"If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you." Exodus 23:22

A lot has happened since the last time I entered this bar. Last time I was making a simple arrest.
I stopped at the door and scanned the room.
The crowd was smaller this time. Three people I knew. Brooke, Dex Argent, and Cody Winterwolf. And three people I did not know, a man and two women.
This was where Brooke's crew hung out. The last time I saw her, she asked me to stop the investigation of William Faith. Tonight, we would talk. But not about that.
And this time I wouldn't be arresting anyone. Not even Cody.
Someone noticed me because as I approached the group I heard the woman in a black dress speak.
"Wrong people Brooke?" she asked.
Another woman, this one in green, turned to glance in my direction then turned back to the others. As I walked to the center of the room, she nodded in a polite way. "Ma'am."
"Evening Major," greeted Dex.
Cody Winterwolf simply eyed me and said nothing.
"Good evening," I called, addressing the crowd.
"Pepper..." said Brooke.
"Hello Brooke," I replied.
She smiled a bit. "It's been a long time. How's the Core? Still making us out to be bloodlusting criminals?"
The Woman in Green muttered, "We ain't?"
I was non-committal. "Well, the Core is still there... I've been far afield though."
Cody Winterwolf cocked his head.

The Woman in Green nonchalantly took a few steps to the side uncertainly, blocking my line of sight to the other woman. This one was brave, protective of others. Make a note of that.
"That would be good," I said answering Brooke.
I glanced around the room for a table then followed Brooke to the L-shaped sofa. It was worn and soft like an old leather shoe. I sat down heavily and sank into the couch.
The Woman in the Black Dress stood quietly, trying to blend with the scenery.
Cody Winterwolf frowned then grumbled, "I need some air..."
"Cody ..." Brooke started then let him leave.
She turned to me, "You ever thought about wearing something other than your uniform? Get people a bit riled up..." She just looked at me and stayed standing.
I exhaled with a smile. "Then how would people recognize me?"
Brooke smiled a little. "Your pretty face?"
I chuckled.
The Woman in Green however muttered something under her breath that sounded like 'the stench.'

"Go on," I prompted.
Dex paid close attention.
Brooke sighed. "Well, there's been some rumors that the refugees from the recent attacks, well. That they disappeared."
The Woman in Green arched an eyebrow, but remained silent.
"I've heard that too," I said. Something I had read in CNS a couple of months ago. "Anything of substance?"
Brooke continued. "Seems that there are a few that believe they were taken by some factions of the Alliance. Not the .... official parts of course."
The Woman in Green frowned. "Loyalists?" The word burst from her like a curse.
I thought otherwise and said as much.
"Either way," mediated Brooke "Some have been sold for slaves, others for experiments. I have a source who has been trying to track them all down ... but ... he needs help."
I nodded.
"You have your ways ..." added Brooke.
The Woman in Green scowled darkly, looking away, her brow knitted in anger.
"Tell your source to contact me," I offered, "or he or she can go through you."
Brooke looked at the others. My presence was clearly not adding to the general comfort level of the environment.
"I'll do that," she said "I want to help those people..." She gave a little smile then glanced at the Woman in Green. "I know you can trust us to do what we can to help you, as long as you help us."
Dex Argent looked cool and relaxed.
The Woman in Green shook her head at apparently nothing. The Woman in the Black Dress glanced at her.
"Any idea how many missing?" I asked.
"The number is an estimate," answered Brooke, "From a couple hundred to a couple thousand. No one really knows. Many lost their families, so no one is looking for them."
The man I did not know, a new crewman it seemed, crossed his arms and listened along.
"All from Shadow?" I asked.
"Some from Caliban a few from other worlds," replied Brooke.
"What worlds?" interrupted the Woman in Green.
Brooke continued, "There are even rumors this has been going on long enough some are from Blackburne."
"That was no rumour..." I stated.
There was a growl from the Woman in Green. Her eyes flared open.
"I found the evidence," I continued. "I've been after who was responsible for months."
Brooke frowned. "Then you have an idea?"
The Woman in Green spoke, "Name, pur...Ma'am? I just need a name."
I turned to her, "I can't pin it to one person...but I'd say it was likely an organized ring."
"Well," said Brooke, "if you need any help from us.. . we're here. Unofficially of course."
I nodded and gave a tight little smile. "It may come to that," I said.
The Woman in Green's gaze jumps back and forth between Brooke and me. "Lemme know what I can do t' help." Her words were very clear and enunciated, even with her dialect.
I gave them more. "There is a ring of organ harvesters..."
Brooke winced. "What? I .... My god. People no, no limit."
Dex took a step back and nearly fell as he tripped on a shoelace. He caught himself with difficulty and asked, "Organ harvesters?"
"...Ardra Aurotharius is one name that keeps cropping up... but I can't prove it." I continued.
"I can see if any of my contacts have heard of him," said Brooke "This Ardra... what circles he run in?"
"Blackburne's.... was... my home," the Woman in Green frowned.
"Well that's the thing about Ardra," I replied, "She seems to run solo."

