A holographic cube hovered above the desk indicating the presence of the AI. The hardware was housed elsewhere to avoid tampering.
Consulari Raghilda had expressed concern that someone had been talking with the program. We did not know who. The problem was that traffic was so high in the area that the Watcher Drones were overwhelmed.
As I pondered the situation, my reflections were interrupted by a familiar and welcome voice.
"Good evening Major."
I turned and smiled. It was Lynx, looking very smart in his uniform.

The AI suddenly responded as if I was talking to it. "I'm sorry, Frank, but I don't think I can answer that question without knowing everything that all of you know."
Lynx answered, "I was going to fill out my report. It's good to see you! I am well."
"Splendid," I said, "Recovered from you wounds then."
"I have some minor aches." He continued, "There was someone I ran into a few days ago."
"Oh? Who would that be?"
"Svetlana," he replied, "She offered me something to drink. She called it stoli."
"Ah, you know her then?" I asked, "She mentioned your name the other day."
And it had puzzled me.
"I have met her," he explained. "It was on MacLaren's Drift."
I nodded. "That must have been awhile ago then."
"I had not seen her since. Yes."
"And how is your job?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, Frank," interrupted the AI, "but I don't think I can answer that question without knowing everything that all of you know."
"It is good," replied Lynx.
I frowned at the hologram.
"I have noticed the small crate in the warehouse," Lynx added.
The AI responded, "Well, that's a relief. You know I have the greatest enthusiasm possible for the mission."
"Yes," I answered Lynx, "I have informed the Consulari."
Lynx looked over his shoulder at the AI.
"When did the box first appear?" I asked.
The AI did not know. "I'm sorry, Frank, but I don't think I can answer that question without knowing everything that all of you know."
"I found it there some weeks ago," Lynx replied, "I wrote a report and have sent it to the Ambassador."
"Excellent," I remarked. He seemed to have taken to this work. I was pleased.
Lynx nodded and smiled.

"No," he replied, "I was not aware of them."
"Ah, I can show you.... they are for any of our troops when on world."
"Then I should direct them there when they arrive," said Lynx.
"Do you have time now?" I asked.
The AI was apologetic. "I'm sorry, Frank, but I don't think I can answer that question without knowing everything that all of you know."
Lynx, by contrast, was available. "Yes I do," he replied.
"Perfect," I said, "Come along then."
The boy smiled and followed me.
The AI, not having much choice in the matter, remained behind.
Located up on the ridge leading towards the Magistrate's Keep, and tucked beside House Bondar, our new barracks appeared very modest from the outside.
Stocked with exercise equipment, lockers, and bunks, it was enough for the initial deployment of UAP troopers. So as not to alarm anyone, these soldiers would arrive gradually over the next little while and be issued Zenobian uniforms.
"Come on in," I invited, "Room enough for a squad."
Lynx looked about the room and nodded, "Indeed. When will we see troops arrive?"
"They have already started," I replied.
"I will direct them here when I see them," he said.
"There will be troops from the Zenobian Division and from the Aegis," I explained.
"There is another matter I must inform you of..." he began.
"Oh? What would that be?"
"I was contacted by a 'guest' in our compound," he explained. "I was not positive of the voice. I suspect it might be Mister Winterwolf. He claims the ambassador allowed him to stay in the guest residence."
I raised an eyebrow.
"I thought you should know," he added.

"I will."
"But again," I added with a smile, "As usual... don't take any unnecessary risks."
"It was unusual the ambassador would offer him a place to stay," remarked Lynx, "Should I assume he is dangerous?"
"The Consulari is a politician first," I replied, "She may be aware of his importance to Blue Sun."
Winterwolf was a career criminal with important friends.
Lynx nodded.
"He has proven himself reckless," I continued, "but I do not believe he would be a danger to you."
"I see," replied Lynx, "I will watch but not approach."
"I trust your judgment on this matter," I said firmly. He has to learn.
He made his decision. "I will maintain a distance."
"So please tell me," I said changing the subject, "What else is new ? For you I mean..."
Lynx looked down for just a moment before raising his head and saying, "Cindal has left for the Core. She left a note just before I returned home."
"I'm sorry... Do you know where in the Core?"
"No," he replied "Her note only said, she was looking for knowledge. Perhaps to seek schooling." Lynx continued, "I spoke to Calina. I felt she should know of Cindal's decision as well."
"Will you be able to keep in touch with her?" I asked gently.
His loss showed on his face. "I would," he replied, "But she has not contacted me. I don't have any wave information."

Lynx sighed, "She has been away over two months. I fear she may have decided to move on." He looked back down and was silent.
"What did Calina say?" I asked "She would know best ..." Yes. Yes, I thought. A companion would know best with such things. Then suddenly, with a thought to his privacy, I held my hand up, "You don't have to say..."
Lynx replied, "She counselled me. She said I was welcome to come and set a candle for Cinal at the Companion house."
"Good, good," I said, "They understand matters of the heart, Companions.... and Calina knows you both."
Lynx nodded, "Yes. She was saddened by the news."
"So ... show me where you work ..or where you are living."
"I have a home in the undercity," he said.
"The Consulari told me you have your own place now," I smiled warmly, "That is wonderful. Well, shall we head there now?"
"Please," he replied, "You are most welcome to come."
In the main plaza, just outside of the CNS offices, stood a familiar figure.
"Tillery!" I called out.
"Hello Mr. Woodhen!" called Lynx.
Tillery Woodhen replied, "Hello there."
"How are you?" Lynx asked.
"Not too bad."
"It has been some time," added Lynx, "I was going to show the Major where I live.
"Yes," replied Tillery, "How are you doing, Lynx?"
"I am better," reported the boy, "Would you like to join us?"
"Life here agreeing with you?"

"I find it very interesting," Lynx answered.
Tillery grinned, "Yes, it can be."
"I saw a worm a few days ago," said Lynx.
"From a distance, I hope," cautioned Tillery.
"It was the same day I met an acquaintance," added the boy.
Tillery commented, "Oh?"
"Oh, yes," said Lynx, "I would never approach one."
"I would hope not," I said.
Lynx looked at me, "It would be folly to attempt it. The natives have better understanding of the indigenous wildlife," he added, "Something I fear I lack."
"They stay as far away from them as possible," Tillery informed us.
"I have noticed," Lynx agreed, "Would you like to join us? We will be away from the heat."
"Where are you headed?" asked Tillery.
"To my home," replied the boy.
"I offer water," said Lynx. "Please, this way."
We began the walk towards the undercity. I was anticipating a nice relaxing late afternoon. Cool water. Enjoyable company.
But then I noticed a man leaving the Zenobian compound and making his way to the landing pad. I recognized him from the photograph Ceasar and I found on the Colchester. It was Doctor Qui Von Wer Foreman Serendipity, former researcher with Project Aurotharius, and father of Mercedes Celestalis.
"Lynx," I called out.
Tillery called to him to stop, "Lynx."
"Yes Major?" replied the boy.
"Something wrong?" asked Tillery.

Tillery raised an eyebrow.
"Something I must attend to," I added with haste, "Excuse me."
Tillery Woodhen followed my gaze to the retreating figure of the Doctor. "Sure Major," he said as I turned to follow the scientist.
Lynx just nodded quietly.
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