"Home is where the heart is."
34 Tauri.
I made landfall on Paquin orbiting Red Sun.
After weeks on Al Raqis, my knuckles felt swollen from the sudden humidity in the air. It was uncomfortable but the feeling would pass in a few days.
It was good to be.... home.

It is the tallest building in town, and the balcony gives a commanding view of the city.
A fine place to do yoga.
The duty officer at the police station informed me that Ceasar was out. She promised to get word to Ceasar to have him meet me. She suggested a small club over in Shuttleside, at the heart of the warehouse district.
Rough exterior. Rough neighborhood. Right next to the main cargo gate of the spaceport. I could only imagine the type of clientele.

A man's voice. "Yeah... I'll do that. I must be getting old... I heard nothing but politics."
A woman's laugh.
Then a voice I recognized, "Just glad I'm not up for ....." It was Brooke. And standing next to her was Tillery Woodhen.
He looked up and waved, "Major."
Brooke stopped talking when she saw me. "Hello there..." she said biting her lip. "Fancy seeing you here..."
"Tillery. Brooke." I said. I looked around curiously. The other patrons I did not recognize.
The club itself was owned by Valiant Vuckovic and the Tri-V corporation. Svetlana Pleides mentioned "Kepten Val" was another survivor of Shadow. It would be useful to find out a little more about Captain Vuckovic in the event that we needed his testimony against Faith.
"Hey there, trooper," called a man with a smile, "How's it?" This man was handing out drinks. "Sorry Tillery, they only have Irish."
"This'll work," replied Tillery as he accepted the glass.
"Hello." I nodded.
The man handing out the drinks strode forward to shake hands. He had a nice smile.

I offered my hand, "Charmed."
"Not but three months out of Dakini Land academy," he added, "and looking for good clients... so please remember my name."
Brooke snickered while I laughed.
Beeflin turned back to Brooke, "I'm missing something, right?"
"Probably," remarked Tillery, "But don't worry, I don't know the details either."
"Well at least there's two of us out of the boat, Tillery," said the companion.
"I know Brooke from my academy days," I said as if that explained it all.
Brooke smiled. "Yes, I do have purple belly friends," she said with a nod putting the glass down. She then turned her attention to me. "Should I ask if this is a social call? Or did you just happen to be in this neck of the woods?"
I looked around the establishment, "I was actually looking for Police Captain Otsuka....but it is good to see old friends again."
She tilted her head. "Ah..... Can't say I've seen him, or any police since I got here."
Beeflin spoke up, "Brooke, can you introduce me? I don't think I've met this officer before..."
"I'm Major Siamendes of the Special Investigations Unit," I identified myself.
He clicked his heels. "Major. Can I get you a drink?"
"White wine, please."
Brooke blushed. "Sorry. I thought everyone knew Pepper," she added with a little laugh.
The wine arrived promptly. A chardonnay from the wine regions of Harvest.
"So, how goes the Alliance?" asked Brooke as she sipped her juice. "They come to their senses yet?"
Such a tease.
Before I could say something sobering and wise, Tillery spoke up.
"I need to get going," he said draining his whiskey glass. "Good to see you, Major....And whatever these two say about me, it's lies."
We all laughed.
Tillery had left.
Beeflin was lounging in the background.
I sipped my wine and turned to my friend. "Brooke .. how have you been?"

"The truth please," I answered, "if you are in trouble, perhaps I can help...."
She nodded, "Perhaps..."
"...Are the children okay?" I asked.
"Seems the Alliance arrested one of my contacts," she replied, "One that keeps me in the business of medicine for the outer rims. It's not one of my profitable businesses, but it is the one I care the most about."
I frowned slightly.
Beeflin drifted over to the jukebox.
"The kids are fine," she added, "They're still safe. I haven't heard a word from Tee or that g-ddamn family of his."
I nodded.
Beeflin moved perfectly to the music."Hey yeah!" he said aloud getting into the groove. It had a positive effect as Brooke tried not to giggle despite her somber mood. I found myself smiling.
"So, don't suppose you can help getting my contact out ..." She added quietly.
"It depends why he was arrested..." I began.
With a "Woo!" Beeflin slipped more money into the jukebox. There was no stopping him.

"A simple transport violation?" I asked, "Where was he detained?"
"Here actually," she replied, "It's why I'm here..." She gave a nod. "Pepper, there are those out there that need the medicine, and with the Alliance taxes and regulations, they aren't getting what they need."
I was sympathetic. "If it just that his papers were out of order, there may be a fine. He should be released soon...."
"Papers and smuggling charges," she stated.
"Sounds like either there is more to his trade," I began, "or the arresting officer was throwing his weight around."
Brooke laughed.
"If it was here in this sector," I continued, "I recommend discussing the matter with Ceasar...er, Police Captain Otsuka...
Beeflin broke in unexpectedly, "And so the conversation comes full circle."
"You do realize what I do, right?" Brooke said with wink.
I ignored the wink. "Oh, you are in the transport business...." I sighed with a little smile, "a waste of a fine combat pilot I must add."
Still dancing, Beeflin continued to editorialize, "Actually, combat's a great way to waste anything and everything if you think about it.... Sorry, sorry, opinionated pacifist."
Brooke grinned at the Companion then sighed. "Perhaps. But after what happened to Sanders ..." she broke off. "We'll never see eye to eye on this ..." she said finally.
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