Under escort, I approached the cell where BriAria was being held, when Ardra initiated contact. I was signaled on my Cortex by the receipt of a quantity of water.
"The Faiths made their guest list poorly," she began out of nowhere.
I swear, sometimes it was like talking to the Oracle of Delphi.
"Indeed," I acknowledged, signaling the guard to wait a moment.
"Did you get the seismic data I requested?" she asked.
I had not.
She continued regardless. "There has been a development with the Synthcat."
"Go on," I said.
"It would appear that the program is operating within the Synthcat and is capable of communicating."
"In general?" I asked.
"With her and in certain cases with me."
Uh oh, I thought. Ardra with a pipeline to the Deputy. Then again, they could simply drive each other mad.
"What could it mean?" I prompted.
"It means that I am going to keep the program inside the Synthcat for the time being."
I saw that coming. "Okay," I said.
"I am fair-minded," she declared, "I will find some other equitable exchange for the reliques. The unencrypted database on the computer CATZ smuggled off Zenobia would be sufficient. I don't think the Turing Replicant has decrypted it yet. But......would not the property manager be willing to give it to me?
Wait, I thought. The Trade Association was behind that theft? Or is this another of Ardra's tricks to cause instability back home, like the theft and sale of the relics of themselves?
"What enhancement or inducement can you add?" she asked.
My mind raced through the possibilities, the implications. And Krenshar, 'the Turing Replicant' as she calls him, was decrypting the stolen database?
"Name your price," I said finally.
But by then, I was talking to dead air.
The holding cell where they kept BriAria was a plain affair. No doubt it was a temporary holding facility and they would transfer her later as her trial date grew closer.
Influential friends or not, it spoke to the graciousness of the Magistrate Joan Al Jofar that I was permitted to see her at all.
"Hello BriAria," I began, "My name is Pepper Siamendes. I am a Major with the Alliance Military, Special Investigations Unit."

"It seems you have gotten yourself into some trouble," I added.
She laughed a little, "Just a bit."
I asked her if her UAP citizenship would afford her any protection at all in her current situation.
She looked down. "Well, that may be a problem as I have just been excommunicated from the Companion's guild, and Varahi had all my citizenship papers."
"Excommunicated," I repeated.
She nodded and took a drag on her smoke.
"A good lawyer should be able to get copies issued. Tell me what happened."
BriAria exhaled, "Have you spoken with Cursa?"
"Cursa? the Shepherd?" I asked.
Things fell into place.
"Ah....." I said.
BriAria nodded. "He is my confessor, although I'm not much for prayers." She sat up and snubbed out her cigarette. "what do you need to know?" she asked.
"Tell me what happened on Shadow. You apprehended Mikie Rhiadra."
"Ah... that. Yes, well....." She cleared her throat, stood up and lit another cigarette from the table.
"Yes, on whose orders?"
BriAria scratched her head, "Well, that gets a little tricky.... I'm not really good at taking orders, but who arranged the pickup, is that what you need to know?"
"I would like to know who was in charge. who told you to take Mikie Rhiadra?"
She squinted a little. "And what's in it for me?"
"Okay," I explained flatly, "I'm not here to bargain. Your brother... half brother ... was her control."
She winced, "So he....."
"Tell me about your brother."
"He was using Mikie. gho suh. I didn't know.... I know he's in deep with you," she scowled, "But he didn't hire me."
I cursed inwardly. That would have simplified things.
"I see. What can you tell me about his activities?"
BriAria chuckled a little, bitterly,"You know, why is it nobody's looking at the old man's activities? If Tee's not doing what he's doing for you, for the Alliance.... it has something to do with Sedrick."
She spat out the name.
"Then let's start there," I suggested. I needed to get her talking, then the information would flow of it's own accord.
BriAria waved her hand in the air,"They're all....in the bosom and that shing den ma.... pardon my Chinese."
"Okay... but that doesn't help me stop them." I needed hard facts.
BriAria took a few thoughtful drags on her cigarette. "Tell you what," she began, "You know a fella named Ruzhyo?"
"I think he's some hot shot colonel now or something." she added.
She gave me a steely look."Well, he killed my mother, and I've seen him in Ascot's company... I know there's a connection there."
"Okay. Was the murder proven?"
BriAria laughed bitterly,"Of course not." She enunciated the words, "Casualty of War."
"Where did the murder take place?"
"My family's homestead, which you lot conveniently bombed in a training exercise late in the war. Not likely to find much evidence."
I thought for a moment. "Any survivors?"
"I was told there were none." A sad look came into her eyes.
"Okay," I said, "One step at a time."
BriAria tapped her cigarette over the basin, waiting.

She nodded.
"Have you seen your lawyer?"
"Not yet," she replied "They keep promising."
"And they don't recognize my rank here on Al Raqis."
She nodded again.
"Your brother is guilty of murder... perhaps more and you are saying that his father is also implicated."
"Yeah, we're just a bloodthirsty family, ain't we?" she asked rhetorically.
"We need to keep you alive."
"Yes, I'm on board with that."
"Is the Magistrate honest?" I asked.
"As far as I know... tough though." She rubbed her bruised arm. "Guards too."
"Yes," I acknowledged dryly, "When is the trail?"
"Wednesday, I've been told. They may or may not give me food before then."
I frowned.
"s'okay though," she continued, "They keep me in smokes, curbs the hunger."
I pulled out a flask of water and passed it to her surreptitiously. The guards had search me for weapons but left my water bottle alone. After all, who in their right mind would give water to the damned?
"So what did Cursa say?" I asked.
BriAria took the flask gratefully, and stashed it in the corner of the cell behind a loose rock.
"There are some weapons in the warehouse of Faith Industries. What can you tell me about them?"
She shrugged, "I'm not exactly in the confidence of my brother anymore. Even less than I thought it seems. I'm no help to you there."
"Anything else about the operation on Shadow that you can tell me?"
BriAria paused, "There's another old man.... Wirefly.... had high Alliance connections.... I hear he's gone into hiding though."
"Yes, I believe he is related to the judge."
BriAria sighed "well, he's the one who hired me...so make of that what you will."
"He was the one that instructed you to take Mikie?" I clarified.
"Yes." She smiled crookedly, "You're not gonna make me testify to that are you?"
I shrugged. "I have enough hostile witnesses.." I left unsaid the part about her being on trail for attempted murder.
"If you can think of any information about your brother's activities, details that I can use in court, send me word."
She nodded, pondering. "You're not going to... he's not.... anything he might have done...... it wasn't him."
"Ah I see ... you are sympathetic towards him."
That would not help in the long run.
She blushed and looked down, eyes puzzled. "Maybe."
"Then information about Faith Industries...."
"I'm mad as hell at him, but he's my brother," she explained.
"...about Sedrick's activities." I fished for a place we could cooperate from.
"Yeah, okay... no fondness there," she agreed.
"Proof I can use."
BriAria nodded and took a drag from her cigarette
"Why do you think Cursa thought we should meet?" I asked.
"Well he knows me.... he knows you.... maybe he figures we have some common interest in all this."
Perhaps, I thought.
"If you don't get your lawyer, ask to speak with an ambassador." I thought for a moment. "Jai Raghilda is the Trade Delegate for Zenobia. She might be able to help."
"Demand to have representation," I insisted. "And failing that find out what your options are according to ancient custom."
She nodded.
"I should go. Send word if you have anything."
She nodded again.
I paused.
"And be brave."
"Of course," she replied and then with a laugh added, "Well...I try."
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