"The intense horror of nightmare came over me: I tried to draw back my arm, but the hand clung to it, and a most melancholy voice sobbed, 'Let me in—let me in!' 'Who are you?' I asked, struggling, meanwhile, to disengage myself." - Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights

A Watcher Drone took this photograph of Ardra demonstrating that she knows where I sleep.
She moored her ship on top of mine too. I hope that isn't going to leave a mark.
While I did not know where Ardra slept, or even if she slept, I did know where she had at least some of her modifications done.
November 27.
It was just over a month ago. Shadow was still sunny and green. Zenobia was under a lockdown after the attack on Londinium. Military control was well on the way to being established and I had an opportunity to slip away for a little background research.
The Colonel told me that Ardra had chosen to become modified, that she was displeased with the results. He named a planet far from Alliance control where she had had her work done, and it was to there that I traveled.

The air was heavy and, at times, I had difficulty moving.
I made made my way through the dark, wet streets of this floating city.

What feelings stirred within her as she beheld them?
Was this rain, the last rain that kissed her human cheek before she began walking the cold path of cybernetics?

Here, she had stopped being what she was.
Here, she had taken the path to become what she is now.
Leaving her heart at home ....and kidneys ...and teeth.
Machine and human.
Thumbing her nose at death.
Body parts, nothing but cargo.
I opened a bag of spice, raw spice that I had mined from the desert at Splintered Rock, and I placed it to my nose and mouth.
My enemy. Myself.
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