"Why do you bend such solemn brows on me? Think you I bear the shears of destiny? Have I commandment on the pulse of life?" - Shakespeare, King John
When Caliban fell, its inhabitants scattered. A large number, including Krenshar Magic and the Replicant Order, fled to Hale's Moon.

It sprawled around the edges and down the sides of a gaping hole in the lunar surface. Cargo containers were scattered about the compound. A greenhouse along the one side. A bank machine. Carbonated beverages.

As I approached the door I saw a figure dart down the ramp away from the building. I followed slowly and caught up with the man at the large elevator.
It was the mechanic that I had observed repairing Krenshar's laboratory on Caliban after the fire set by Lily and Cody.
"Hello again," I said.
"Good day," he replied.
"We met on Caliban," I began, "You were repairing the lab."
"I remember that," answered the mechanic.

"He is currently not around."
"And you.... have you settled here well?" I asked absently.
"As well as can be expected after your home is attacked," he replied.
"I was not informed of your ....eviction until after the fact." That came out wrong.
I continued. "Please tell Mr. Krenshar that I was looking for him... just to talk."
"Very well," replied the mechanic, "Your presence has been noted."
I nodded and walked away. There was really nothing else to say.
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