a translator," he added.

"Thank you," I replied, "Excellent."

Doctor Qui Serendipity continued, "I eavesdrop on them whenever I can. I am very pleased that they came back. Despite the fact that they are criminal minded and slave traders, from an academic point of view, fascinating."

"They are a charming people," I remarked, a touch sarcastically, "They were involved in an attempt to frame House Zenobia in a matter of water theft."

"Fascinating," repeated the Doctor.

"It should keep things lively around here," I confessed with a smile.

"Although they claim their home system is Betelgeuse," conspired the Doctor, "they are actually close neighbors of 34 Tauri: Chi Orionis."

"Well, shall we find the barracks?" I asked.

"Please," replied the Trooper, "It has been a long journey today."

"Rank and ladies first, Major," said the Doctor gallantly as we prepared for the outdoors.


As we walked through the settlement, Doctor Serendipity continued to instruct my new recruit. "House Orion," he began.

Trooper Raleigh listened carefully.

"Do not taste the Orion gals," the Doctor warned the soldier, "They are covered in narcotics."

"As you direct, Doctor," replied the Trooper.

We passed through a small archway that divided the main Al Raqis commercial area to the north from Kira Court to the south. A lone palm tree struggled to grow here in the tough, arid climate, helped by a moisture collector. It provided some meager shade and colour in contrast to the stark, rocky surroundings.

"House Kira," I said as we passed their collection of buildings, "They have Imperial ties."

We climbed a long stairway rising away to the south. It connected Kira Court to the upper rock terrace housing private residents, small embassies, and our barracks.

"Please come in," I invited them.

Half of the room contained bunks and lockers for the men and women stationed here. A small table for their convenience. The other half of the room was set up as a small gym. Exercise mats. Treadmill. Rowing machine. Enough to keep the team in shape and help pass the leisure time.

Trooper Raleigh removed his armor and weapon, stowed them in his assigned locker.

"Now I see what the troopers are doing when I don't see them," remarked the Doctor, "Do you think they will get a lot of opportunities to row while on assignment here?"

I laughed at the mental image of soldiers rowing across the sand.

"Outside of this room, that is," he clarified.

The Trooper spoke up, "My assignment may not be permanent, Doctor. I may have need of it on other assignments. A water world, for instance."

Doctor Serendipity made a noise, "Hmph, send him to Bihar. He will have to row every day."

I turned to the Trooper, "Meals are taken at the embassy compound. Speak to the quartermaster about getting a hydrosuit. It is essential for the desert."

The Doctor added his two cents, "The Companions are down the street. Don't taste them either. They're pricey. 300L per hour."

"I believe that was mentioned in the training," replied the Trooper, "the suit, not the Companions. I shall endeavor not to taste anything that moves."

"The older style hydrosuits are the most effective," I explained, "We can continue the briefing later."

Trooper Raleigh nodded, "Thank you, Major. I look forward to working with you."

"Good to have you on board, Trooper." I smiled.

The Doctor wished him well. "It was a pleasure meeting you, my boy. Best to you. Cheers."

"And thank you for all your guidance, Doctor," said the Trooper pleasantly, "I hope to work with you again soon."

"Maybe I can talk the Major into a ride-along to recon for drones," suggested the Doctor.

"Drones!" I cried, "I almost forgot..."

Trooper Raleigh looked a bit queasy, "Low altitude, I am hoping..."

"They are ground drones," the Doctor assured him.

"I took this picture earlier today," I said and passed them both the image of the Arudra.

"Humanoid drones?" asked the Trooper.

"Today?" asked the Doctor.

"Yes," I said, answering them both at once.

"I think it's skin is wearing off," observed the Doctor, "The first one I saw had skin grafts."

"It appeared to be chasing something moving in the sand," I elaborated, "possibly a worm."

"A dangerous sport," remarked the Doctor, as he examined the image.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

II. What the Hare Heard

September 16 - Splintered Rock

"Lepus, the Hare, is a beast well enough known. Of the Chaldees it is called Veterellum, and of the Greeks Onollosa. The virtue of it is shewed to be marvellous, for Evax and Aaron said that the feet of it, joined with a stone... moveth a man to hardiness, so that he fear not death." - The Book of Secrets of Albertus Magnus


It was daylight when I emerged from the cave at the top of the rock column. My contact had long since slipped away. I was surprised therefore when I heard sounds like scratching on the stone surface followed by a shower of pebbles. There was a brief pause and then the sounds retreated.

I slowly approached the edge and peered down.

Already back on the desert floor was a figure, dressed in clothing similar to Audrey Aurotharius. It was skinless, revealing a mechanical woman underneath.

The figure jerked and stumbled as it moved, resting suddenly like a puppet whose strings were cut, before springing to attention and staggering off again.

I knew what this thing was. It was an Arudra series drone. One of Ardra's mechanical servants.

I watched from a distance, mindful that both Qui and Captain Westminster had unsuccessfully chased drones such as this one.

The figure seemed drawn to motion. Perhaps it had approached my position when the boulder blocking the cave entrance had moved. Now it followed the characteristic undulation of the desert floor indicating the presence a giant subterranean annelid.

