"Actions are visible, though motives are secret." - Samuel Johnson

It was two days since Consulari Raghilda and I made our fly past of Ardra's heighliner. In the meantime, I had sent my report to the Colonel detailing my progress and making a request for information. I awaited his reply.
I now had some time to walk around. See the sights. Meet the people.
I had to be seen and to be seen leaving the planet.

A loose stone in the rock face near the market opened up to a tunnel which in turn led to a gap in the hills that arced around behind the landing area to the Citadel itself. It would make a fine escape route from the Citadel as one can reach the path by hopping down from a low window.

We exchanged pleasantries. Talked about the heat. I invited them back to the Auxilary Building for coffee and fruit from homeworld.
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the room.
The woman looked at her clumsy paws and muttered "Umm, hope do it right."
"So..." said the man as he stretched a bit "What you do in this huge sandbox, if I may ask?"
"Myself? or the House?" I asked.
"Umm.. the people who live here, ya," he clarified.
I explained how spice was mined in the desert, how it was refined and sold.
The woman sipped her coffee a bit and breathed in the aroma "Ummm, it tastes good."
"It's likely the spice," I added, "It gets into everything."
The man nodded. "Ahhh, good coffee is the base of the civilization," he snickered.
"And so where are you from?" I asked.
The woman looked at the man then answered, "Good question."
The man replied, "We travelled around and came from the outer Rim, ya knows?"
"Yes of course." I excused their answer, "I travel a great deal."
He continued, "Soo... we deal a bit here and there, ya knows and that brought us here too, I guess."
It was my turn to nod. "I hail from Zenobia myself... the planet Albion in the White Sun system."
I could see that made no sense.
"We are the core planet between Persephone and Ariel," I explained. "So yes, that makes us Alliance."
The man sipped his coffee until his cup was empty and put it back on the table.
The usual reaction, I thought. Alliance in the room? Drink and run.
"Well, I hope you enjoy your stay on Al Raqis," I added pleasantly, thinking we were done.
The man smiled, a bit nervous perhaps, but he didn't comment.
The woman was gracious. "By now is being amazing," she said.
"Yes, it's a nice place," the man added quickly.
I smiled warmly.

The woman smiled naughtily, but did not reply. Smugglers perhaps?
"...because there is good money to be made in selling water here," I added.
"Umm..." the man glanced over to the woman, "Traders wud be a fine term, ya. I am Fred and this is Bets, by the way." He offered me his hand, more of a paw actually.
Bets offered her paw too, "Sorry...I might intru-duce myself..."
Fred perked up his ears "Watah? suuuure..." he mused.
I extended my hand, "I'm Major Pepper Siamendes. Pleased to meet you both."
"...and you pay watah wiff spice I assume?" Fred canted his head to one side.
"Well some would," I delivered the punchline, "Zenobians tend to deal in gold and coffee."
"Not tuna, I fear?" he chuckled a bit.
"Our Consulari here....Jai Raghilda.... she would be the one to arrange any dealings with." I chuckled, "No tuna around here I am afraid. Myself, I'm interested in information."
Bets muttered, "Gold ........" She was a thoughtful one.
"Info?" asked Fred, "ummm.... like what for example?"
I began with the usual.
"I'm interested in any information concerning a person going by the name of Ardra..."
Bets repeated the name "Ardra..Ardra.....it doesn't tell me nothing...sorry."
I went on. "She is a suspect in the theft of some of our national treasures."
Bets shook her head, "I see..." It still meant nothing.
"To me neither," said Fred, "but we hafs sensitive ears, ya knows?" he smiled.
"And with some motivation even better," Bets added with a grin.
"Well if you do hear of anything, you can reach me through House Zenobia," I explained.
They agreed to do so and I thanked them.
"And for your trouble...is there something that you are looking for?" I inquired.
Fred turned to his companion, "Hmm... what do you say, babe? we need sumfink in particular?"
She smiled and shook her head, "No babe, we just came here to look for adventure, and we got it, that's enough for me"
Fred turned back to me. "So, gold always is interesting," he remarked, "It's SHINY, ya knows?"
Bets laughed "ya, shiny....."
I offered the couple a gold coin each. A Meletos Stamp Gold Slater.
Bets reached for the coin and then bit it. Looking at Fred she reported, "It iz good babe....wow."
She smiled and said, "Thank you very much."
"Thank you both," I said politely.
Fred examined and sniffled at the coin and looks then at me once more, "But we cannot pay you info right know. so.." He put the coin on the counter.
The woman had other ideas.
She slid a paw inside a pocket and brought out a small bag. She put the coin into the bag and then slipped it back into her pocket again. "It will be safe there," she mused.
I smiled.
"So, we'll come back on this when we obtained the info you need," he tapped the coin.
"Thank you," I replied.
Bets looks at Fred and pouted. "Should I give her back my coin..?" she asked with a shrug.
"I don't want you to feel under obligation," I added hastily.
Fred did not reply. Instead he reached out for another coffee meowing content about the taste. When he replaced the cup, it hid his coin from view.

