The Caine Shuttlepod whispered, "Powering Down... Drive Offline."
My craft at rest, I unstrapped myself from my chair. Searching through my case I collected the envelope I needed and headed to the rear airlock.
I had some business here on Highpoint Station.
It was a long, silver craft, rounded at both ends. The lower half of the bow was open to reveal a spacious cargo hold.

It was Svetlana Pleides. This was her ship.
"Hello Major." She greeted me as I climbed the stairs.
I smiled, "Well, you look awfully healthy for a dead woman."
Svetlana laughed heartily, "Welcome aboard the Milaya Moya. My Sweetness."
"Thank you," I replied.
Svetlana waited near the galley, holding her child, Anastasia. Standing beside them was, Cat Massenberg, the woman I had met before on the day of Sveltana's confession.

Svetlana reintroduced us, "My first officer, Katrina,"
"Hello Katrina," I replied.
"Gael is out doing her job," Svetlana added, "finding us a cargo."
Baby Anastasia added to the moment with a tummy growl.
"This is a fine looking ship Ms. Ivanova," I remarked conversationally. I used her new legal name, Natasha Ivanova.
"Spaciba.." she replied.
"I have your papers," I added and offered her a thick brown envelope.
"Spaciba," she repeated. Her hands were full however as she began to give the baby her bottle. "Please give to Kat," she asked.
I did as requested.
Little Anastasia drank greedily, and Svetlana murmured to the child. "That's it devushka... drink up.. fill that tiny belly you have."
"You will find everything you need in there..." I said indicating the envelope.
Cat peeked inside as I spoke.
" .... passports, ID cards," I continued, "All matched to your biometrics. For the two of you."
This was a critical part of the process. While Svetlana had insisted on fabricating her death in order to break ties with Botany Bay, it was very important she have a valid, legal identity to fall back on. This was for her own protection. After all, there are no legal consequences for killing the dead.
"Your daughter," I added, "is of the age where she can travel on your passport."
"Spaciba.. these. And Gael and Oyumi?"
"They will have to go through External Affairs," I replied, "There is an embassy here on Al Raqis."
"Hmm," said Svetlana, "will get Gael over there just as soon as she returns."
"As escaped slaves they will be able to claim refugee status," I explained. "There is a process... but it shouldn't take forever."
Svetlana nodded, "Gael will be alright I am sure. Her biometrics, I do not think are on file in Alliance space."
Anastasia burped.
"It shouldn't affect things," I replied, "unless there is a criminal record."

Cat smiled in response.
"The Wirefly murder," asked Svetlana, "which is done and over with, da?"
"The case is closed, yes."
She beamed widely at her daughter and hugged her close.
"So I may still have to worry about the Faiths," she added, "But you have my testimony, my affidavit."
"We may call upon you for your testimony on the events of Shadow," I said, "In that case, your identity will be protected."
"No problem there."
I nodded. "You will also find an amount of money in the envelope to help you start your new life."
"Oh really," giggled Svetlana, "uh... how much is there?"
I told her the amount. "It will be enough to cover initial docking fees," I added, "the cost of new clothing. That sort of thing."
Svetlana reached into the envelope and looked at the money. She smiled. "You know when we had our accident we were were weight testing the ship's power plant, right?"
"I did not."
"Is true.. we had her fully loaded. Two 30 meter tanks of seawater. You know how much those two tanks, 4 meters in diameter and 30 meters long, full of water are worth here on Al Raqis?"
Irony was alive and well in Mu Draconis. The woman was wealthy. I had to laugh.
"You must be doing well then," I said, "Good. Don't spend it all in one place." I smiled.
Svetlana looked at the cash in her hand. "I really feel guilty taking this"
Cat had other feelings in the matter. She whispered to Svetlana, "It's Alliance money. Don't feel guilty."
Svetlana giggled, put the bundle back in the envelope and handed it over to Cat.

Svetlana whispered, "Ah.. spaciba.. that is great idea.."
"Yeah, good plan," echoed Cat.
"Well.." Svetlana mused, "because we are dead, the colony will not charge us with jail break and grand theft ocean."
I smiled and looked at them both. "Then I will leave you to enjoy your day."
"You take care Major... and if you get chance I still say you should talk to Val."
"Once we find Faith and the others responsible for what happened to Shadow," I said, "it will be safe people to come forward and tell their stories."
"Kepten Val is no coward," answered Svetlana, "He is not scared of the Faiths."
I nodded. "I would indeed like to meet him," I said sincerely.
"He is busy," she said, "but he is good man."
Business concluded, I wished them well. "Good day to you both...Captain Ivanova...Katrina."
"You too Major," answered Cat.
Svetlana followed me to the cargo hold.
"Major," she began, "Sorry for being so much problem."
We crossed the deck together. The sound of our boots on the deck blending together.
She continued, "Send a general wave if, when you need me."
"I will," I replied. I stopped and turned to her.

"We're going to be travelling," she replied, "free trading..."
"Is not going to be problem," she continued, "Cannot go back to Botany Bay...would not take kindly to ghosts."
"Your windfall of money will help then," I remarked.
"Oh yes," Svetlana grinned, "get her a good boat when she is old enough."
"Good." I smiled in return. I made my final farewell. "Goodbye Captain."
"Take care Major," she replied.
I turned away and walked back to my shuttle.
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