A clockwork doll chasing worms in the sand.


I made my way from the cavern through the desert to the Splintered Rock landing area. Deep in thought the time had passed quickly. Jup, the tall, blood-drinking, rabbit woman was there overlooking the marketplace. She wore her usual dark clothes now accented with a pair of sand goggles.

"Hello Jup," I called to her, "Good to see you again."

Jup smiled, "Any interesting rumors of late?"

Before I could answer, the world grew black. Preoccupied with intrigues and drones, I had forgotten to keep hydrated. I collapsed on the ground.


I felt a flask pressed against my lips. Cool water trickled slowly into my mouth. I groaned.

The rabbit tsked. "You shouldn't push yourself in Hell's inferno," she warned.

I began to rally. "Thank you for the water," I responded. My tongue thick.

"My pleasure," replied Jup, "as always. So hear anything unusual?"

"Rumours..." I murmured still recovering from my fainting spell. "I was about to ask you the same thing. Have you noticed anything odd in the desert these days? Something that looks like a broken doll walking about?"

I showed her an image I had taken from my vantage point on the high rock. My fingers fumbling.

"I have seen it too," she replied, "This place welcomes abominations."

"It seemed to be chasing a worm," I explained, "It tried to climb up to where I was then scrambled away."

Jup nodded, "Have you heard anything about smuggling toxins into Splintered rock?"

"Toxins? no.... I can keep my ears open though. Any idea who?"

She elaborated, "I overheard two elite members of some great house talking. They want to eradicate the Marauders. They talked about a spice poison manufactured offworld."

"Spice poison!" I cried horrified at the idea. Such a thing would create economic collapse for Mu Draconis.

"I don't know," she replied, "It reacts with the spice somehow..makes it toxic. I could only pick up bits and pieces."

"These Marauders," I said, "They are out of Khayal Alramady."

Jup nodded, "Yes, very brutal..I have had a couple run ins with them."

"Run ins? They have threatened you?"

The rabbit grinned, flashing some unholy white teeth, "You could say that. They promised I would die. I should take them up on that one day."

I chuckled, "I am sure you can hold your own in a fight." Then I added seriously, "If you need backup though, please inform me."

The rabbit hissed. "Me..I am but a poor spice miner. Fighting is for the great warriors."

I smiled, "I am sure there is more to you than that."

Yes, I thought, poor rabbit-eared, club-going, spice miner that traded information like a professional. I wondered if she was representing someone. Chios maybe? The Imperium?

"Have you had any dealings with the USD?" I asked.

She continued, "This place holds onto its secrets a dead pirate clutching its last flack of rum."

I took this for a redirection. "Indeed. Well, I will not pry into your secrets, my friend."

Jup, however, tilted her head, "The USD? mean the outpost next to the Splintered Rock landing area?"


She shook her muzzle "No..they are a secretive group. Are they aligned with the Marauders?"

"Quite the opposite," I replied, "I believe they are antagonistic to one another."

"Are they aligned with Tri-v and the SSFS?"

"That I do not know," I admitted, "It would be useful to know the alliances that exist behind the scenes. Do you recall the name of the great house whose elites were discussing spice poison?"

"I have had more than one run in with the SSFS," she added, "Interesting mercenaries."

"Soldiers of fortune are they?"

She offered her opinion, "Somehow I don't think they are as 'mercenary' as they would like you to believe."

I still felt a little faint. "I should get out of this heat," I said aloud.

"I do not know of what house that is supposedly smuggling the toxins," she continued, "There are many houses upset with the Marauders. Tell me, have you see any strange cargo transports land recently?"

"No," I replied, "but we could ask Consulari Jai Raghilda of the House Zenobia." Lynx might have seen something too, I thought. "The term Warmaster has come up in connection with the Marauders," I added.

Jup nodded, "Yes..Warmaster..somehow I feel that title will be put to the test..and soon."

"The Magistrate should be informed," I said, "if there is indeed a threat ...and not just empty words."

Jup tilted her head again, "Who is the head of House Zenobia?"

"The Consulari for this Diocese is Baronetess Jai Raghilda Lordhunter. The Noble Lord is Senenmut Flanagan, but he rarely travels."

"I don't travel much on the Al Raqi side," she announced, "I get unwelcome stares. It seems the Al Raqi natives don't like my 'kind' too well."

"It is a shame," I replied.

Jup put her finger to her muzzle. "shhhh... Shame is for the weak."

"I will send word to the Consulari on your behalf if you wish," I offered, "I must return to the embassy."

"I think I would enjoy meeting this Consulari," replied Jup, "I think we could have much to negotiate."

"Information is always a good commodity," I said in summary. "It was nice chatting to you again," I added with a smile. "Take care."

Jup moved close and inhaled deeply. I felt conscious of being warm blooded and possibly a lunch menu item. "The pleasure," she said, "is all mine."

Monday, November 8, 2010

I. Voices in the Dark

September 16 - Splintered Rock

It was night in the desert. Just before dawn.

My pace was measured as I slowly climbed the tall stone column. My mask catching the precious moisture from my breath.