"Like I said, you can reach me here..... Major Pepper Siamendes, Special Investigations Unit, Alliance Military."
Bets looked down, wiggling her tail, and slowly raised her head until she found my face and focused on it.
I smiled gently.
Fred wrapped a paw around his companion's hip and said, "Sooo... thank you for being such a good host. I fear we hold you off from important stuff and so we wud excuse ourselves,I thi'k'n."
Bets nodded at Fred and turned to me. "Thank you fo' your attention," she said with a smile.
I tapped my lips in thought, "I am also interesting in finding Ardra's father.... a scientist...."
"We keep the father in mind too," said Fred, "Just one question: you have any idea where we cud start searching?"
Bets rubbed her nose, "And.....how do they look Pepper? I mean if there are some characteristics that could help us to discover about them."
I began, "The father I do not know where he is...."
"Oki, that will find," answered Fred.
"...Ardra's ship was spotted in Splintered Rock but also over Vortex..."
"Okaaays, thatz a clue," he exclaimed.
"...Ardra has had mechanical modifications in Insilico..."
"Umm, Insilico," remarked Bets, "we know that place."
I nodded, "Be careful .. she is dangerous."
"Insilico, huh?" Fred turned to Bets "I wanted to go there with you also. Seems we can combine that," He turned back to me, "... aaaaaand it's about info, right? or you want her head?"
"Just info," I said firmly.
"So all is peachy," he smiled.
"Here is a photo. It is not great..." I handed them a copy of the picture of Ardra standing with her metal wings out spread, on top of my ship in orbit over Zenobia.
Bets turned to Fred and poked him "Her head?" she cried and she laughed at his bravado.
"She has had so many cybernetic modifications ...I'm not sure she has a head anymore," I explained truthfully. I shrugged and added, "Just be careful."
Fred snickered, "Makes it even easier to spot her."
"Good hunting to you," I said in closing.
Bets winked at me, "We will be in touch."
"Good," I replied with a smile.
Fred tipped two fingers at his forehead "Fanks, Major" and turns to the door. "You walk on safe paws too."
Bets followed him and shook her paw with energy, "Safe paths Major."
"Thank you," I said and watched them depart.
I had no idea if I would see the couple again. They might never come across Ardra or her father. They might have second thoughts about helping me. It didn't matter really. The money I offered was seed money. Sometimes it grows to fruition, sometimes it does not.
I began to clean up the coffee machine.
If they did find Ardra, information was all I wanted. I knew where Ardra's ship was here over Al Raqis. I wanted to know about her other haunts in case she left orbit anytime soon. The more folks I had watching the backdoor the better it was for my plans.
I quickly washed the woman's cup.
And, if they found Ardra's father then so much the better. It was a long shot though. He has been missing for years.
I moved the man's cup and stared at the empty counter. Fred had taken the other gold coin after all.