"A good companion shortens the longest road." a proverb
The landing pad at Splintered Rock was abuzz with activity. Several new ships were perched amid stacked cargo crates. People paced about with purpose.
I paused to watch the activity. It was somehow comforting to watch people simply going about with their lives.
Ardra's ship had been spotted here, and, while I couldn't be sure the craft was still in orbit, I had returned to Al Raqis to conduct a little reconnaissance.
I turned and made my way to the old town passing by the old ex-miner dozing lightly at the corner of the marketplace.
There have been some changes since my last visit to this system. In that short time, Zenobia was recognized by the government of Al Raqis as a Noble House. As a result, the ruling class of my homeworld was awarded the use of several buildings and warehousing facilities in exchange for active participation in local affairs. The modest embassy we had maintained up to this point was converted into guest houses for visiting dignitaries, diplomats, traders, scientists and the like.
Along with this sudden bounty, was a further dramatic rise to the corridors of power by a certain Jai Raghilda.
It made sense of course. Here was a woman whose drive and charisma single handedly spread the trade association network throughout the 34 Tauri system. No small wonder that she would be tapped first to be the Ambassador here, and then Consulari once our holdings here constituted a formal administrative district.
This would have been an agreeable selection for members on both sides of the Zenobian political spectrum. She was the darling of the Trading Bloc with a history of lucrative contracts that had padded the pockets of the Old Money families.
She made them rich.
And as for the Military Faction, it didn't matter that Ms. Raghilda had some loose associations with known Browncoat sympathizers. They would have recognized her talents as a strong negotiator who, once established in the Mu Draconis system, would help consolidate a diversification of the power base and serve any, shall we say, expansionist inclinations.
She made them powerful.
As Otto Von Bismarck put it, "Politics is not a science, as the professors are apt to suppose. It is an art." And Consulari Raghilda, who by her own admission was 'a better business woman' than a pilot, had an artistic touch.

I approached them, admiring the vehicle even as I circled it.
"Hello, Major," greeted Tillery Woodhen.
"Major," said Consulari Raghilda.
I returned the greeting. "Hello Mr. Woodhen. Consulari Raghilda."
Turning towards the third person, a Companion, I nodded politely, "Ma'am."
"Major," began the Consulari, "have you met Calina Tereshchenko?"
Calina Tereshchenko bowed her head. "Major. A pleasure to meet you," offering a polite, kind smile.
"I have seen you once," I admitted, "in the crowd the night someone tried to bomb the CNS offices." I smiled warmly, a contrast to the events of that fateful night.
Consulari Raghilda made the formal introduction, "Major Pepper Siamendes, United Alliance of Planets Special Investigations Unit, this is Calina Tereshchenko of the Companions' Guild."
"My pleasure," I replied.
"Major," began the official, "Calina was telling me about some people claiming to be UAP were lurking in front of the Companion House during an event. Their manner did not sound like any of your people."
I frowned, "That's distressing..."
The Companion nodded, "Unfortunately, I did not get their names but could describe them. The man was the only one who spoke. Tall-ish, brown hair. Both were wearing masks...."
Ms. Tereshchenko went on to describe other pertinent details.
"Were they in uniform?" I asked.
"They were dressed all in black," she answered.
"Black," I repeated.
Calina Tereshchenko nodded.
"You would be able to identify them if you saw them again?" inquired the Consulari.
"Yes, I would," replied the Companion, "He was making all sorts of notes in a notebook. He knows who I am. When he questioned me, I offered to meet them here for a retinal scan but he declined."
Tillery excused himself, "I need to move on. Though I would like to hear about these people at another time."
We bid him farewell, with the Consulari promising to take a closer look at his new product, evidently the vehicle.

Once Tillery had departed, we resumed our conversation.
"You were saying?" I prompted.
The Companion continued, "Anyway, they were hanging around the Guild House during our recent class. Making notes of who attended, descriptions...."
"And they said they were UAP," I clarified.
"...The Priestess sent me out to offer them water," she finished.
"How odd..." I remarked. "We have no authority in Al Raqis."
"Yes," she said answering my question, "they said they were making the 'Verse safe..."
"Hmm, this is a bit past the 'Verse," declared the Consulari, "Bad geography."
"I'm sure the Magistrate will have issue with them," I said.
"To me," Calina offered her theory,"it reads more like a cover. They were trying to sound like a believer, someone who supports the actions of the UAP... but it was a cover. It did not feel right."
"What was the name of the fellow they were asking you about?" inquired Consulari Raghilda.
"Naib," answered the Companion.
The Consulari knew whom she meant. "Heavily robed chap, all in white."
Ms. Tereshchenko returned to the manner in which she had been treated. "He went so far as to imply that I was hindering his investigation by not providing more than the name."
"Well," I said "I know of no such operation in this area." Of course, I would not discuss the matter even if I did.
"I had other reports of supposed UAP hassling people," added the official. "Sounds like the same people."
Calina Tereshchenko nodded her head thoughtfully.
I did not reply.
Consurali Raghilda continued, "I will get a chance to speak with Constable Werribee tomorrow. Coffee jogs his memory...."
Ms. Tereshchenko chuckled in a good natured way.
"...and my willingness to take actions that reduce his paperwork," finished the official.
Ms. Tereshchenko contributed, "The Priestess did speak with him about the incident... do not know what came of the conversation, though."
"Thank you for informing me," I said with some closure. "I will pass the information on to my superiors."
"I will be able to find out where they stay locally," remarked the Consulari. "Let people with bonafides do the rest."

"We try to keep busy," she replied. "We are using this as our transhipment point to the outer systems."
"Excellent," I smiled. Tomorrow, the stars.
She listed off a number of systems and worlds. "Deshima, Eriadu, Dechau, Delphi, Pulse... New Zion. I have been to New Zion, but I have not looked for the Faith Holdings."
"A powerful family," I added.
"One of the more expanding groups," she said and then listed some of the big players. "Tri-V, Faith, Pod, CNS."
The Companion chipped in, "They will be difficult to find any one office in that complex. It is very sterile... easy to get lost." She spoke of New Zion.
"I have met Commander Faith and his sister," I began, "but have yet to meet the General himself."
"Sedrick," said the Consulari.
"Yes," I confirmed.
She continued, "I met him at the Trader's Ball briefly. Commander Faith goes there frequently, more so than home to Persephone I think."
"I would think," I said. William took a risk every time he returned to the Core.
"As the Commander has mentioned to me, Persephone is his father's home... not his," remarked the Companion.
"Calina has a friendly relationship with the Commander," explained Consulari Raghilda.
I smiled and nodded, "Very nice. I know his wife." I delicately avoided the topic of my investigation of her friend.
"Is the assault on Captain Rhea one of your files?" asked the official.
I raised an eyebrow. "I couldn't say at this point," I remarked noncommittally.
"I understand that." she replied. "In a related topic, do you have police powers inside of the embassy itself?"
"Well," I said, "Zenobia is Alliance ...so in that sense, yes... but my understanding is that the Aegis would be handling security as such."
I noticed the heat.
"Might we head indoors?" I said suddenly, "I usually dress for the desert when I am here." I felt conscious of the water loss.
"I will speak with the Chief Magistrate and get clarification," said the Consulari as she turned to lead us to shelter from the heat.
"Thank you," I replied and we headed towards the main building.
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