Pausing at a small outcropping near the top, I placed my gloved hand against the surface of the stone and pushed. The boulder rolled away to firm pressure revealing a small cave.

I edged forward into the gloom, until, at the far end, I came to a steel ladder mounted on the rock. It led down into a narrow cavern. I descended carefully.

A figure stood waiting silently at the base of the ladder. My contact.

I removed my breather and sand goggles.

My contact remained robed and masked. This was a precaution, along with the remote meeting place, to protect my contact's identity from anyone who happened to see us together.

"Thank you for meeting me," I said sincerely.

"Your welcome," replied the voice.

"When I came across your file," I began, "I wasn't sure you would be interested in re-enlisting in any capacity."

"You have a point," said my contact, "but money's low and we gotta keep bread on the table."

"Of course," I replied. "I will see to it that you are reinstated but at the rank of 2nd Lieutenant."

My contact nodded.

I explained the mission. "Simply put...I need information."

My contact nodded again, "About what?"

"There are several factions and organizations operating in the area..."

"Yes," replied my contact, "I am aware."

"...and any information will be useful."

My contact nodded, "Sure thing. I've got lots of info.."

There was more.

"And I need someone protected," I continued.

"Who do you need protected?"

"Natasha Ivanova," I answered, "Captain of the Milaya Moya." Formerly known as Svetlana Pleides.

"Ahh, I see. A ship..sounds like a light freighter..."

"Yes," I replied, "she is freelance transport."


I frowned slightly, "My concern is that if she comes across William Faith on her travels that she will take the law into her own hands.... again."

"A bad ex?" asked my contact.

I chuckled, "No, a war criminal. He is the Alliance commander that destroyed Shadow. Natasha is a survivor."

And Faith might have information on who ordered the bombing of Aberdeen.

We spoke briefly about Shadow. Then the conversation turned to current concerns.

"Let's talk about Al Raqis," I suggested, "What can you tell me about the Marauders?"

My contact began, "The Marauders, originally, were a group of scientists and researchers. When they came under attack, they fled to the caves under Khayal Alramady where they remained for 60 years. In that time, they changed..."


"Yes," replied my contact, "Got all crazy-like, made an entire caste system. The disguise they wore became necessity. They are hell bent on killing each and every offworlder they see."

"And they were scientists from where?" I inquired.

"Haven't uncovered that yet. Still researching it."

"How big are they?" I asked, "Boots on the ground..."

"Army size? I can't say," answered my contact, "They could be a few dozen or a few thousand."

"Any information on personalities?" I asked, "who might be involved..."

"We actually just recently got the very first ever recorded picture of a Warmaster..."

"You have a picture?" I interrupted.


"Did you bring it with you?"

"Yes," replied my contact, "an image from the thermal cam we sent in. The caves are ink black."

She transmitted the photograph. It showed a tall figure in a powersuit of some kind. Heavily armed. Identity obscured by his or her helmet.

My contact continued talking. "We know the leader is called Chieftan Rasvant. We ran records of missing people from about 60 years ago with the last name Rasvant, and came up with the name of a small child."

"Who is we?" I asked.

"My contacts in Khayal Alramady."

I nodded. It was a good enough answer.

My contact continued, "The name of the chieftain, if we are not mistaken, is Nikolai Rasvant...."

"Good," I acknowledged.

"...however, you are going to have a damn good time finding any records on him at all."

"That's okay," I replied, "I will leave that to you and your contacts."

There was more I wanted to ask but the Sun would be up by now and that increased the chances of detection.

"You had better be getting back," I said, "before you are missed." I would stay in the cave a while so we would not risk being seen leaving at the same time, even from a distance.

My contact nodded. "Farewell."

"Stay safe Lieutenant," I called to the figure retreating into the shadows.

The lieutenant replied, "Will do."

Saturday, November 6, 2010


September 11 - Beaumonde

"Amidst the wilds of Tartary and Russia, although he still evaded me, I have ever followed in his track." - Mary Shelley


Beaumonde, the capital of the Kalidasa system.

I arrived well into the night, local time, landing at Atoll Plaza.

Despite the lateness of the hour, I found an open coffee shop in the commercial district. I then began my preliminary survey.

Like any developed world, Beaumonde had it's fair share of industry, with all the attendant benefits and concerns. Safe chemical storage, for example. When were these tanks last inspected?

Overall, the city seemed well managed. In the lower city, the streets were well laid out and free of refuse. A large docking area and plenty of warehouse space...

..and even in the most remote alleyways, signs of a police presence.

In the upper city, corporate offices, financial and legal institutions surrounded well-manicured public spaces, and bordered the residential district of the wealthy and powerful.

The courthouse alone was worth the trip. Steeped in tradition and adorned with the emblems of state, an enduring symbol of the human aspiration to build and maintain a just society.

If William Faith did spend any length of time on Beaumonde, there would be an indication. Someone would have seen him. Something would be altered by his passing. Something would be ...displaced.

But while I found no sign of him or of Faith Industries on this initial visit, I felt confident that it was only a matter of time before we picked up his trail.

Here or elsewhere.

It was inevitable.