The door of the club swung open.
"Hello Officer!" called Beeflin, "How's it?"
I looked up and smiled as Ceasar walk in. The room seemed suddenly brighter.
Ceasar saw where we were standing and straightened himself a little. "Hello, Major."
This was the first time I had seen him in his new uniform. He looked very dashing.
Brooke stepped forward and introduced herself.
"Hello, sir," she said with a smile, "Just the man I wanted to see. You seem to have a friend of mine in jail, and I'd like to post bail, only there doesn't seem to be one."

"No bail," she answered with a frown. "Seems they want to keep him for a while. Questions about associates and such."
"I can direct you to the city security building," replied Ceasar, "Who's the friend?"
"His name is Doctor Webster Spenser."
"Ceasar," I interrupted, "Brooke is a friend from my days at the academy."
"Oh. Really," remarked Ceasar. He glanced at her manner of dress. No uniform.
Brooke smiled. "Yes, I was a pilot for many years. You can say I'm retired now."
"A fine pilot," I added, "The best in fact." I couldn't let that go.
"That I don't believe," she laughed.
"Well, it's true..." I insisted.
"I'm not sure if I've seen you in town before," remarked Ceasar.
"Probably not," answered Brooke, "I usually just do my pick ups and leave."
"There's enough traffic and trade here for that," he said as a matter of fact.

"I'll have to check with the DA," he replied, "but shouldn't be a problem."
She smiled a bit. "I understand."
It was an instructional moment. What Brooke just did could have been interpreted as an attempted bribe. Ceasar was either giving her the benefit of the doubt or giving her some space on the matter.
"In case Pepper didn't tell you," he said, "I'm actually in charge of the police in Spinwheel proper."
"Wonderful," She gave a little nod. "Then, when can I expect him out? He has some ... product I need to pick up."
Ceasar caught the pause in her statement. "What kind of product?" he asked.
Brooke smiled. "Medicine for my children."
"We could head over to the Hall of Justice now, Brooke," I suggested, "if you would like."
I wanted to see where this was going.
"That would be wonderful Pepper," she answered, "if you don't mind."
"My cruiser is just outside," said Ceasar. "And we can easily get the medicine from the hospital," he added, "No reason your children need to suffer."

Ceasar's patrol hover-cruiser floated just outside the tavern. It was brightly coloured. A blue and yellow checked pattern along the side.
"This ain't a Rim moon," he replied.
Brooke climbed into the seat next to Ceasar. The vehicle bobbed as it adjusted to our added weight. I sat in the back. And I must add, I have never seen the rear seat in a police cruiser look so clean.
The vehicle rose vertically into the air until we had cleared all obstacles. Then a forward motion, and we made a gentle curve towards the park.
"There's the courthouse," pointed Ceasar, "but the jail is in the security building here."

Ceasar led the way to his new office.
"Wonderful view..." I said as I looked out the wide windows to the mountains beyond. This was a serious upgrade from the utilitarian space on the bottom floor of the courthouse.
"Not bad," he agreed, "Though your office has a better one."
I laughed. "Yes it does," I admitted with a smile.
Brooke joined us at the window. "I think I prefer places a little less civilized." She laughed.
"Well, I can rough it," Ceasar replied, "but nice not to have to. Besides, this is Paquin. Civilized can be relative."

"By the way, Brooke," I interrupted, "before we get busy with other things, I need to contact someone. Cursa Charisma."
"The ex-monk? Yes, I know him. He's been leading an ..... organization."
"Could you get word to him?" I asked, "that I would like to meet him?"
"Of course. I know many places that he haunts." She smiled. "May I ask ...? Oh never mind." She gave a little laugh.
Ceasar excused himself. "If you'll pardon me, I'll go see about letting him out. What's the medicine you need? The hospital is next door."
"Antibiotics," she answered. "Poor little ones."
She was pouring it on.
"I'll get them ordered," replied Ceasar, "just in case."

"Feel free to use my office, Pepper," he said. Then, with a nod to us both he headed down the hall.
"Thank you Ceasar," I said.
The door closed behind him.
"He is a good man..." I began.
Brooke shook her head. "I don't trust him."
"...an honest man," I continued.
"Exactly," she said frowning a bit, "Never trust a completely honest man. They're hiding something."
"The truth always comes out, Brooke," I said with confidence. It was true for murder cases. It was true for people.
She smiled. "I just hope after I'm dead." She leaned against the window. "We're not the same as we used to be, are we?"

"I guess I could ask you to come with me again..." She sighed. "Not sure I'd call you ruthless, but you are a bit of a ha_rdass." She said with a wink.
I smiled, "I won't ask you to re-enlist. Just to remember to try to change things from the inside. As for Mr. Charisma, I'm interested in meditation techniques for those with memory blocks. You can tell him that."
She raised an eyebrow. "I see. Interrogation technique?"
"No actually... for one, my young ward, Lynx, can't remember his past."
After that we will see.
"Oh? You mean you're not trying to get to the bottom of a crime?" Then it sunk in. "You... Oh.... Lynx? You took him in?" She smiled a bit.
"Well," I began, "to answer your first question, I am worried that Lynx's memory loss is tied to a crime."
"Most likely," Brooke agreed.
"...but am concerned that if I started to ask around using my usual channels that it could put him at risk."

"Thank you..." Brooke said with a smile and a sigh of relief.
"It will be a few hours though," he added, "If you're in a rush, you can get the meds next door."
Brooke shook her head. "No, I'll just wait." She ran her hand over the window pane. "Get much time among the stars, Captain?"
"I used to," replied Ceasar, "I served with Pepper for a while. Paquin happens to be my homeworld. After I discharged, I returned here."
Brooke nodded and smiled. "She's amazing isn't she..." She looked at me again. "So, how is the Faith investigation going?"
"Nothing to add about William Faith," I admitted, "You were married to him. Where do you think he would go if he needed to hide?"
"I don't know. Beaumonde perhaps?" she said then shook her head. "I heard him mention it once."
"Beaumonde," I repeated, "Good. I'll make some inquiries."
"You were married to Faith?" asked Ceasar.
Brooke nodded. "I knew him as Tee, but yes. We had two children."
"Oh God," uttered Ceasar.
"It's a long story..." she muttered.
"I'm sorry," he added. We were on Paquin. Everyone here must have heard what happened at the wedding of William Faith. The shootings. The murder.
Brooke shrugged a bit. "I got myself into it. I thought he loved me." She frowned, pushing the matter aside. "Anyway. I should get a few things in order so I can make sure that the good doctor can get out without any problems."

"I'd be glad to take it off their hands," she smiled.
"Perhaps Ceasar can help you make the connection with the hospital here. You could get it out to the Rim where it could do some good."
"That would be quite useful," she replied, "if you wouldn't mind Captain. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow."
"Won't be a problem," replied Ceasar, "I can just let them know you're coming in fact. I'm essentially the chief of police for Spinwheel City. That comes in handy."
I looked at Brooke. "..and you will get word to Cursa Charisma?"
She nodded. "I will get the word, I promise."