Sweet bread, fresh and warm from the oven. A jam made from red little berries with a sweet refreshing juice and a pleasant lemony after taste. All washed down with spiced coffee.

"Well...." I smiled.
Brooke gave a little laugh. "Fancy seeing you here..."
"Hmm," added Dex, "I was about to say..."
"I was just visiting a prisoner," I replied, "It seems that's my life these days."
Dex raised an eyebrow and Brooke asked, "Who were you visiting?"
I brushed off the question. "I can tell you later. This is a dangerous place for you to be." I looked at Dex.
Brooke smiled, "Perhaps .... Faiths run things around here. But, I don't think it should be a problem..." She then gave a nod. "I have much to tell you, there a place around her we can get a cool drink?"

"You have a place here?" Brooke sounded surprised.
"Out in the desert, but for all I know the sand has taken it back." I had been away so long it seemed.
Brooke nodded, "I heard there was a Companion house around here somewhere. They would most likely have a good place to rest. Do you know of a good place Dex?"
"The Oasis is nearby," he answered.
"Lead on," I said.
The Oasis was a cute little tavern in an ideal spot near the courthouse. This place was probably hopping with paralegals over the lunch hour. It was deserted this time of the day.
Brooke looked and apparently satisfied that we were alone began, "We have much to discuss. I take it you heard about the incident last night?"
"Bri tried to stab the Faith Senior," I said.
"Well... she did succeed in poisioning him," she sighed.
"Poison was it? Why did I think knife?" I mused.
"Bri has... problems relating to her family," explained Dex, "At least she didn't try to steal my sidearm to do it this time."
"Well," said Brooke, "I think it's that the Faiths are not her family. From what I know, Faith Senior had an affair with her mother, which is how William was born."
I saw a figure pass by the window of the tavern and without a word to Brooke or Dex I slipped out into the street. A woman walked away wearing the robes of a desert traveller.
I returned to the tavern.
Brooke Rhea looked over at Dex and took his hand. "Your wife betraying you wasn't your fault...and I won't do that to you. I swear that to you." She shook her head. "I'm not her..."
Noticing me, Brooke gave a little cough and said "As I said, we have much to discuss."
I resumed my place standing near the bar, but kept one eye to the window.

"Brazen," I continued, "I thought she was a friend of yours.
Dex snorted. "Like a rattlesnake. "
"Did you work for her Dex?"
"Not I," he replied "I met her once in Prosperity."
"Cursa did but after the attack on Shadow she fired him," Brooke laughed. "And she's anything but a friend. She hates me."
"Well, Bri will need a lawyer," I stated.
Dex looked glum. "I can't help but think the verdict has already been reached."
"Do you know of anyone?" Brooke asked.
"Not out here.... they don't recognize my credentials, but maybe she can get help through a consulate."
"Oh, better and better..." grumbled Dex.
"All I know is I can't touch it," said Brooke."The magistrate believes I'm here to damage her precious land or make trouble."
"I imagine all the barristers out here are in the Magistrate's pocket, and are beholden to the Houses," said Dex.
Brooke nodded. "I have to agree."
"Then maybe one of the Houses then," I suggested. "Use local politics to your advantage."
"If you can find one that's at odds with House Faith and House Bondar," Dex remarked.
"Who else do you know here?" I asked.
"I have made the acquaintance to Lady Reiko," he replied,"but she hates off-worlders with a passion."
Brooke interjected, "I do know one girl, she's a servant and works in the mines, but very sweet."
"She has given me water and spice." She then bit her lip. "But, I don't think she would have much power either ..."
I whispered "She gave you spice?"
"And... water?" added Dex.
I continued in a quiet voice, "That could get her flogged if I understand the way things work around here. Who is she a servant for? which House?"
"I'm not sure," answered Brooke, "But I met her not too long ago. Her family is apparently paid back home. But I don't know if that is true." She sighed. "Either way, she doesn't have the means to help in this."
"No, but at this point you have to explore all options," I said abstractly.

Brooke beamed. "Twins. Kiah and Calius."
"Kiah and Calius," I repeated, smiling broadly.
Brooke nodded. "They are with a Companion at the moment. They are apparently trained to do child rearing as well." She laughed slightly.
Dex managed a smile in spite of the cloud of gloom he's sitting under.
"Was it an easy delivery?" I asked.
Brooke laughed, "I have nothing to compare it to, but it hurt worse than the time I got stuck in that airspace upside down."
I laughed with her. "How much did they weigh? Oh, listen to me..." I chuckled. Auntie Pepper.
Dex interrupted "Tell me... Why is it dangerous for us to be here? You gave me such a look..."
Brooke and I ignored him for the moment, enjoying our little piece of the way things should be. Brooke smiled "They were about 6 pounds each...Uhm... Kiah was 5.9 and Calius 6.2"
"Aww, baby pictures next time," I insisted with a smile.
I turned to face to Dex, "Well, just being on the same world as William is enough..and you said yourself that justice may be lacking here too."
"He could have taken his shot earlier, but didn't." he countered.
"And why do you think that is Dex?" I asked.
Brooke bit her lip. "That's another thing, Pepper ... I saw Tee ... two days ago.." She looked down. "He's ... not doing well."
"What do you mean?"
"He fainted while I was there..." She sighed. "Willie begged me to come. I ... I ... he's a shell of a man..."
I frowned, "Don't be fooled by him Brooke."
"I'm not fooled Pepper ... he couldn't have faked what I saw ...." She then shook her head. "He needs help.... not to be executed..."
I said nothing. Dex went all stone faced.
"And what kind of help does he need?" I asked carefully, not liking where this was going at all.
"Rehabilitation... He needs someone to make him less sick ... He needs help for all the horror he's seen.." She sighed. "Pepper ... don't keep up this investigation..."
My eyes grew wide.
Dex looked at Brooke, aghast.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was stunned, fearful for her safety, and horrified as I felt her support slipping away. Where was the woman that asked me to 'keep them from destroying the rest of us'?
But deep down inside, in that dark place that doesn't care, a whisper: Too late, I have his scent.
"It's a ploy to get your children, Brooke," was all I said.
"I wouldn't let him have them...." she declared.
"What I want to know is," pressed Dex,"What the deal with Old Man Faith and his penchant for kidnapping... a hobby he appears to have passed on to his son."
"What can you tell me about the old man?" I asked. Babies behind us. Business again.
"Just that he appears to have taken BriAria's son," continued Dex. "At least that's what she was going on about a few nights ago."
"Her son?" I asked.
Dex nodded. "That's what I said. Granted Bri is a bit... off kilter."
Brooke looked at Dex. "I didn't hear about this...."
Dex continued, "That night at the shindig when Brazen was allegedly trying to stop her from murdering the old guy on the spot."
"well don't be fooled by him Brooke...by William I mean."
Dex cursed the whole Faith family.
"He'll have his chance to make his case before a Military Tribunal," I said firmly.
"Assuming you can get him off this rock," added Dex.
"Yes," I replied.
That, of course, was the sticking point.