I looked at him.
"Yes Dex.... how did you know?" I asked.
He shrugged. "I have business in Al Raqis. The rumor mill runs smoothly there. This so-called person has a presence there."
Brooke blinked. "You mean there's a organ harvester on Al Raqis?"
The Woman in Green signaled to Brooke, nodded to the others and walked from the building, her anger swelling to rage.
"Aurotharius is there," said Dex "Dunno if it... he deals in body parts."
Brooke shivered. "Not sure what's worse .. being a slave or being body parts for some rich bastard who spiced himself almost to death."
"Ardra is in the transshipment business at least," I continued. "Also keep your ears open for the name Mercedes Celestalis...."
"Yeah," replied Dex, "Heard that one, too."
"...she works for the Umbrella Corporation," I finished.
"Mercedes," mused Brooke, "heard the name I think ...." she shook her head. "Though not sure where. Umbrella... what do they do?"
"Well, on paper it's called research." I said nothing of the reanimation experiments.
"The one that Lily and Kitten were all heated up about," said Dex.
"You think that's where the bodies are going?" asked Brooke.
"A link in the chain." That was safe to say.
Brooke raised an eyebrow. "They make kitten..." she then made a little circle by her temple.
"Kitten is... special," added Dex.
"Tell me about Kitten," I began.
From outside, standing near a window, Cody Winterwolf growled.
"Nothing about Kitten," said Dex "She just gets all excited about things she hears."
Brooke looked at Cody's window then back at me. "It's ... yeah."
I pulled a face, "Right. Then why did Winterwolf growl?"
Brooke just gave a little nod. "Uhm, right, he was clearing his throat." She then shook her head. "Let it go Pepper."
I let it go.
She rubbed the back of her neck. "How is the investigation against Faith going?"
"Well I have some good news for you and your crew," I said.
Brooke smiled. "We could use good news..."
"It seems the story checked out about the obsidian. Your people are in the clear."
I didn't tell her that it was Sentry's testimony that cleared her crew or the fact that the father of her children was now implicated in trying to frame them.
Brooke let out a sigh of relief. "Well, that's good. Though you knew it all along. I'm not into drugs, neither are any of my crew. We wouldn't do that..."
There were smiles all around this time. Relieved, the new crewman wandered off to check on the ship.

"I've heard of him," I said, "Claims to be connected with Intel."
Brooke nodded. "Though with their lack of uniforms and manners, I'd be surprised. We both know Sanders was Intel.... he never went around taking hammers to knees...."
"He seems to think he can get 'Intel' by working over women," said Dex.
"Yes, that's not Intel," I had to agree.
Dex nodded. "That's assault, plain and simple."
Cody muttered from his window, "Huen dahn..."
Brooke Rhea nodded. "Just wanting to make sure he had no 'official' premise. So I'd be self defense to shoot the bastard next time."
"Just in case he runs afoul of someone he can't handle, if you know what I mean," added Dex.
"He's no Alliance that I know of," I said. Not part of my command chain at least.
Brooke smiled. "Thanks..." She gave a nod. "I'd say drop by sometime and see the twins .. but ... " She just shrugged.
"But what?" I asked. Was there something she wasn't telling me? Were the children okay?
"But... no." said Dex.
Brooke Rhea looks back at Dex. "We should have a meeting at Eavesdown. I ... I'll be sure to let my contact know how to get a hold of you."
"How are the little ones?" I asked delicately.
Brooke Rhea smiled a bit. "They're fine. Cute lovable monsters."
I smiled in response. They're okay then.
"Dex is wonderful with them..." she added. "Couldn't ask for a better Daddy."
Dex Argent looked at her and then smiled. I smiled at them both. Lots of smiles tonight.
I got up from the sofa, a little stiff.
"So, you okay?" asked Brooke noticing the movement. "Haven't had any problems ...?"

"You get in a fight?" she asked.
"No, just a little problem in transit." I brushed off the question.
Brooke raised an eyebrow. "What kind of problem?" she pressed.
Instead I answered, "I've been out in the Halo looking for someone..."
Brooke tilted her head. "Anyone I know?" A pilot of her calibre, I wish she had been with me.
"A research vessel from Albion....missing a while back."
Suddenly, I had a thought. "There might be some salvage there," I suggested, "for a good crew."
Brooke raised an eyebrow then nodded towards Cody's window. "Cody is our salvage expert."
"Oh?" I asked "Much experience?"
"He has lots." Brooke smiled. "All legal of course," she added.
"Hey, it's salvage..." I said with a shrug. Would that life was so simple that the worst thing I had to deal with was illegal salvage.
"Well, you all stay safe," I said.
"Thank you, Pepper..." replied Brooke.
Dex nodded. "We try. Uphill battle, sometimes, but we try."
"And you take care of yourself," added Brooke, "Keep me informed."
"Tell your contact to get in touch... or like I said pass the info through you if they are skittish." I added in an undertone, "Nasty business, slavers."
Brooke Rhea nodded a bit. "I understand. And I will take care of it..."
Dex grumbled something unintelligible.
"Did they give you anything that might help me get started on it?" I inquired.
Brooke shook her head. "I'm afraid not. Just that they have camps on various planets. But once I have more direct info.. I'll pass it along."
"Good," I said with some finality, "Okay ... see you later."
"Fly safe, Major." said Dex.
"Thank you Dex," I replied and I made my way out the door.
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