The main building of of House Zenobia's holdings contained meeting areas and offices. A small hanger and private landing pad were situated on the roof.
The interior was decorated in a style popular to the arid regions of Zenobia's Southern Continent. Plush couches and low tables adorned with fruit and other refreshments. Art from the private collections of the ruling classes.
The main hall was divided by a central space flanked by pillars. At each end of the room were seating areas designed for conversation and deal making.

"Please take a seat where you will be most comfortable," offered the Consulari, "Dame Baxton and Lord Sen have exquisite taste."
We settled to one side of the room, and Ms. Tereshchenko continued her remarks from outside, "Yes, I do have a good relationship with the Faiths. In fact, there is a contract pending with Faith Industries upon my completion of my training."
"Fascinating," remarked the Consulari, "As a spacer, the lives of UAP and Companions are equally mysterious to me. The amount of furniture Lord Sen keeps around is foreign to me as well."
Ms. Tereshchenko and I chuckled and smiled politely.
"And how long is the training of a Companion?" I asked.
"Typically two terms," she answered, "but I have been progressing faster than most.
"Are you from the Core?"
She nodded and smiled, "I am - Londinium."
"I went to school there," contributed the Consulari, "Good coffee."
"That is were I trained, of course," I added. "The academy."
Consulari Raghilda looked down, "'Scusey." She muttered something about being sentimental about coffee.
"Boarding schools before leaving for Sihnon," answered the Companion.
"I have a friend from there... wonderful chocolate...she used to smuggle it into school for us." I couldn't help but laugh at the wonderful memory.
"Mmm, the Siberian Chocolate? I have a source," teased the Consulari. "Sorry, go on."
Calina Tereshchenko grinned, "Sihnon chocolate... Hmmm... I wonder if that would make the coffee here drinkable."
"It's because they grind it too fine and overbrew it," declared the official.
"Oh, don't you fancy the spiced coffee?," I asked them both.
Consulari Raghilda had a flash of insight, "ZOHMYGOD, a percolator." She became so excited at her solution that she became tongue tied. "... perkalater...lator...I can't even say it."
Calina Tereshchenko shook her head answering my question, "No. It gives me a headache. Far too strong for my tastes."
"Oh I do enjoy it...." I confessed.
"You should try it from an Italian Moka Pot Brew," began the Consulari, "It keeps out the alkaloids that offend headache susceptible people. Coarse burr ground, pan fried instead of roasted, then Italian Moka Pot. Don't even have to add sweetener....I am sure it is what God intended."
Ms. Tereshchenko smiled, "You are a fount of coffee knowledge, Consulari. I will have to try it that way.... once I get the appropriate coffee pot."
"I will send one over to the Companion House," promised Ms. Raghilda, "Sorry, go on."

She replied, "The Guild hosts regular events here on Al Raqis. We had class for the community earlier this week. The Training House is on Paquin, which is my formal residence at present."
"Paquin. I have been there," I remarked, "Paradise..."
"That's a long commute," contributed the Consurali, "Almost 300 AU."
" can you bear to leave?" I inquired.
Calina Tereshchenko explained, "The House is currently undergoing renovations... expanding the dorm complex to accommodate more students. I feel it is better to stay here and practice some of what I have learned until there is a place to sleep."
I laughed gently.
"But I saw a blueprint," she continued "I am very excited about the expansion - full kitchen, baths, a library."
"How long have you been coming here?"
"To Al Raqis?," she asked.
"Since the Guild opened its house here several months ago."
From where I sat I could see Consulari Raghilda scribbling a note to send proper coffee making equipment to the High Priestess of the Companion's Guild.
"My first visit was the dinner at which Bri tried to poison Lord Faith," said the Companion.
"Oh that must have been a terrible shock," I said sincerely.
"Quite an introduction to Al Raqis high society," interjected the Consulari.
I wondered if she employed poison sniffers herself.
"It was," agreed Ms. Tereshchenko, "A shame to lose a good Companion... and to use the Guild in such a try to execute a personal vendetta. Pardon the pun." She smiled wrly.
"Lose a companion... do you mean BriAria?" I asked.
"Yes. She was expelled from the Guild."
I nodded, "She was fortunate that is all that happened."
Ms. Tereshchenko agreed. "Very much so. My understanding is that she is in hiding."
"Once you open a can of kanly, it is hard to close it," added the Consulari wisely.
Calina Tereshchenko smiled, "I keep telling Pluto that she could have used kanly in her defense... that it did not apply to her."
"And the General," I asked, "How is he now?"
"He is well as far as I know. I have not spoken to either he or the Commander since they sponsored a ball some time ago."

"I know the Khayal Alramady is dedicated to protecting the native population," said the Companion, "Not exactly a Guild but... a faction nonetheless."
"I wondered about the Navigator's Guild," I clarified.
"I have not heard of it," said Ms. Tereshchenko.
I nodded and turned to the Consulari, hoping for better luck there.
"I have found the mooring of a Spacing Guild heighliner," she replied.
"Really?" I almost fell off my cushion.
"Four kilometers long, quarter of a kilometer in diameter."
"That's a mighty ship...." I said cautiously.
"It's shuttle is larger than our bulk cargo carrier," she went on, "They bring the shuttle down on occasion."
I shook my head as I contemplated the size of such a craft.
"There have been similar sighting on Vortex and Eriadu," she added.
"Go on," I prompted.
"The Guild Shuttle was spotted in Vortex Space. It refused comms. The NavGuild is quirky who they communicate with.... Apparently they speak with the Constable."
Calina Tereshchenko uncrossed her legs and stood slowly, "Consulari, thank you for your advice and hospitality. Major, a pleasure to meet you and if I may be of assistance, please feel free to contact me. I must return to the Guild House."
"Thank you for taking the time to speak with us." replied the Consulari graciously.
I rose and smiled gently, "It was a pleasure to meet you. Please contact me if I can be of any assistance."
I hoped that the talk of the powerful and mysterious NavGuild had not upset her.
"Be well," said the Consulari, "I trust the Major will handle this faux UAP business."
Calina Tereshchenko smiled, "Safe travels and thank you"
"May I offer you my card?" I asked.
"Yes please," she replied, extending her hand to take the card.
"Feel free to come here any time you need to," offered the Consulari.
The Companion offered a quick curtsey before leaving.
I bowed my head in respect.
Consulari Raghilda climbed off the furniture and joined me on the floor. I watched the Companion leave then turned to the official.
"Congratulations once again on your latest promotion," I smiled.
"Thank you."

"I very much appreciated the last one," she replied, "I read it over several times."
"I'm glad," I said. I had sent her a copy of Machiavelli's confidential instructions to Raffaello Girolami on his appointment as ambassador to Emperor Charles V. I thought it seemed appropriate.
"The classics offer further illumination with each reading," she continued.
I agreed. "I find that to be quite true. Currently, I am reading Nikolai Fyodorov..."
"I will find out from the Constable where these faux UAP are based out of," she stated "I think I know. Want me to show you?"
"Okay," I said, "Let me change into my desert clothes."
"After so many years in an EVA suit, a stillsuit is not so hard to adjust to," the Consulari remarked.
"Do you have guest quarters for me?" I asked.
"Yes," she replied "Several in fact. I think the main house next door is available."
"Very good," I said. "I will be right back then."
"Mirra from Bihar, Doctor Qui from Albion and your ward Lynx are all in residence," she added as I stepped out the door.
I took note of the remark.
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